Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 504 His bride is not her 3

Chapter 504 His bride is not her 3
The bodyguards quickly separated the rest of the personnel to make room.

Lingo walked over in astonishment, and saw Luo Shu squatting on the ground, grabbing Lin Zihuan by the collar with a gloomy face and pulling her up from the stairs, gnashing his teeth and shouting, "What's the formula for the antidote?! Tell me!"

Lin Zihuan seemed to have completely lost her vitality, even though Luo Shu grabbed her by the collar, there was no response.

"Stop pretending to be dead! Hand over the recipe! Do you hear that?!" Luo Shu roared angrily.

The bodyguards next to him didn't dare to move around, they also looked at Lin Zihuan, who was fine just now, how could he just fall down!
There was a puddle of blood on the stairs of the corridor, and Lingo also saw the wound on Lin Zihuan's forehead, which was caused by the sharp corner of the stairs when Lin Zihuan rolled down.

Now her forehead is full of blood...

"Boss..." Lingo stepped forward to stop Luo Shu from losing control, "She will suffocate if you do this."

"get out!!"

Luo Shu roared, startling Lingo.

Luo Shu's figure was lingering, shrouded in a layer of haze, staring at Lin Zihuan, holding her head with one hand, no matter whether Lin Zihuan was responding or not, he was really unconscious, "Don't pretend to be dead! Wake me up! What is the formula for the antidote?!"

What he wants now is the formula for the antidote...

And now he is also afraid that Lin Zihuan... really died like this...

But just being shaken by Luo Shu so vigorously... Lin Zihuan still didn't respond...

In the end it was still a reaction.

"Has the doctor you called arrived yet?!" Lingo turned around anxiously and asked the person next to him, but the bodyguard said that he had already used the fastest speed...

But they are not gods, and they didn't bring accompanying doctors, so the doctors came very slowly.At this time, Lingo wanted to give Lin Zihuan some first aid.

Otherwise, I will die at that time...there is really no whereabouts of the antidote formula...

Lingo walked to Luo Shu's side, Luo was still shaking Lin Zihuan's body, not at all the indifference before, still calm, and shouted at her, "If you die, spit out the formula to me!"


Lingo looked at Luo Shu's crazy appearance, and suddenly felt that Luo Shu fell in love with Diqian because he was crazy in love...

Some people say that when Lin Zihuan was not breathing, Lingo didn't think so much, she just thought about going to save Lin Zihuan in front of him, because she was the only one who knew the formula of the antidote... and Lingo saw Luo Shu like this... Her reaction was quick.

"Boss, the bleeding is excessive, or the dead person, you put her on the ground and lie flat, don't shake her vigorously!"

And at this time, what else can Luo Shu hear? !

In his head now, he doesn't want to hear anything! !

Lin Zihuan is dead, and Di Qian's body is completely incomprehensible...

"Lin Zihuan! Wake me up!" Luo Shu roared hysterically, turning his head and glaring at the bodyguard next to him. At this moment, he remembered what Lingo said, and pointed at Lingo, "Responsible for resuscitating her!!"

"It's the boss." Lingo was about to take over Lin Zihuan for rescue, but in the next second, Lingo was exclaiming.

Lingo screamed, and Lin Zihuan, whose head was supported by Luo Shu, shed tears from the corners of his eyes, and then woke up from tossing, his eyes were full of confusion, looking at Luo Shu's furious face, pale and bloodless.

woke up……

Finally woke up, Lingo can't think too much, she knows that if Lin Zihuan doesn't wake up tonight, the boss will go crazy.

Lingo breathed a sigh of relief.

Luo Shu glared at Lin Zihuan, with an anxious expression on his face and a serious tone, "What is the formula? Tell me, I will promise you whatever you want! What is the formula?!"

(End of this chapter)

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