Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 261 I Can't Get Through Your Cell Phone

Chapter 261 I Can't Get Through Your Cell Phone

When Di Qian and Lin Ziyi had cleaned the library.

School has been dismissed for nearly an hour.

And every time C comes back to pick him up, and the chance of Luo Shu being in the car is generally not very high when picking him up.

"Why don't we go to the basketball court and try?"

Di Qian was betting on the chance that Luoshu would not come, so it didn't matter if he asked C to wait a little longer.

She had long wanted to find some time to compete with Lin Ziyi.

After all, Di Qian is short, but his body is very flexible.

"it is good."

Lin Ziyi originally wanted to find an excuse to keep Di Qian for a drink, but Di Qian proposed to play basketball, so Lin Ziyi naturally would not let go of such an opportunity.

He likes Di Qian very much, otherwise he wouldn't have gone from S high to A high in New York.

However, Di Qian didn't realize at all that Lin Ziyi's feelings for her were the same as Luo Shu's feelings for her.

She just treats Lin Ziyi as a buddy, but Lin Ziyi treats him as someone she likes.

The two walked to the basketball court together, and Lin Zi also warmed up on the basketball court with the ball in his arms.

But Di Qian went to the lounge on the side to change into his jersey.

Otherwise how to play?

Di Qian tied a ponytail, then put on his jersey and sneakers, and ran to the basketball court with a ding ding dong dong.

On the huge basketball court, there were only Di Qian and Lin Ziyi, and Di Qian indicated that Lin Zi, who was holding the basketball, could start.

The two of them stood under a backboard, watching Sui shoot the most basketballs.

The most frequent ones are those who take money and run away when they want to buy water next.

Lin Zi also deliberately gave way to Di Qian, and then the two of them were playing basketball and finally had a conversation, and the first sentence was enough to make Di Qian choke to death.

"I can't get through to your cell phone."


Di Qian wanted to pretend to be dead, but she certainly couldn't say that she wanted to prevent Luo Shu from being overturned, and then blocked you, senior, because of her own half push?

It must not be said that, her mind was not caught by the door.

However, Di Qian just wanted to pretend to be innocent and said in an ignorant tone, "What? I don't know?"

Have you ever called my cell phone?expression.

Lin Ziyi threw in the Nth ball in no time, Di Qian defended and tried to grab the ball, Di Qian's jumping ability was very good, and because Lin Ziyi deliberately released the water.

So it was easier for Di Qian to hold the ball.

Lin Zi also raised his eyebrows, "I really can't get through."

And Di Qian could only continue to lie. At the time, he thought that he would be blacklisted later, but he accidentally forgot about it, so it became the current situation.

"Then I'll go back and see if the phone was automatically blocked."

Di Qian said as if nothing had happened, this is a problem with the phone, not mine.

"Okay, I'll wait for your call when I go back."


Di Qian felt that it was necessary to hide this matter from Luo Shu, otherwise he would definitely be fired.

After a while, Diqian began to sweat profusely, and then called a stop, and stopped playing. It was less than 10 minutes, and he also thought that C might have been waiting a little anxiously.

When I went to the lounge, I took a 5-minute shower, and then bought a bottle of water for Lin Ziyi in the school's supermarket.

After Lin Ziyi took it, the two walked side by side and talked about some things.

The two arrived at the gate of High A.

"How about I see you off?" Lin Zi also pointed to a BMW at the school gate.

(End of this chapter)

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