Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 530 I Hate You 1 Forever 6

Chapter 530 I Hate You Forever 6
He never fights unprepared, and this time he has to gamble to win.

Diqian's voice is already hoarse, because the torture of this afternoon has already dried up, and his throat is also very tired because of the heart-piercing shouts just now.

The most important thing is that she is not in good health and will not be as energetic as a normal person. She is screaming at overload and has not saved any energy.

She opened her mouth slightly, and looked at Luo Shu while shedding tears. Her voice was almost pleading. She didn't yell like she was just learning, nor did she threaten Luo Shu. She knew it wouldn't work, so now she can only beg bitterly, " Don't... brother Luo... please... don't do stupid things."

Lin Ziai looked at Diqian's direction with cold eyes, and felt a greater pleasure in her heart than any tortured Diqian...

Hahaha... Di Qian, you have today too? !

"I have already agreed to your conditions, so let him go now." Luo Shu's voice sounded again, and it was deep and sexy, which Lin Ziai could hear.

"Luo Shu, don't play tricks on me, do you think I will be fooled by you? You think too highly of yourself... Hehe... Be quicker, don't waste time here .”

"Whether I have the opportunity to play tricks you know best, I am not like you, playing tricks on my dearest and favorite person, I am not so cheap." Luo Shu interrupted her in a cold voice, mocking Lin Ziai coldly .

"Luo Shu, you—"

When Di Qian stared at him with red and swollen eyes, Luo Shu turned to look at the woman he loved most with extremely gentle eyes.

Walking to Di Qian's side, then to Di Qian's side, squatting down, and giving Di Qian the pair of rings engraved with the letter L on her neck.

The warm touch hurt her heart...

Her heart became even colder...

"I'll leave this to you for safekeeping temporarily, don't drop it."

Wiping away the tears on Di Qian's face, "Don't cry, it's really ugly to cry."

"Does Linzi like to be ugly?"



There was a slight smile in Luo Shu's eyes, and his cold and temperatureless voice to Lin Ziai just now suddenly became very soft and low, and it was unusually gentle, and he touched God's shallow face with his hands.

Her tone was so gentle that she said, "Be good, Qianqian, close your eyes."

At the same time as he spoke, he had already placed the black gun on his arm, where the original wound was... the wound that hadn't healed for a long time.

Di Qian's eyes were scarlet for an instant, and she shook her head vigorously, her eyes full of despair: "No! Brother Luo, don't...I beg you...don't..."

Di Qian began to cry wildly again.

At this moment, Lin Ziai looked coldly at the scarlet eyes of Di Qian, and was very happy to see her now like this, and especially relieved her hatred!Only in this way, Di Qian will suffer more than her!
Lin Ziai saw that Luo Shu was late and did not shoot, and said directly to him: "Luo Shu, I advise you not to play tricks with me. What do you mean by not shooting now? It is impossible for your subordinates to come to rescue you, New Zealand The government troops dare not enter this area, and they told you not to come here to find a sense of presence, but you didn't listen to me... now it's all right... have you regretted it?!"

"I still think it's more exciting to serve me?! But..."


Before Lin Ziai finished speaking, he heard the sound of a gun, because Luo Shu didn't want Di Qian to see him like this, so he buried Di Qian's eyes in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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