Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 521 I don't want anyone but you 4

Chapter 521 I don't want anyone but you 4
Because this place is not only as simple as a grassland, but also an arsenal left over from Britain during World War II.

"Lower your gun, or I can assure you, you bitch will be the first to die." Lin Ziai said.

And Luo Shu asked Lingo to lower the muzzle of his gun, and there was absolutely no need to confront him now.

Lin Ziai watched her lower the muzzle of the gun... there was interest in her eyes.

"Anyway, I don't intend to leave New Zealand alive. Even if you can't kill me, your dear grandpa will kill me."

"After choosing this step, I didn't intend to leave alive. Even if I die, you will still take my back for Lin Ziai...Luo Shu..."

"To shut up!!!"

Luo Shu clenched his fists, as if he had endured it for a long time.

But from Lin Ziai's point of view, Luo Shu didn't seem to listen to her words at all, and walked towards the room in front of him seemingly indifferently.

Lin Ziai immediately stood in front of the door, facing him directly, and at the same time stared straight at him the moment Luo Shu approached.

Feeling the indescribable charm of this man, the kind of thought that makes a woman want to jump on him as soon as she sees him, and even the feeling that she can bear everything about this man.

Including his hard...

Lin Ziai is no longer that pure her now...she looks like a prostitute now, for the first time, Lin Ziai wants to know what the smell of Luoshu is like...

No wonder, no wonder Lin Zihuan would marry Luo Shu even if he died... Even if he betrayed the Lin family...

And Lin Ziai's heart is distorted now, thinking why...why can only Lin Zihuan and Di Qian get their hands on such a man? !

She... Lin Ziai can do it too.

"Luo Shu, I'll give you a chance now...you have to think clearly, if you go in, you can never get out again, for a woman? Are you really willing?..." Lin Ziai suddenly stood in Luoshu In front of him, I want to touch...to touch Luo Shu's chest...

He was very handsome in a white shirt and a black coat.

He is really much more handsome than those men who have met her before. Those are crooked and inferior, but the man in front of him is the best.

Lin Ziai's eyes sank...

But he is Di Qian's man, and he came with the purpose of saving Di Qian.Just because of this reason, Lin Ziai's heart was more ups and downs.

He wanted to stick directly on Luo Shu's body, but Luo Shu then dodged, "Get out!!!"

"Hey, I'm still angry, I really don't plan to be with me, my skills are much better than Diqian..."

"Say it again, get out." Luo Shu grabbed Lin Ziai's collar again with one hand, and threw it casually vigorously, Lin Ziai was thrown aside again.

His back hit the wood straight.

Luo Shu looked at her, and suddenly turned his eyes to Lingo who was about to follow behind him, "Lingo, wait for me outside."

"Boss..." Lingo suddenly looked at him with an ugly face and a little worried: "Here..." Dangerous...

However, Luo Shu's frozen eyes swept across her face, and Lingo immediately resisted the urge to go in together, clenched his hands into fists and took a step back, his voice squeezed out from between his teeth: "I'll just stand outside."

"This bitch can't go in, I'm afraid she will go in and bite people... If she goes in... I can blow up Diqian immediately... Do you know where this place is..." Lin Ziai said again, although the latter His back was in pain, but his expression still squeezed out a forced smile...

No, it's a cruel smile...

She's going to blow them up, blow them up...

(End of this chapter)

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