Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 509 His bride is not her 8

Chapter 509 His bride is not her 8
Di Qian pretended to be very casual in his eyes, and looked around very casually. There were too many bodyguards following him...

One or two is okay, but the ones in front of me now... are about five, and her current physical fitness and physical condition have plummeted...

So you can't go head-to-head, there is only a roundabout route, Di Qian also paced into the room, and then... when she just stepped in, there was a loud sound of closing the door behind her.

Di Qian woke up immediately, and only heard the bodyguard outside saying, "Miss Lin only gives you half an hour, if it's overdue, then we can only force our way in."

Di Qian observes this house, although it is next door to the room just now, but... here is a completely different landscape, full of luxury inside.

The decoration and other things... It's not like what this house has at all, but Di Qian didn't think too much, so he immediately entered the bathroom.

She's thinking a little more about it now, because she can't escape at all...

There are reinforced concrete walls on all sides, without any windows...

In stark contrast to the dilapidated house next door...

Lin Ziai has a perfect plan... Otherwise, she wouldn't let herself take a bath, but Di Qian herself was abrupt...
Half an hour has passed, and now Di Qian is being put on by a group of makeup artists. Because she has never put on makeup, her face is always clean...

This time, when she smelled the smell on her body, she felt a little nauseous and vomiting. The smell of rouge and gouache was unpleasant...

But Lin Ziai clasped her fists while watching Di Qian put on makeup, and all the makeup artists were lamenting why Di Qian's skin and face could be so flawless...

And I just want to put on Di Qian a little makeup, because heavy makeup is not suitable for her, and Lin Ziai looks at Di Qian's face that is more delicate because of makeup.

The expression on her face became more and more ferocious, but her fists became tighter and tighter, and she directly issued orders to the makeup artist, "Put heavy makeup on her face."

After giving an order, the makeup artist didn't dare to yell casually, so he painted Diqian's face again...

"Draw more seductively."

Lin Ziai then gave orders again.

When the heavy makeup on Di Qian's face was finished, Lin Ziai suddenly felt a little satisfied, because this time, Di Qian was no more pure than Lin Ziai...

Lin Ziai's pure makeup was ridiculed, and then her fingers danced casually on the clothes rack on one side, and finally, she casually pointed to one of them, "Put it on for her."

The make-up artist on the side didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately took the dress pointed by Lin Ziai to Di Qian, and then said to Di Qian in a bad mood, "Put this on."

Throwing it on Di Qian's body, but Di Qian glanced at it casually, the clothes on his hands were very revealing dresses, the back was all exposed...

And the buttocks are exposed, and the chest is hollow black, and the fabric of the whole dress is pitiful...

Such a dress is too much of a challenge for Di Qian, holding this dress, she knows that what Lin Ziai wants most is to see her get angry...

"Why doesn't it look good?" Lin Ziai sneered, and then walked in front of Di Qian, "Be quick and put it on. Do you know why I want you to wear this?!"

"The more this is the case, the more it can arouse a man's desire."

Lin Ziai deliberately took Di Qian's thoughts to the side, she didn't want Di Qian to know where they were going...

She wants to give Di Qian despair, and then give hope after she sees Luo Shu...

And in the end, she was pushed deeply into the abyss, and died unwillingly.

(End of this chapter)

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