Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 515 How Can You Lose Me 4

Chapter 515 How Can You Lose Me 4
After firing several shots, until the bullets were gone, Lin Ziai was still frantically pressing the trigger...

"Hahaha...you must die!!!"

"Die Lin Zihuan!!"

Just like that, Lin Zihuan...Lin Ziai's sister, was shot to death by the red-faced Lin Ziai, and Lin Zihuan fell to the ground...with her eyes wide open...looking at the ceiling, her eyes were dull, and already died…

Yes...Lin Zihuan...is dead...

And at this time, Lin Ziai laughed crazily with a gun, hahaha...

This is how a bitch should end up... A cruel smile on the corner of his mouth evoked...

Luo Shu, Di Qian and your fate will be even more miserable than her Lin Zihuan.

Only then did Lingo step forward, winking, and asked the bodyguards to grab Lin Ziai. She no longer had any offensive weapons in her hand, and the pistol had all the bullets just now.

Lingo went to check Lin Zihuan's body which was beyond recognition, feeling a chill in his heart, Lin Ziai is Lin Zihuan's own sister, but now...

But he killed her so cruelly...

"Boss, she is dead."

Luo Shu's gaze was deep, and he had already got the antidote in his hand, so Lin Ziai would not be of any use to keep it, and the antidote was already taken...

So, he doesn't want to pursue this matter any further, and now what he wants to see is Di Qian, so Lin Ziai has a quick decision, just shoot her and kill her.

Lingo already understood, and winked at the bodyguard behind Lin Ziai, who immediately picked up the gun and was about to give Lin Ziai a fatal blow.

But Lin Ziai seemed to know it, but suddenly took out the pendant on Di Qian's neck in his hand, and faintly, you can still vaguely see the blood on the pendant...

"Don't shoot!!!"

Luo Shu's eyes were cold, and he clenched his fists tightly... There was killing intent in his eyes, and the words he uttered were also cautious. He rushed to Lin Ziai and grabbed her by the collar.

"Say!! Where did you come from this pair of rings?!"

With a violent tone like a mad lion, at this moment, his heart was startled...

He originally thought... getting the antidote was a success, but...

Didn't expect this to come out.

Lin Ziai was strangled by Luo Shu, very uncomfortable, and couldn't breathe, and had difficulty breathing, "Hehe... cough cough cough... Luo Shu, do you want to strangle me to death? ... Do you still want to kill me?" Do you know... the whereabouts of that bitch Di Qian? Hehe... strangle me...you will never find her in your life..."

Lin Ziai was pinched so hard to breathe, and she kept trying to move his arm that was pinching her neck. At this time, Luo Shu's veins burst out...

It seems that at this time, whoever breaks his taboo, he will kill her! ! ! !

"Say! Where is she?!"

Luo Shu wanted to determine where the target was, but the strength in his hand didn't get smaller at all, it just got bigger and bigger.

"Cough...you want me to say...then...then let go...I..." At this time, Lin Ziai was extremely hypoxic...the oxygen in the brain had reached the lowest value.

Lingo was also afraid that Luoshu might strangle Lin Ziai to death, "Boss, it's important to know where Miss Di is now."

Only then did Luo Shu throw Lin Ziai away, and threw it directly on the ground, far away...

Lin Zi was thrown to the ground in pain, and immediately breathed in oxygen, "cough...cough...cough..."

It took a long, long time... Lin Ziai covered her neck with her hands, and her neck was in burning pain...

"Want to know where she is? Let me go first."

 The first two chapters will be released, and I will immediately code the remaining chapters, so cutie can read them tomorrow morning.Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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