Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 501 Absolute Love, New Zealand 19

Chapter 501 Absolute Love, New Zealand 19
She is Di Qian!It's the daughter of the emperor's family!Could it be that the Lin family has done less cruel things to her, Di Qian? !
Looking at the hatred in Lin Ziai's eyes, this feeling of imminent death made Di Qian calm down.

But what she is more worried about now is not this...


Worried about whether Luo Shu would come to hear that she had been arrested, she would risk everything to save herself, she could sense something now...

That is, Lin Ziai is here to fight for her life this time, not a very simple role, and Di Qian has nothing to do now, only, she can only stare at Lin Ziai, feeling that she is really about to be strangled to death by her At that time, Di Qian suddenly closed his eyes and smiled coldly.

Seeing that Di Qian was actually smiling, the hatred in Lin Zi'ai's eyes grew stronger, but instead she woke up from the emotion of wanting her to die immediately.

No, I haven't taken her to tomorrow's wedding yet... And even now, Luo Shu hasn't arrived yet, so I can't just let her die so happily!

She asked her to ask for death!You can't even survive! !

Hahaha...Let Luo Shu just watch, and only look at the painful expression of her own woman being raped by lun-, that is her favorite moment of Lin Ziai.


When Lin Ziai thought of this, bursts of happiness passed through her heart.To my heart!Into my most sensitive nerves.

And with this thought, Lin Ziai immediately let go of Di Qian's already pinched neck that was red, Di Qian felt a burning pain in his throat, and felt some blood in his neck.

Di Qian's throat doesn't feel like his own now... as if it was severed by a blade, Di Qian tried hard to cough, but felt as if there was blood in his throat.

Moreover, breathing has become difficult and short. Originally, because of the virus on his body, he was a little weak and panting, but now he has no strength at all.

It is very difficult to breathe vigorously...

And now he doesn't have much strength to breathe, Di Qian's whole body is paralyzed on the chair, panting vigorously.

She wants to live, she can't let Lin Zi love...

But if Lin Ziai hadn't let go in time, it is estimated that his throat would really be cut alive.

Because Lin Zi'ai's strength is very strong, Di Qian is very strenuous.

Resisting the uncomfortable feeling in her throat, she raised her eyes and looked at her. Lin Ziai seemed to be trying to calm down her anger, and kept roaring like a severe neurotic: "No, you can't die! Die!" It’s boring so soon! I still want Luo Shu to see you being raped by lun-I still have to wait for Luo Shu to come here tomorrow! So I have to wait for Luo Shu to come here! I’m going to blow you up!! I’m going to put it here Time bomb! Hahaha... Blow you all to death!! Hahaha... Hahaha... I will let you die without a whole body!! It will be painful when you die!! I will blow you to death !! Blow you to death! You must all die!! What are you?! Bitch! They are all bastards!"

"At worst, the worst result is to die together!! Even if it is death! I will let you die with me! Pain with me!! Eternal life and eternity will be in the [-]th floor of hell!! Hahaha..."

Seeing her like this, there were two emotions of hatred and pity in Di Qian's eyes.

Because she is not the Virgin Mary, she will not be too emotional.

poor person must have something mean.

She moved vigorously, and her jaw also twitched vigorously. Lin Ziai saw that Di Qian wanted to speak, so she just stared at her for a long time, and suddenly stepped forward and taped the seal off her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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