Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 511 His bride is not her 10

Chapter 511 His bride is not her 10
As Lin Ziai's convoy entered checkpoints, Di Qian also saw more and more bodyguards in black.

And the driver still has a certificate to enter, this process is very slow, Di Qian's heart is suffering...

What is this place... Soon, the car entered the hotel's underground garage.

This time is also an important moment for Luoshu to hold a ceremony with Lin Zihuan...

The car was parked in the underground garage. When Di Qian got out of the car, Lin Ziai's bodyguard put the tape on her mouth again...

Di Qian has no right to speak again, at this time, she can't escape...

Then Lin Ziai also got out of the car, seeing Di Qian's terrified eyes and her frowning, Lin Ziai laughed like crazy in her heart.

you have today too? !

Lin Ziai stood in front of Di Qian, but didn't say a word to Di Qian. She took out her mobile phone, opened the photo album, and immediately placed a huge screen in front of Di Qian.

A photo appeared in Di Qian's eyes... Lin Zihuan and... and Luo Shu appeared on it...

Di Qian was agitated, and then tried to break free from the bodyguard's control and grab the phone, but the bodyguard immediately tightly controlled Di Qian's arm and body...

Diqian's eye sockets... are all bloodshot, and her face is full of disbelief, she won't believe it... The man in the photo is Luo Shu! ! !
Di Qian whimpered and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak, and there were waves of stabbing pains in his throat, which could not be restrained, and his eyes were red like a terminally ill patient...

trembling all over...

"Why...? Don't believe this is your dear brother Luo?..."

At this time, Lin Ziai was even more complacent and complacent, and turned out more and more photos in the album, flipping through them one by one in front of Di Qian's eyes, and Di Qian's eyes were on Luo Shu and Lin Zi Happy wedding photos one by one...

And Lin Zihuan's face is brimming with happiness...

At this time, Diqian's mind was completely chaotic... So she basically ignored it, and Luo Shu's expression didn't show any joy at all.

And still a certain distance away from Lin Zihuan, and the expression on his face is serious... How can there be any sense of happiness in taking wedding photos? ...

And at this time, Di Qian couldn't think of so many things in her mind... Now her mind is full of what Luo Shu said just now...

Just stay at home and wait for me...

But he got married in New Zealand...and she came as a guest...

And Lin Ziai flipped through the photo album to the end before putting the phone into her bag, "I really want to cry? Hehe...very angry?...I think you should be touched, after all, not everyone can do anything for the antidote, Even agree to all requests."

Lin Ziai deliberately wanted to tell the reason why Luoshu held the wedding, so that Diqian could feel more self-blame...

Seeing Di Qian's heartbroken and painful expression, this is what makes her happiest.

Di Qian's mind was about to explode... No wonder... when she left her... she said those words...

I will definitely cure you, don't worry.

It turned out that he did so many things without telling her... including promising Lin Zihuan to marry her...

Just to get the antidote formula in Lin Zihuan's hand...

Di Qian's psychology is entangled now, even... Di Qian feels that Lin Ziai did it on purpose, that's not Luo Shu... the photo is fake! !

She was full of disbelief, as if she had lost her life... Shaking her head lifelessly like a wooden person...

My heart is full of shock and pain...

(End of this chapter)

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