Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 536 I Hate You 1 Forever 12

Chapter 536 I Hate You Forever 12
But finally spit out all the cloth in her mouth, she yelled at Lingo: "Lingo, I want to go back! Drive back!! Or you get out of the car! I will drive back by myself!"

She knew that Lingo was doing things according to Luo Shu's wishes, but she was not Lingo. She said she wanted to go back, and she would go back. There was nothing more satisfying than going back to see Luo Shu.

Lingo didn't expect that she could spit out the cloth in her mouth.

Now hearing Di Qian's voice, Lingo frowned, and said while driving: "Miss Di, we can't go, because here in New Zealand, during World War II, my American arsenal was already potentially dangerous. And now there are many gangsters here, the explosives that Lin Ziai released are not ordinary explosives, but the most advanced explosives in the world, as long as there are explosives nearby, once one is detonated, the explosives in all places here will be forced to explode."

"And, my mission is to protect you."

Hearing Lingo's words, Di Qian's eyes became more and more frightened instantly, she suddenly turned her head to look behind her, her heart sank more and more.

Explosion, will it explode?
What if it really exploded? !

Lin Ziai came here with the intention of perishing together, so it was very easy for Lin Ziai to kill them.

According to what Lingo said, if the explosion will bring about collateral effects, then how big is the scope of the explosion?Di Qian don't...don't leave Luoshu, so she almost begged, "Lingo, I beg you, let me go back."

But how could Lingo let her go back once?This is absolutely not allowed.

Lingo didn't speak, just cared about driving, Di Qian turned to the back, seeing where he was getting farther and farther just now, tears fell wantonly.

She can only pray for lingo now...

But the scene where Luo Shu slammed five shots on his own shoulder in front of her kept jumping out in front of her eyes, all eyes were that he didn't even give herself a second, and didn't even have time for a sentence tell her...

And let Lingo take her away directly...

Why... why did things turn out like this... Di Qian felt that the past few days were like a nightmare, entangled near her heart for a long time, and then when she pulled hard.

Life and death pain.

Why, exactly why! !
Could it be that if she had been able to live well back then, hadn't taken risks with Gu Cheng, and hadn't been forced to land in Russia... would all of this have been rewritten?
Could it be that Luo Shu would not have suffered so much?

why why……

"Lingo, I beg you, please let me go back, I love him, I love him." Di Qian said hoarsely towards Lingo, she couldn't say a word now.

Luo Shu, you must be fine.

You must leave alive, even if it is for me, you must survive...

She would rather be that Di Qian who only met Luo Shu when she was young, she would rather never meet each other, she would rather be a parallel line with him...

I don't want to let him do this proposition...

she doesn't want to...

Di Qian's tears kept rolling down until she was silent. Lingo saw her raising her head and crying silently, frowned fiercely, and finally said, "Miss Di, boss, he loves you very much... the antidote He's got it too, so you'll be back fit and healthy pretty quickly."

Hearing this Di Qian yelling at Lingo even more frantically, "I don't want any antidote! I only want Luoshu!" These words exhausted her strength, but then she was like a kitten, "I just want him... you Let him come back, let him come back..."

(End of this chapter)

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