Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 503 His bride is not her 2

Chapter 503 His bride is not her 2
"Hahaha, you can really talk, Di Qian?! I haven't seen you in half a year, and you can talk like this? Why... I just want to put the blame on you, Di Qian... I just hate you! I wish I could kill you immediately You! Why can you take away what our Lin family has been fighting for for more than ten years?! Just because of you?!"

"It makes me want to cut off your flesh inch by inch, constrict your tendons, and drink your blood!!"

Seeing Lin Ziai's bloodthirsty look, Di Qian frowned secretly, but his eyes were gradually looking at the sun that was gradually slanting west outside the window.

"But I think...you won't be trying to contradict me anytime soon..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Di Qian, you will beg me..."

What Lin Ziai was talking about was taking her to the wedding, hahaha, at that time, the expressions of the two of them would look nicer.

"What?..." Di Qian frowned, at this moment he had already heard the subtext in Lin Ziai's mouth.

That is something that is closely related to her.

"I want to know, hehe...you will know tomorrow..."

Lin Ziai yawned, stretched herself, and suddenly felt a little tired, and the time passed quickly, and it was going to be dark again soon.

She never thought that she would stand here talking nonsense with Di Qian for so long.

"Watch her."


Lin Ziai's swaying figure turned around and left, talking to the door pocket bodyguard.

Di Qian is suffering every minute and every second now, the sky is slowly getting dark until it is completely dark...

Di Qian is very restless now... and he is also guessing what Lin Zi's love words mean...

But Di Qian was thinking about it now and couldn't think of it.

She still doesn't know, what Lin Ziai's intention is? !Or in other words, the aggressive method, trying to take something out of his mouth? !

After thinking a lot... I didn't give Di Qian a satisfactory answer.


But now on Luoshu's side, there is one last item for wedding photos, which is the indoor shooting requested by Lin Zihuan.

And Luo Shu didn't want to get too close to Lin Zihuan, and everyone present knew that Luo Shu's expression was very distasteful now, because he forcibly resisted the urge not to kill Lin Zihuan...

At this time, Lin Zihuan was standing on the handrail of the stairs, wearing a wedding dress made by an international master.

Now I'm taking a solo photo...Luo Shu is desperately trying to get the antidote formula...

But originally Lin Zihuan was still smiling on the stairs...

But immediately, the hand on the escalator... fell down with a bang, but his eyes were still looking at Luo Shu not far away, and finally he hit his head heavily towards the stairs.

And when Lin Zihuan fell down, until he rolled down...

In the corridor, there was only a slender figure lying there, with blood stained on its head...and even smeared on the snow-white wedding dress.

Like a very bright red rose...

The colors are bright and gorgeous.

"Boss! Lin Zihuan fell down the stairs."

When Lingo didn’t say anything but emphasized, the audience was still quiet, but when he heard this, there were only a few small commotions left, and it immediately started again...

Lingo was about to go over to have a look, and the bodyguard on the other side immediately went to help Di Qian up, and then someone screamed, "Lin Zihuan seems to be out of breath!"


Lingo looked over in shock, and ran towards Lin Zihuan.

Lin Zihuan can't die now...she is still a very important person...

"Call the doctor! Call the doctor quickly!!" Lingo reacted and hurriedly said, subconsciously looking at Luo Shu's location.

Luo Shu had already rushed over immediately, pushing all those who stood in the way to the ground with a domineering aura.

(End of this chapter)

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