Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 502 His bride is not her 1

Chapter 502 His bride is not her 1
And at this time, Di Qian hadn't eaten yet... and hadn't even drank any water...

Especially, I haven't taken the medicine yet, otherwise the frequency of attacks will become higher and higher...

How to do……

Di Qian secretly tightened her heart, and looked at Lin Ziai with a seemingly calm face.

"Why are you staring at me? Are you unwilling to be slapped in the face? Or is it what I told you? Do you want to be raped by lun?"

"Lin Ziai, stop, it's still too late."

Di said in a hoarse tone, the corners of his mouth were dry and cracked because no one moistened him...

When Lin Ziai heard this, she felt as if she was going mad. She pulled Di Qian's collar, and her face was magnified countless times before Di Qian's eyes, all of which were sarcasm, "Stop now? Miss Di thinks Luo Shu will let go." Pass me?! Stop now so my mother won't be lun-raped, and my father's legs won't be disabled? And my dead brother will be resurrected?!"

"Diqian!! I tell you!! It's too late!! Now I just want you to die!! I just want you to suffer!"

Di Qian's words were as sharp as a knife: "Isn't your sister Lin Zihuan the beginning of all this?!"

"Don't mention that bitch to me! Our Lin family doesn't have such a daughter!!"

Inside Zi Ai's hatred for Lin Zihuan... more obvious...

That woman... Lin Ziai has now hated her to the core, she is not considered a daughter of the Lin family! !They are the Lin family! !There is no such daughter! !

Lin Ziai's hand was still on Di Qian's collar, and she immediately calmed down, like a normal person, without any arrogance just now...

But also very cold...

"Hahaha, Diqian, I have survived till now by relying on the perseverance of hatred."

"You said it's because you hate me that you've lived until now? It's better to say that you would rather destroy the innocence that you keep saying so much than die?! I heard you say too much about these experiences today, but In Lin Ziai, if I really hurt your Lin family on purpose... Then I repent, I accept... But Lin Ziai, and now I am surprised and have a little bit of pity for you... I am emperor, I have nothing at all There is no absolute that you are poor."

"I just think, how... how stupid you are..."

"Do you know why?" Di Qian looked coldly at the murderous intent in Lin Ziai's eyes, without any fear: "I was a victim from the beginning of this incident. You bullied me at school and found someone to humiliate me. I never took it to heart... until the end kidnapped me... until the end, injecting me with AR-erode, aren't you hateful?! Am I not a victim?!"

"Or, shouldn't I have to bear all this? Shouldn't I hate you? And now, you are telling me what happened to you like a crazy woman, your hatred, you want to drink my blood, draw my blood My muscle, shouldn't I do the same thing? Besides, I haven't done it yet... So Lin Ziai, don't you think it's ridiculous?!"

In fact, Di Qian didn't really want to turn over these old accounts, but she also received three slaps...

She had had enough...but she didn't dare to provoke Lin Ziai in front of her...

People under the eaves have to bow their heads...

Lin Ziai just looked at her coldly, neither spoke nor refuted.

Obviously, she knows all these things herself, but she just wants to put all her hatred on Di Qian and Luo Shu.

(End of this chapter)

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