Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 534 I Hate You 1 Forever 10

Chapter 534 I Hate You Forever 10
Lin Ziai doesn't give much time at all...

Lingo's face was tense, and he stepped forward suddenly and pulled Di Qian away who was about to pounce on Luo Shu: "Miss Di, let's go now!!"

"I won't go! I want to be with him! You should let me go! Let me go! I don't want to go! I don't want to go!!"

Di Qian cried so heart-piercingly that his hands were desperately trying to grab everything that could be grasped, but there was nothing. Di Qian kept moving and even biting down in Lingo's arms!

Lingo suffered from pain, but still dragged her away mercilessly. When she was dragged to the door, Di Qian refused to leave. Di Qian also knew how to beat people, but because of his health, he was far less than Lingo. sharp.

"I hate you! I hate you Luoshu!"

"Lingo, I don't have much time." Luo Shu ignored Di Qian's heart-piercing, and looked directly at Lingo, his eyes seemed downcast, but the sadness revealed in his bones made Lingo almost suffocate.

Boss, this is a determination to die.

Lingo furrowed her brows deeply, and suddenly hugged Di Qian forcefully. She looked very feminine, which was completely inconsistent with Lingo's alluring image.

Lingo could only do this, and said, "Boss, this is for your own good, so Miss Di, please cooperate with me." At the same time, he directly supported Di Qian, who was struggling hard, on his shoulders, doing what a man can do. matter.

He rushed towards a car casually at the fastest speed.

Seeing that Di Qian was really going to be taken away, Lin Ziai couldn't really let her leave alive no matter if she could escape for her life in these 8 minutes.

It's just a game to make them suffer, how could it make her really leave...

How could it be possible for Di Qian to leave? !Never possible! !

Lin Ziai suddenly took a look at the gun that Luo Shu had thrown on the ground, then rushed over quickly, bent down to pick up the gun, and shot Lingo and Di Qian directly at the direction outside the door.


It was just a shot, which should have been fired, but when it was fired, the wrist holding the gun suddenly turned away, and the bullet deviated...

And the next second, the pistol was no longer in her hands, it was now in Luo Shu's hands, and Luo Shu also pointed the gun at her head.

Lin Ziai froze suddenly, and looked at Luo Shu who could stand up at this time... How much amazing fighting power does he have? !

"What you said will naturally count." Luo Shu said to Lin Ziai.

It hurts Lin Ziai's wrist to be held by Luo Shu, but since Luo Shu has already got the pistol, there is no need to grab her hand.

"Hahaha, Luo Shu also believes what I, Lin Ziai, said?!"

Seeing that Di Qian was directly pushed into a black car by that lingo, she was about to leave immediately.

Lingo opened the car door, but Di Qian didn't go in. Lingo had no choice but to push Di Qian in.

The movements were quick and neat, Lin Ziai was worried about her momentary confusion and impulsiveness just now, so she really just let Diqian leave alive!

No!She will never allow it.

"Luo Shu, do you really love that woman so much?" Lin Ziai's hands were almost clenched into fists, staring at the man with cold eyes.

There was a strange light in Luo Shu's eyes...

Fortunately, she is still alive...

Fortunately, he rescued her back.

Luo Shu suddenly smiled lightly, but his eyes were still deep... and fiercely, he raised his gun, "Bang——"

(End of this chapter)

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