Chapter 418 What is AR-erode3
Di Qian turned her head to look at Luo Shu in astonishment, the fragments of the bowl she was smashed that day, she accidentally cut her finger, but she wanted to tease him to put it in her mouth until it bleeds...

She was trembling in her heart. Fortunately, she didn't do such a stupid thing in the end, but Luo Shu at that time already knew that she was infected with AR-erode...

But he was still willing...but he always thought that he was tired of him...

Di Qian, you are a bastard, Di Qian said softly, "Brother Luo, I'm sorry..."


The old professor said seriously, "AR-erode will have a short incubation period in the human body, but your current incubation period has passed, and now is the second stage, after which the main symptoms are... lethargy, soreness and weakness, and then Accompanied by vomiting, and even need analgesics to relieve the uncontrollable pain..."

Professor Li hasn't talked about the later stage yet, because of the look Luo Shu gave him, I stopped, knowing that I didn't want Di Qian in front of me to know too much...

Di Qian opened his eyes wide in bewilderment.

Lethargy...the retching at breakfast...the severe pain in the it was not what I thought..."It was the AR-erode virus attack at that time.

"But I don't have any pain now..." Di Qian seemed to be dying.

"That's because analgesics are added to your traditional Chinese medicine to relieve your symptoms." The old professor explained.

Di Qian's face turned pale...

"Lucky..." Luo Shu hugged her tightly, his handsome brows furrowed, her hands were extremely cold, as if no matter how hard he covered them, he couldn't warm them.

"Will... die?" Di Qian was silent for a while, but still asked, she wanted to know, but was afraid of knowing the answer she didn't want to hear.

What she wants to hear is that this AR-erode has medicine to follow...

"AR-erode won't kill you immediately, but without an antidote, the average person will endure the pain for about five years, and finally... die without treatment." The old professor could only tell the truth.

She only has five years... In this world, there are no humans, ghosts or ghosts to live in this world for five years...

she don't want...

Don't face yourself like that...

"What will I be like at that time..." Di Qian asked the old professor, she wanted to know clearly, she didn't want to know nothing.

"Miss Di, you have to look forward. Although there is no antidote for AR-erode yet, you have to be more relaxed." The professor saw that Di Qian was so silent now, and he was a bit self-defeating. Of course, he wanted to comfort her...

"I want to know what I will become in the future." Di Qian repeated again and again, Luo Shu and the old professor now know... what Di Qian said was what she would gradually become in the future.

"Tell her." Luo Shu's tone was full of helplessness, and there was a kind of firmness in it, "I won't let anything happen to you." He held Di Qian in his arms.

My warm body is conveying temperature to Di Qian.

"In the middle and late stages of AR-erode, it is impossible for you to have a normal life. In the absence of antidote, in order to prolong your life, you may receive treatment on the hospital bed later."

Diqian knows...that is the last dying struggle...

That is the end of life. For the first time, Di Qian was so afraid of death. For the first time, death was getting closer and closer to him.

"Miss Di, don't be pessimistic. We have the world's top medical team, and we will develop an antidote as soon as possible." The old professor said this only because he wanted to comfort the patient.

The antidote for AR-erode has not been developed so far, and the injectors are very likely to know it...

Therefore, the mastermind behind the injection must be told. Even if there is a clue, it is still a matter of time.

(End of this chapter)

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