Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 520 I don't want anyone but you 3

Chapter 520 I don't want anyone but you 3
With the sound of the wall collapsing, the heavy crane rushed in, almost ignoring the obstacles in front of it.

Those who raised their guns simply shot directly, but the bullets hitting the car body were just a drop in the bucket and couldn't be touched at all, because this was a heavy-duty crane.

And it's for military use, and it's full of bulletproof and everything.

Until Lingo in the car saw a figure inside the dilapidated room, who looked like Miss Di, and the moment she finally confirmed it was Di Qian, she said, "Boss, Miss Di is inside."

Luo Shu's sharp eyes looked into the room indifferently, and there were ripples in his eyes, but he looked at Lin Ziai who was standing not far away from him, his eyes were sharp...Compared to Luo Shu's calmness, Di Qian but flustered...

The car that was about to drive by suddenly stopped.

Seeing Lin Ziai's calmness, Luo Shu had other thoughts in his mind. Driving the heavy crane over and robbing people directly would definitely be impossible...

Because Lin Ziai dared to do this, it must be that Lin Ziai had already made complete preparations to prevent him from breaking in and robbing people directly.

If you try to push through like this again, Di Qian must be the first to suffer.

It's his little princess...

Lucky, don't be afraid, Luo Shu also knows that Di Qian will never be overwhelmed by being kidnapped, she has a strong ability to bear it...

After all, she is the daughter of the emperor family.

I've seen big winds and waves...

"Stop the car." Luo Shu said lightly.

Lingo suddenly stopped the heavy crane directly in front of the dilapidated house. Di Qian was inside looking at the heavy crane that Luo Shu and the others were driving through the window, and even saw two figures of a man and a woman coming from the car walked down.

The moment he saw Luo Shu's figure, Di Qian's eyes felt hot.

She can see everything outside, but it is already night, so the situation inside is not very clear from the outside, but it is very clear from the inside.

After getting off the car, Luo Shu and Lingo saw Di Qian inside, but they couldn't see her situation clearly.

What happened to her choice?Did you get hurt?

But even through the window, the broken window, the straight Luo Shu could see the gaze from Di Qian's eyes, which fell straight on his body, and the two of them just looked at each other.

Diqian's tears flowed straight down, she didn't cry loudly, she just felt...he was still here...

But Di Qian didn't want him to come in his heart now, Lin Ziai had made a perfect plan just to get him to take the bait.

Lingo stood beside Luo Shu, looked calmly and sharply at Lin Ziai who was standing outside the room but was sneering, "Lin Ziai, hand him over."

Lingo also held a gun in his hand, pointing the muzzle straight at Lin Ziai in front of him.

Lin Ziai raised her eyebrows and sneered: "Luo Shu, why didn't you come here alone and why did you bring a bumbling bitch?"

"Do you want my bodyguards to have sex?"

Lingo suddenly looked at her with a cold expression, obviously he didn't want to get entangled with her, Lin Ziai thought that he could stab her in this way.

But how many years has she been in this language, this language is simply a piece of cake.

It doesn't piss her off at all.

"Don't think that the two of you can do anything if you just drive a heavy crane in. If I didn't mention you on purpose, I'm afraid you would use all the troops in New Zealand to find this place."

(End of this chapter)

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