Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 508 His bride is not her 7

Chapter 508 His bride is not her 7
It's just that the innocence of the past is gone in the eyes... the affection that now appears in the eyes...

But revenge...

Compared with Lin Ziai's fine attire, Di Qian was much more shabby, she hadn't packed anything, and the clothes were also a coat that she put on casually that night in Luo Zhai.

And Di Qian felt that his whole body was unnatural and at ease.

Lin Ziai stepped on her white high heels and came in, but behind her was a group of make-up artists pushing clothes, about ten of them.

Di Qian instantly understood, Lin Ziai wanted to dress herself up?And looking at the things in the hands of the makeup artist behind her, as well as the clothes.

Di Qian can also clearly feel the importance of Lin Ziai's attention, which is particularly high...

Lin Ziai just looked at Diqian contemptuously, like looking at garbage, and refused to look at him twice.

He told the makeup artist behind him, "Her, I'll leave it to you."

A group of makeup artists swarmed in front of Di Qian, and the bodyguard also came forward to untie Di Qian from the chair that restrained her. In an instant, Di Qian's hands and feet could move...

Because of inactivity for too long, his limbs were stiff, and he still felt numb in his hands and feet. Di Qian's eyes instantly became sharp.

Looking at everything here, the bodyguard untied her body and stepped aside...

And Di Qian let the makeup artist wash her face, Di Qian looked at the layout inside the room, there must be many people guarding the door, and there are bodyguards inside, and they all have weapons in their hands.

Lin Ziai can't be pushed into a hurry... From the current situation, she can't get out at all...

So Di Qian immediately realized that she didn't know where Lin Ziai was going to dress herself up, so she delayed, "Can I take a shower first?!"

Then there should be a chance to escape...

And Lin Ziai was playing with her mobile phone and looking at something, but when she heard Di Qian's words, she raised her head and stared at Di Qian. Di Qian felt that her eyes were looking at her from top to bottom.

But Di Qian couldn't stand her gaze, and then pretended to be calm and weak, "You have so many people guarding you, are you afraid that I will run away?! Ms. Lin really thinks highly of me..."

Because he seldom speaks, Di Qian's voice is hoarse now...

Seeing that Lin Ziai was still suspicious, she said again, "I really just want to take a shower."

But Lin Ziai felt as if Di Qian had seen through her thoughts, so she was a little annoyed, and pointed to a bodyguard, "You, take her to the next room to take a bath."

Then he said to Di Qian arrogantly, "Fortunately, you still have self-knowledge."

Di Qian stood up and went to the next door, but because she hadn't stood up for a long time, she was a little tired and her legs were numb...

The make-up artist on the side quickly supported Di Qian, and Di Qian gave her a smile, "Thank you."

The voice was very small, but it was still heard by Lin Ziai, and now Lin Ziai was very upset when she heard Di Qian's voice, and her tone was harsh, "Why are you dawdling?! Why don't you go?! I don't have so many Time is waiting for you!"

When Di Qian walked out of this door, he saw the sunshine here, the sun was very good...

The endless prairie... Not far from one side, there are sheep... What a good tourist attraction, but now she is under house arrest here, and she is about to face death...

And the bodyguard behind Di Qian saw that Di Qian hadn't made any movements, so it was inevitable that he would urge, "Hurry up! Go into the next room."

(End of this chapter)

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