Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 435 Brother Luo, I Miss You 1

Chapter 435 Brother Luo, I Miss You 1
Luo Zhai
Early in the morning, Di Qian was lying on the bed, watching Luo Shu getting dressed vaguely.

He opened his eyes dimly, "Brother Luo..."

When Luo Shu heard Di Qian woke up, he leaned against the bed and kissed her eyebrows, "I'm going to work today, wait for me at home..."


Di Qian opened her mouth slowly, but when Luo Shu tied the quilt up for her and was about to leave, Di Qian grabbed Luo Shu's sleeve and got up suddenly.

He took the initiative to kiss Luo Shu's lips.

And Luo Shu's eyes sank, he clasped the back of her head and responded warmly and gently.


As time went by, Di Qian became more and more uncomfortable.

It has been almost two months now, but Lin Zihuan still hasn't let up.

Now Diqian is suffering more and more pain every day, and she will find it extremely difficult to pick up a cup, but this is not the case often.

Only occasionally, for a moment, such a situation will appear.

Now Di Qian is working with medicine every day, while Luo Shu is exhausted to find the antidote.

For an instant, Di Qian felt...she wanted to give up.

She felt that she could no longer let her dilapidated body trap Luo Shu, and what Luo Shu needed now... was a better person.

Di Qian decided this time that she wants to return to China.

And the kiss this morning was regarded as the last kiss of parting.She won't be coming home either...

Now she wants to find a place where no one can find her and hide herself.

Di Qian, who was sitting on the wicker chair, got up, and then took out his mobile phone to look up the flight from New York to City A in China.

The most recent one is an hour later.

Di Qianshua's hands on the screen wavered, but he still bought the ticket.

It was getting windy outside the Luo residence, so the maid gave Di Qian a fleece coat to wear on her body.

"Thank you."

With a pale face, Di Qian spoke to the maid, then pulled the coat closer with her hand, and then turned towards the lobby of Luo Zhai.

After entering, Luo Shu was not here.

After seeing Di Qian approaching, Aunt Wang hurriedly said to Di Qian, "My little ancestor, it's very cold outside, have you gone out again?"

There is inevitably a sense of reproach in the words.

"I want to go to the Luo family."

Di Qian said to Aunt Wang that she wanted to go to the Luo family, but actually passed by the Luo family to go to the airport.

"Mr. will be back soon, so it's good for Miss Di to wait at home." Aunt Wang is now trying to make Di Qian less tired.

With Di Qian's current state, it feels like it will collapse when the wind blows.

"But I want to go now."

It was the first time that Di Qian insisted, which made Aunt Wang also feel difficult, but Aunt Wang called Luo Shu, and after explaining the situation, Aunt Wang smiled and said to Di Qian, "Miss Di, I'll go prepare the car right away."

"Thank you."


Now Di Qian is already in the car going to the Luo family, but Di Qian is lowering his head, playing with his mobile phone, and sending text messages to Luo Shu.

[Brother Luo, it's getting cold, remember to wear more clothes. ]
And now he was also rushing in the direction of the Luo family. Luo Shu, who was also in the car, saw Di Qian's text message.

[Are you good at home? ]
After Di Qian saw it, the corner of his mouth curled into a smile.

[Well, I am obediently drinking medicine.Brother Luo, I miss you. ]
Luo Shu only left the Luo residence in the morning, and it hasn't been a few hours until now.

Instead of calling, the two were texting and chatting.

After Di Qian arrived at the Luo family, when the driver was about to drive the car into the underground garage, Di Qian saw a little flower seller outside.

(End of this chapter)

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