Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 510 His bride is not her 9

Chapter 510 His bride is not her 9
Di Qian could only listen to Lin Ziai, she had no other choice.

What appeared in front of Lin Ziai now completely became two emperors...

It used to be pure and lovely, but now it has more charm in it.

Lin Ziai was not reconciled, because even if Di Qian deliberately

Ugly, she can be so beautiful, but her eyes caught Di Qian's dress again.

The corner of his mouth immediately curled up into a smile, this Di Qian was the last thing Luo Shu wanted to see...

There is also a black hollow part on the chest, and the back is completely naked...

Ha ha……

Luo Shu... You protect something like this?Then I will tear her apart to show others.

Lin Ziai stopped looking at Di Qian, then brushed her hair with her hands, and said to the bodyguard, "Take her to the car."

Then he went out first, and the accompanying bodyguards saw her coming out, and immediately opened the car door to let Lin Ziai in, in order to prevent Di Qian from escaping.

The bodyguard escorted Di Qian into the car where Lin Ziai was sitting.

, and then walked away... leaving only the dust on the ground, and the marks of the wheels...

When Di Qian heard that Lin Ziai said where he was going to take her, Duo Lin Ziai sneered, with anger in his tone, "Lin Ziai?! Where are you taking me?! If you want to kill me, please listen to me!!"

But Lin Ziai took out the cosmetics in the bag to touch up her makeup, and directly regarded Di Qian as air, because when Di Qian got into the car, the bodyguard had already handcuffed Di Qian behind her back.

So Di Qian couldn't break free.

"Lin Zi loves!!!"

Di Qian panicked...

At this time, Lin Ziai put down the cosmetic bag in her hand, and a thought came into her heart. She gave Diqian a look, and said lazily, "Now I want to know? Now Diqian knows that you will regret it."

"Where are you taking me?! I'm not as vulnerable as you think! Say."

She can bear it.

But Lin Ziai laughed out loud, "I'm afraid that after you find out, you'll be so angry that I haven't retaliated against you, so wouldn't it be a bad deal for me?!"

Lin Zi's words of love stimulated Di Qian, and now the car was still speeding on the prairie, getting closer to the place where Luoshu's wedding was held.

It was only fifty kilometers away, and Ma Shenqian would no longer have such an arrogant expression. At that time, she would feel more uncomfortable than dying.

Di Qian also knew that Lin Ziai would not tell her, so he simply stopped asking, and healed himself in his heart, brother Luo would come...

will definitely come...

And because Di Qian didn't talk back to her, Lin Ziai felt a little bored and bored in her heart, and there was a different kind of light on her innocent face, looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside the car window.

After this time...these things have nothing to do with her, Lin Ziai...

But she didn't regret it...Because the sun didn't belong to her long ago...No matter the success or failure of this incident, she, Lin Ziai, couldn't live alone.

It is impossible for Mr. Luo...to let her continue to live, even though his health is getting worse and worse, even Luo Shu and the others don't know about it.

Now the old man looks very strong, but his foundation is very empty. This is because she secretly saw his physical examination report...

Mr. Luo won't live for more than half a year...

But even so, she can't escape...

But Lin Ziai's heart is still longing to live, everyone is a coward of life, who doesn't want to live?

Time passed by every minute and every second, very quickly...

We arrived at the place where Luo Shu held his wedding... In fact, apart from Lin Zihuan and Luo Shu, there were no other guests at all.

Luo Shu just wanted to end this ceremony quickly...

get the antidote

(End of this chapter)

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