Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 532 I Hate You 1 Forever 8

Chapter 532 I Hate You Forever 8
When Di Qian was almost sluggish and desperately wanted to regard what was in front of her as something in her own imagination, her sluggish gaze and pale face had already betrayed her.

Di Qian looked at Luo Shu in front of him like this, Luo Shu smiled slightly, touched Di Qian's face with a hand that was not sticky with blood, knelt on one knee in front of her, and said softly: "Don't be afraid...Brother Luo will protect you...lucky..."

Use up his life to protect you!
Di Qian woke up suddenly and came back, her tone was weak, "Luo Shu...I hate you!"

She looked at his blood-stained left arm, and the white shirt had long been stained with blood.

Luo Shu has always protected her behind him, he has always protected her with his life, until now he is also trying to protect her... and Lin Ziai threatened her, so much so that he shot her arm five times, just to give Own 8 minutes of escape time.

Diqian's lips trembled, looking at the blood flowing from his mouth, looking at the mottled blood on his shoulders submerged under the white shirt, he said loudly, "Luo Shu! I hate you forever!! What the hell are you doing? What do you want?! You are not worth it! I won’t go! If we die, we will die together! Do you let me live alone in this world? I can’t do it! I can’t do it!”

"I hate you forever! Luo Shu, I hate you forever!!"

Rather than saying that Lin Ziai is crazy, it is better to say that she is going crazy now.

"Good, shallow and good."

Until now, Luo Shu wanted to touch her face to comfort him, but he couldn't do it...Because he lost too much blood, he no longer had any strength...No strength, only a weak voice, but it was also firm.Even if he, Luo Shu, died, he would not be a weak person.

Di Qian's eyes were dull, and he could only repeat that sentence, "I hate you forever!"

She finally remembered to find her own voice, but she asked very lightly, trembling and complaining.

"It's not true, is it?"

"You and Lin Ziai joined forces to lie to me?!"

"Today is April Fool's Day, isn't it?"

But in Luoshu, there was no answer, and Di Qian seemed to go crazy, "Luoshu please, tell me this is really just a game, you are scaring me! Stand up and say, you stand now Get up and say it!!"

Luo Shu smiled lightly, "Qianqian, good boy."

Without further ado, he threw the gun in his hand on the ground, and the crisp and somewhat dull voice made Diqian's world feel as if it was about to fall together at this moment and shatter into pieces.

"Lin Ziai, let him go now." Luo Shu said coldly to Lin Ziai, and suddenly reminded Lin Ziai to come over and let Di Qian go.

Of course Lin Ziai was willing to gamble and admit defeat. If Luo Shu actually did this, she would let it go, but just as she was deliberately delaying time to make Luo Shu anxious, Luo Shu shot at her sharply and almost suddenly.

That look made her inexplicably feel as if he was injured like this, but he is still like a king, this is what Lin Ziai dislikes the most.

She is obviously in such a mess, but how can she have such a strong aura, Lin Ziai can't be reconciled! ! !

Lin Ziai gritted her teeth fiercely, walked over suddenly willingly, and handed him a sharp knife: "It's no fun for me to untie it. The 8 minutes I gave you will start now, together with the time to untie this..."

Ha ha…

Di Qian suddenly raised her eyes to look at the despicable and triumphant eyes in Lin Zi'ai's eyes, but because she was concerned about Luo Shu's five gunshot wounds, she didn't want to say anything anymore, she was in a very low mood now.

It forms the most stark contrast with Lin Ziai...

(End of this chapter)

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