Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 531 I Hate You 1 Forever 7

Chapter 531 I Hate You Forever 7
Blood flowed down Luo Shu's left shoulder instantly, and even Di Qian could feel the blood splashing on her face...

Di Qian's eyes were almost forced out in an instant, and his heart seemed to be hit hard by the gun in an instant, and his pale face immediately became even paler.

Di Qian wanted to get up, to look up at Luo Shu, but she didn't have any strength to break free from Luo Shu's embrace, "Let go of me!! Luo Shu!! You are not allowed to shoot again, no! !!"

Heartache so bad I can barely breathe!The pale Di Qian's face lost all blood in an instant.

Lingo who was outside the house frowned fiercely when he heard the gunshots, but he didn't dare to go in because he didn't hear Luo Shu's order.

The boss will always be her master, no matter what she must do her duty to bring Di Qian out first, this is what a subordinate of her should do.

That is

In any case, save Diqian first! !

This is Luo Shu's death order for her...

When Lin Ziai heard the gunshot, she still looked at him with great interest, "Are you finally willing to attack?"

And at this time, Luo Shu didn't allow Di Qian to look at him, "Be good, Qian Qian, be obedient." He still has four shots, and he hasn't stabilized his emotions yet. The instantly pale face can explain that hitting one's old wound is a hundred times more painful than the new wound.

"No, you want me to see you!!!"

"I just want to see you now!"

Di Qian kept struggling, but Luo Shu hugged her even tighter.

She squinted her eyes: "Luo Shu, I really can't figure it out. What's so good about Di Qian that you can do so many and such desperate things for her? It's hard to find a woman with two legs in this world? You As long as Di Qian is the one-hearted one?! Hehe... Do I mean you are dedicated? Or are you stupid?"

"Bang——" there was another sound without hesitation, forcing Lin Ziai's unfinished words to pass away, and it also made Di Qian almost suffocate when Luo Shu held her in his arms, preventing her from watching, but the sound was deafening...

Di Qian's whole body seemed to be completely stiff in an instant.

It is true that Luo Shu's old injuries have not fully recovered, and just two shots have already made him almost unable to stand still.

"It's only two shots, 4 minutes, you can't stand it?"

And Luo Shu's heart skipped a beat, the child moved towards the original position, and continuously shot his own arm four times.




The moment the muzzle of the gun slowly left his shoulder, he suddenly staggered and knelt down on one knee. At this time, he had no strength left, and he went to hug Di Qian again to keep her from going, and there was some pain in his throat. Bloody phlegm, until the sweet smell spread from the throat bit by bit.

When it reached his mouth, Luo Shu didn't have much strength to support him until the blood flowed down his lips. He could only gently protect Di Qian. Di Qian felt unconscious all over his body and wanted to but speechless.

The man half lying on his body... the man whose face was splattered with blood...

This is not true.

It's definitely not true...it's fake!It's fake! !I must be hallucinating, imagining...

Yes...that's what it is...but when it comes to feeling his tiny heartbeat, what's going on?

No... Di Qian was anesthetizing himself, and the man leaning on him was definitely not Luo Shu... not his brother Luo...

(End of this chapter)

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