Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 535 I Hate You 1 Forever 11

Chapter 535 I Hate You Forever 11
Lin Ziai had one leg broken!

Lin Ziai could only kneel down in pain, kneeling down involuntarily!

And the voice was also cold and indifferent as if it was just saying that the weather today is fine, "Lin Ziai, I will return these five guns to you in the last few minutes."

Lin Ziai was in so much pain that she only broke out in a cold sweat. She didn't want to die yet...especially because Di Qian didn't die...she couldn't die yet...

"Luo Shu, you cross the river and tear down the bridge."

"Heh, each other." Luo Shu's response was a chuckle that was so cold that it made people's heart tremble.

"Bang—" the second shot rang out.

At the same time, Lin Ziai only felt a sharp pain in her wrist, and the bullet hit her wrist very accurately, right at the joint of the wrist.

She couldn't stand this kind of pain...


And at this time, Di Qian was in the car...

Di Qian kicked and struggled hoarsely, Lingo knew that time was running out, and also knew that Di Qian would rather die here than escape so safely.

So she was very clever, found a piece of clothing in the car, quickly tore it into strips, and then tied Di Qian to the handle of the car, creating a tight knot.

Because Di Qian's feet were also kicking around, Lingo had no choice but to tie Di Qian's legs.

So when Di Qian glared at him angrily and struggled hard, he locked her tightly in the co-pilot position.

"Lingo, you asked me to find Luoshu! I don't want to leave here, I want to be with him! Even if we die, we must die together!!" Di Qian shouted, worried about the current situation of Luoshu, no Know how he is now.

The more worried Di Qian was, the more he wanted to go back to him.

Lingo frowned fiercely, and suddenly grabbed some of the remaining fabric that had just been tied with Di Qian, "I offended you, Miss Di."

Immediately stuffed it directly into her mouth, stuffed it full, and stared at her angrily. Lingo was also very anxious in his heart, and immediately drove the car out at a speed of more than 300 miles.

People are afraid of death, so no one dares to stop this car, for fear that they will be hit by the car as soon as they get close.

They are just ordinary bodyguards, not dead soldiers.

Di Qian hates it so much...

No matter how angry she was, she couldn't struggle to get rid of it. She couldn't spit out the cloth in her mouth, and even tried to push it with her tongue, but she couldn't push it out. Di Qian used almost any small movement.

She whimpered desperately, but Lingo didn't care about any of her movements or the sound of whimpering.

But it can't stop Lingo from driving in this way.

She didn't know that the speed of this car had already passed by [-] miles per hour when she saw this car, and she was getting farther and farther away from Luoshu... The cloth in her mouth couldn't spit out by herself
Her incessant whimpering in Lingo's ears forced her to step on the accelerator all the way to the bottom.

I don't know how much time is left in the 5 minutes. Di Qian only knows that they have driven the car far, far away, and she doesn't even know how far this so-called place full of explosives is. Having driven so far and still running so fast.

The farther the distance was, the heavier Diqian's heart sank. She tried her best to leave the backrest behind her and leaned forward, but it was difficult for her body to move forward under the inertia of the fast-moving car.

She wants to go back, she wants to go back!
Don't be separated from Luoshu.

She bit the thing in her mouth desperately and moved forward, her mouth was already numb, but the bloody light in her mind still made her bite the cloth in her mouth as hard as her own tongue, the top of the cloth It almost made her retch in her throat.

(End of this chapter)

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