Chapter 262 Feeling Very Displeased

Di smiled and refused, "My family has a car to pick me up, Senior Yi, no need."

Di Qian saw the low-key luxury Maserati, black.

The emperor smiled.

Lin Zi also followed Di Qian's line of sight to look, and indeed saw it.

"Okay, thank you for the water!" Lin Ziyi felt a little disappointed, but suppressed his disappointment.

"No, senior."

Di smiled slightly, "Then I'll go first!"

Di Qian waved at Lin Ziyi, and then turned towards the two Maseratis. Seeing Di Qian approaching, C got out of the car door, and then opened the door for Di Qian to sit on, but Di Qian saw the dark-faced Luo Shu.

I panicked, but I sat down anyway, and C drove on.

As soon as Di Qian sat in the car, she habitually hugged Di Qian into her arms, and said in a low voice, "Why are you taking a shower?"

But Di Qian looked at Luo Shu in surprise. Also, he should have seen himself walking out with Senior Yi, right?Why don't you ask about this and ask about the bath?
But in the next second, Di Qian reacted, "I went to play basketball. I was sweating all over, so I went to take a shower."

Di Qian knew that Luo Shu was narrow-minded, and he would feel better if he explained what was inside.

"It's a bit late to wait, isn't it?"

Luo Shu buried his head in Di Qian's neck, "It smells bad."

After saying such a pertinent evaluation, well, she really just rushed for comfort.

Luo Shu was silent for a moment, but in the next second he pressed her down forcefully, "Aren't you going to explain to me?"

When Di Qian was pressed on the seat, she realized that Luo Shu wanted to tell him by herself, so she just said, how did she see that she and Yi Xue didn't do anything when they came out today?
It turned out that I wanted to say it myself.

"I just met, and then we played basketball together."

He knew the rest, right? After Luo Shu heard it, there was some mocking tone, "Are you fighting him? Are you sure?"

"What's wrong? Can't you?" Di Qian was a little confused, what does it mean to be sure?

"Are you sure you're not going to be abused? There's no way you can get into the frame!"

Luo Shu told the truth, Lin Ziyi is considered relatively tall, so if Lin Ziyi didn't give up the ball on purpose, how could Di Qian have the chance to get the basketball?

Now robbing a wife and even giving a gun to the school?
Although Luoshu did not prohibit Lin Ziyi from studying in High A, but thinking that his love rival Zai Diqian was in the same school, he really felt uncomfortable.

"Brother Luo, you look down on me!"

Although Di Qian knew that Lin Zi had released the water, he felt very uncomfortable being despised naked.

Then Luo Shu didn't want to continue this topic, got up and hugged Di Qian into his arms again, and still hugged him forcefully, with a domineering tone, "Don't get too close to Lin Ziyi, have I told you? "

Di Qian felt that the tone was a bit strange, so Di Qian smiled dryly, then looked at Luo Shu, "I said so~!"

Di Qian admitted, but Luo Shu bit Di Qian's earlobe viciously, causing Di Qian to gasp a little, "Brother Luo, don't make trouble!"

Then he grabbed Luo Shu's hand.

She also slightly pushed Luo Shu away, not allowing him to tease her again.

"Remember what I told you to keep a safe distance when talking with Lin Ziyi?" What the hell was that close distance just now?And when she finally left, the little princess smiled like a flower.

It's really dazzling.

Di Qian could only comfort his jealous man, "Okay, okay, it's all my fault."

Di Qian said with sincerity on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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