Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 522 I don't want anyone but you 5

Chapter 522 I don't want anyone but you 5
"You—" Lingo raised his eyes angrily.The gun in his hand is indeed getting tighter and tighter, not because Lin Zi likes to call himself a bitch, but because the boss is about to go in.

Her duty is to protect the boss...

Luo Shu turned his back to Lingo coldly and said: "Lingo, you must remember what I said, stand outside and don't come in!!"

Lingo stood there speechless, only frowning secretly.

She knew the meaning of Luoshu's first sentence, that is, the first moment of danger, save Diqian first...

Lingo frowned. If this wasn't an arsenal during World War II, even the New Zealand government wouldn't dare to step here. There are too many unstable factors here...

Because there are not only weapons here, but also a large number of gang organizations, and the manpower brought to New Zealand this time was originally not enough...

If they are in the United States, their chances of winning are even greater.

And this Lin Ziai obviously has the idea of ​​dying together.

As for Lin Ziai

Lingo looked at her, but seeing the woman's eyes full of light, he knew that Lin Ziai was indeed [-]% and chose to die together...

It was no child's play that she would choose this kind of place.

Seeing that Luo Shu agreed, Lin Ziai moved the door away even though his eyes were guarded, and when he walked in, he sneered close to him and said, "Luo Shu, just pushed me away." What are you doing?! Did you feel something... You don’t have to suppress your desires, just do things according to your instinct.”

However, Luo Shu didn't seem to regard Lin Ziai next to him as a human being at all. If Di Qian was not still in her hands, he would never let her have a better life, and let her have a taste of what it was like at that time.

Luo Shu didn't respond, and just walked in calmly.

The moment she saw Luo Shu walk in from the outside, she also heard what Luo Shu was saying just now... Di Qian's eyes were already red.

She looked at Luo Shu who walked in, and felt that his attitude was very calm when he walked in, without the rage just outside.Nor did it carry the oppressive storm.

Because in his mind, the moment he saw Di Qian again, everything was filled.

She's still here and never left...

Di Qian had been suppressed inside just now, and didn't shout out.

But the sound of whimpering came out, and she was roaring in her heart, what are you doing here...it's dangerous here...get out quickly.

Because of the vigorous struggle, there are blood marks on the arms...

However, he still came...

Luo Shu also saw Di Qian who was tied to a chair for the first time the moment he entered the door, and his face was covered with heavy makeup. Luo Shu frowned, and also saw Di Qian's clothes...the fabric was so sparse that Luo Shu The eyes of the book sank, it was almost the same as not wearing anything...

With a quick glance, he saw that behind Di Qian, there were almost ten boxes of explosives placed in a row, and the fuses were also in various parts of the room...

This room is full of explosives...

Once it explodes here, no one can survive, and... there are still many unsafe and uncertain factors here, he can't guarantee... the gangsters in this area...

No explosives... Once it is combined with the effect, it will all explode...

Then within a range of 50 meters, there will be absolutely no survivors.

Luo Shu quickly observed the surrounding environment, there was no escape route, and if he wanted to save Diqian, unless Lin Ziai took the initiative to let her go, otherwise...

Even if it is a god..., it is impossible to escape.

Luo Shu didn't dare to move anymore for Di Qian's sake... Moreover, it seems that this is not the main control room of the explosion, and the control system is not here.

If he killed Lin Ziai now, then Lin Ziai's people would detonate this place immediately, and everyone here would also be doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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