Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 434 You Deserve Nobody Loves You 11

Chapter 434 You Deserve Nobody Loves You 11
"Don't drink it, right? I just happened to be hungry." Li Mengmeng poured all the porridge in her mouth and ate it.

The bitter taste is masked by the strong fragrance, but it is only a mask after all.

She hated the man in front of her to the core.

"I don't have anything to do, I'll go to school first." After Li Mengmeng finished drinking, she put it on the coffee table, ready to turn around.

But his hand was pulled, he turned around, and fell on the bed.

And because Luo Yan had just hung up the liquid just now, if he didn't make such a vigorous movement, the needle inserted in the blood vessel of his arm would also fall off.

And mixed with the outflow of blood...

Li Mengmeng looked at Luo Yan above, and Li Mengmeng uttered words with a blank expression, "If you bully me and hurt me, it will make you feel better, you can enjoy yourself..."

Zhuo Zhuo stared at Li Mengmeng, "Why? Why do you hate me so much? Just touching me makes it hard for you to accept?"

Li Mengmeng smiled, and smiled cruelly at Luo Yan, "Why do you hate you so much? Luo Yan, ask your heart, why do I hate you so much!"

"Also, put away your expression that I hurt you! You know in your heart who is torturing whom..."

"Shut up! I warned you, don't challenge my bottom line!!" Interrupting Li Mengmeng, Luo Yan's breath sprayed all over Li Mengmeng's face, "Li Mengmeng, don't think about leaving me! You are always in my sight, don't think about it What a clever trick! Don't be delusional..."

"Enough! Shut up, Luo Yan!" She closed her eyes, not wanting to look at Luo Yan again, Li Mengmeng refused to answer.

A little discouraged, he let go of Li Mengmeng, Luo Yan stood up irritably, and stood in front of the French window, slamming the glass hard!
But the glass was extremely strong, and Luo Yan was getting angry.

"You have to find the right time to harm yourself!" Li Mengmeng said.Then he got up from the bed, and when the doctor who heard a big movement in the room came in, he saw Luo Yan get up, and also broke free from the liquid needle.

"Lawyer Luo, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yan yelled at him, "Get out!!"


Li Mengmeng turned around and left the room, no longer caring about Luo Yan's expression, "Li Xiaomeng! You sit outside and wait for me!" Luo Yan was so angry that he coughed.

"Lawyer Luo, I'm not as free as you. I'm going to school!"

"Remember to come here at night, otherwise..." Before Luo Yan could finish speaking, Li Mengmeng interrupted him in a deep voice.

"it is good."

With just this word, Luo Yan's lips curved slightly.

"Lawyer Luo, do you still eat the porridge that Ms. Li cooked for you?" Seeing Li Mengmeng rushing out angrily, the assistant was still holding the porridge.It wasn't Li Mengmeng who cooked it, it was just an assistant who lied to Luo Yan.

And Luo Yan had never eaten the rice cooked by Li Mengmeng, and he almost ate it before, but his purpose of approaching her was revealed that night.

Li Mengmeng smashed all the food on the table.


Hearing that the porridge was cooked by Li Mengmeng, Luo Yan's face became more curved, and he stretched out his hand to ask the assistant to take the heat preservation box. Luo Yan replied, "Bring it here, I'm hungry."

And when Li Mengmeng arrived at the lobby of the president's suite, she was filled with unhappiness! Tears were about to fall down again!
She knew that Luo Yan was a person who could do anything by any means! That's why she agreed to come here tonight!
But she is not reconciled!
After watching the assistant come out, he said to the assistant in front of him in a blunt tone, "Tell Luo Yan, I won't come here tonight."

"Don't force me! At worst, we'll be ruined together!"

(End of this chapter)

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