Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 514 How Can You Lose Me 3

Chapter 514 How Can You Lose Me 3
"I..." Yes.

When Luo Shu finally uttered such a word...

The following syllables have not yet been pronounced completely, Lin Ziaihuan just snorted, eyes full of disbelief... eyes widened... turned to look at Lin Ziai behind her...

Lin Ziai, who had already installed the silencer, pressed the muzzle of the gun against Lin Zihuan's back quilt... only a slight sound could be heard.

It was as if Lin Zihuan had fired a shot...

Lin Zihuan was holding the paper of the antidote formula in his hand, and he kneaded vigorously because of the pain. The white wedding dress on his back had already turned bright blood red...

Drop by drop fell on the wedding dress, and the paper was also dyed blood red.

But at this time, all the bodyguards reacted, but Lingo rushed forward immediately, snatching the paper from Lin Zihuan's hand.

Lin Zihuan tried hard to fight, but the next shot hit Lin Zihuan's abdomen. All the bodyguards watched all this calmly, and then controlled the scene.

At this time, Luo Shu's heart was quiet, and he dropped his arm from Lin Zihuan's holding his hand...

Very disgusted... The disgust in the eyes is even more obvious, she has been played by a woman for so long, and Lingo is holding the so-called formula in her hand...

Handed it to one of her most trusted bodyguards, "Take it and go to Lin Zihuan's room to get the potion."

Then he walked to Luo Shu's side, watching all this with cold eyes, "Boss, actually Lin Zihuan doesn't have the formula, and the antidote is in her room. I've already asked someone to get it."

After Luo Shu heard this, his eyes sank, and at this time, it was no longer Luo Shu's home court, but the two sisters of the Lin family.

At this time, Lin Zihuan was covering his abdomen which had been shot twice, his face was paler than ever before, without the slightest trace of blood.

At this time, Lin Ziai kicked Lin Zihuan's abdomen and pointed at Lin Zihuan's body, "Lin Zihuan! I told you, I won't let you get your wish!"

Then he looked at Luo Shu once, with deep irony, "Don't you want to marry him? Hehe... Don't you want to hear him say that I am willing? Why don't you help someone who wants to marry wholeheartedly? Why don't you help me now? Don’t kill me, Lin Ziai, to help Lin Zihuan?!”

"You are not worthy of being the daughter of the Lin family! You can disregard your dearest family members for your own benefit! Lin Zihuan! Do you have any heart?! What position do you put us relatives in?! Brother treats you so well , why did you still let him kill you for being stupid?! Tell me the fuck!! You tell me!!!"

Lin Ziai will remember it all her life, even if she dies, she will remember the scene of her brother Lin Xuan's death for the rest of her life.

Such bloody, she shivered in the corner, but Lin Zihuan still didn't have any sadness in his eyes...

She begged her to tell her the formula for the antidote...

But she was still pushed away by Lin Zihuan...

what does she know...

"And now it's all right, I want you to go to hell to confess to my brother, to the ancestors of the Lin family! You go to hell to redeem your sins to your parents!!!...hahaha..."


There was almost no chance for Lin Zihuan to speak, but Lin Ziai's innocent face already showed a different emotion. She was agitated and threw away the silencer on the gun...

Frightened at Lin Zihuan, and looking at Luo Shu for help, the corners of his mouth were chapped, "Zoe..." Help me...

Before he could speak, he was shot by Lin Ziai indiscriminately.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After firing several shots, until the bullets were gone, Lin Ziai was still frantically pressing the trigger...

"Hahaha...you must die!!!"

"Die Lin Zihuan!!"

(End of this chapter)

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