Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 533 I Hate You 1 Forever 9

Chapter 533 I Hate You Forever 9
But one of Luo Shu's arms was already stained red with blood, and it was completely dark at this time, Lin Ziai deliberately turned off the six lights inside, leaving only a weak one.

But Di Qian could clearly see him using the hand that held the gun before to pick up the sharp knife on the ground to cut open the things inside her rope.

Luoshu's current situation is not optimistic, and because only one hand is used, the speed is much slower.

But even if it was very slow, for Lin Ziai and Di Qian, this hand speed was much faster than they imagined.

As if it would waste more time if it was slower, Luo Shu resisted the pain and untied the ropes on Di Qian's hands and legs.There are also things that cannot be solved.

As his hands became more and more uncomfortable, Luo Shu could only gnaw on the rope with the dirt. Only Di Qian could see Luo Shu's embarrassment... But this time, there was another Lin Ziai...

Until the rope on Di Qian's body was completely untied...

Di Qian's body had already been so stiff that his legs were so numb that he fell to his knees the moment he got up.

Di Qian's current condition is very bad, but she also resisted the pain in her lower abdomen, and raised her hand to cover the bleeding wound on Luo Shu's left shoulder.

The blood that keeps flowing out... There is also her emperor's blood in it... They have already fused together.So die... die together...

"Go!" Luo Shu directly avoided her hand, not allowing Diqian to approach him, and this time he didn't even touch Diqian, only one hand could force her to push her to the door. Fang Fang, "Qianqian, be obedient, hurry up!" Luo Shu's tone was much stricter this time.

Di Qian was not allowed to have the idea of ​​wanting to die with him.

"I won't go! We're going to die together! We're going to go together!" Di Qian's voice seemed to be congenitally hoarse, and Luo Shu put on her coat with difficulty.

But Di Qian didn't cooperate at all, Luo Shu reprimanded in a low voice, "Now is not the time for you to be awkward."

Di Qian doesn't care about that much...

With tears in her eyes, she reached out to tear off his clothes to see his injuries.

Luo Shu grabbed both of her hands with one hand, as if he was giving her warmth, and at the same time suddenly shouted to the outside: "Lingo, come in and take Qianqian away!!"

As soon as Luo Shu's voice fell, within two seconds, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open. Lingo wanted to rush in a long time ago, but saw the blood on Luo Shu's body...

There is also a blood-stained arm, and the eyes are full of surprise, "Boss..."

Lingo rushed in and saw the scene where Luo Shu was covered in blood, he was shocked...

Boss, this is...

"Within 5 minutes, take her out of here safely, and take her away to me now!!" Luo Shu cruelly pushed Di Qian away, not even saying a word to her, but Di Qian didn't want to do this, "No, I won't go!"

Then he went to grab Luo Shu's hand. Luo Shu knew that there was no time for Di Qian to entangle here, so he pushed hard...

Di Qian staggered and fell to the ground. Luo Shu subconsciously tried to help her up, but he still didn't move, and said in a firm tone, "Lingo, take her away!!"

Di Qian pushed Lingo away, staggered and cried while getting up and continuing to approach him, but at this moment, Luo Shu was really going to get angry, "Lingo, take her and get out of here!!"

In fact, he wanted to say some heart-warming words in his heart, but he didn't have any time now...

(End of this chapter)

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