Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 519 I don't want anyone but you 2

Chapter 519 I don't want anyone but you 2
"Why, New Zealand is beautiful, but it's already dark..." Lin Zi said pointingly while glancing at the sky outside the door, and also changed the bridesmaid dresses at the beginning, and now she is wearing a set It was fiery red, but Di Qian still had the same clothes.

"I think Luo Shu didn't intend to rescue you at all, and I've already told him our current location, but he still hasn't replied, Di Qian, do you think he won't come to rescue you? Hehe...Look It seems that you are uncomfortable sitting, don't worry, it will make you feel better soon... You will be able to sleep for a lifetime soon, and no one will disturb your peaceful life. So thank me... Di Qian."

Speaking of this, Lin Ziai looked at the surprise in Di Qian's eyes with a sneer: "I think he might not come to save you, after all, knowing that he would die if he came here, how could he come here? Luo Shu There are a lot of women here, who can get married, and you can rank several times around the world. You are not necessarily a good person. I think he is probably tired of you... Otherwise, how could he not come here for so long? ?”

Lin Ziai was chattering, but she was happy in her heart. Looking at Di Qian's expression, she wanted to make her feel uncomfortable.

Di Qian didn't speak.

In fact, she hoped that what she said would become true.

She didn't want Luo Shu to come here... because it was too dangerous, and Lin Ziai had already planted a bomb here, wait...he was the one who came.

She would rather have an accident by herself than let Luo Shu suffer the slightest harm.

She also wanted to do something for Luo Shu.

She would rather Lingo and the others find a way to stop Luo Shu than him not coming...

I wish he didn't come...

And just when Lin Ziai was about to go out and find a few bodyguards to take care of Di Qian.As soon as Lin Ziai opened the door, before she could go out, she suddenly heard a loud noise not far away, Di Qian also heard it...

Feeling flustered, he still came, but this was not what she wanted...

Don't come, you go! !
The voice was booming, and it sounded like the voice of extreme anger.It broke the peace here itself.

Di Qian raised her eyes abruptly, and Lin Ziai also raised her eyes suddenly to look in the direction of the sound, but the eyes were filled with hatred in an instant... The nails were deeply embedded in the palm of the hand...

Hahaha...Luo Shu, are you still here? !

And here itself has a thick wall standing here, but the sound of the impact is very loud, this wall can't protect the house at all.

At this time, Lin Ziai looked through the window of the broken house, and the sound was not the sound of the wall collapsing, but the door on one side being hit hard.

Lin Ziai hurried out, but what she saw was a heavy crane hitting the door with extreme force and speed.

But at this time, Lin Ziai didn't know what was hitting the door, she just knew that the time for Luo Shu to enjoy Di Qian's live broadcast was shattered.

He only needs to come 1 minute late, just 1 minute.

The heavy crane mercilessly smashed down the solid wall with the door.

Violent sound, collapse, "bang——"

There was also heavy dust spreading in the air, Lin Ziai coughed a few times unavoidably, choking, it was really uncomfortable.

The moment most of the wall was forcibly knocked open by the heavy crane, all the people around the scene quickly drew out their guns, facing the people coming out of the car!

But at this moment, Di Qian's heart was in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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