Chapter 419 What is AR-erode4
Di Qian told herself to calm down...

But no matter what... she can't calm down... Her heart is full of AR-erode now...

It's all news that I can't bear it for five years, like a bomb, it exploded in my head, and now I'm all confused in my head...

"Then what should I pay attention to?" Di Qian asked, she wanted to ask clearly...

"What is it referring to?"

The old professor asked clearly which aspect it was.

"I need to know exactly how AR-erode is transmitted... and the way of infection." Di Qian already knew the way of infection, but what she needed to know was more specific.

Di Qian flinched and wanted to throw away Luo Shu's hand, but before she could pull it out, Luo Shu held her tightly, not allowing her to let go of her hand.

"Miss Di, don't be overly nervous. Ordinary contact is not a problem. Just pay attention to the infection of the wound. Don't let your blood enter other people's bodies. Just pay attention to it, and you'll be fine."

The old professor told Di Qian about the precautions of AR-erode, and when Di Qian heard this, his nervous heart immediately relaxed.

But I was thinking secretly in my heart, how should I avoid unnecessary contact.

If there are no wounds on your body, this is blood transmission.

"Miss Di must keep her body and mind at ease." The old professor said to Di Qian with a smile, easing Di Qian's psychological pressure.

In fact, it's not so scary, Di Qian thought in his heart.

But while comforting herself, her eyes dimmed. She only has five years, and her body will become weaker and weaker.

And with it a lot of pain...if there is no antidote...

She didn't dare to think backwards... She wanted to be with Luo Shu for the rest of her life.

When the time comes, she will be ugly...she will be dragging her feet...

Will Luo Shu still love herself?

"Where is the bathroom?"

Di Qian stood up abruptly and let go of Luo Shu's hand.

"Take Miss Di." The old professor stood up and pointed to a little girl who had just walked to the door.

"Miss Di, please follow me."

"Thank you." Di Qian lowered his head to look into Luo Shu's dark eyes, forced a smile, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"it is good."

With a low voice, Luo Shu nodded, watched her leaving back, and reached out to touch the center of his brow. Seeing Diqian like this, he felt a little flustered.

She didn't cry or make trouble, but it made him blame himself even more. Why didn't he protect her well?
Why let her suffer such pain.

Such quietness and composure made him even more frightened.

"Don't answer what she's asking for a while." Luo Shu said coldly, commanding overbearingly and without doubt.

Luo Shu had already guessed that Di Qian would come back soon, so he must ask AR-erode clearly, clearly and clearly.

But Luo Shu felt that she didn't need to know about the problems in the later stages of AR-erode.

"Huh?" Old Professor Li was stunned for a moment, "But Miss Di, as a carrier of the AR-erode virus, has the right to know what kind of virus AR-erode really is."

The old professor has his own moral bottom line, but at this moment, Luo Shu has long forgotten these moral norms.

"Do as I say!" Luo Shu slammed his fist on the table angrily.

The old professor was startled.

Luo Shu lowered his eyes, crossed his hands on his chin, his pupils were as black as ink, gloomy and unclear.

Can't let her know, at least... not yet.

Di Qian walked into the bathroom hesitantly, turned on the faucet, and splashed all the water on his face with his hands.

Biting coldness swept over his whole body.

Di Qian raised her head and looked at herself in the mirror, she was hit by AR-erode, but she didn't know what AR-erode was...

She is slowly waiting to die, but what is the difference between that and death?
(End of this chapter)

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