Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 537 I Hate You 1 Forever 13

Chapter 537 I Hate You Forever 13
Lingo was also moved by it, and wanted to persuade Di Qian, "Miss Di..." The words were not finished yet.

However, at the next moment, there was an explosion sound in the far rear, and thick smoke billowed instantly...

Lingo looks in the rear direction through the rearview mirror, the origin is... look at the direction...there is the direction where Luo Shu and Lin Ziai exploded when they were there.

Smoke billows...

And accompanied by a loud noise...

Di Qian turned his head suddenly when he heard the sound, and saw the scene behind the car, it was so cruel... When it exploded, a strong light came out, forming a brilliant blue light, but this blue light was particularly dazzling.

And most people can't look directly... the eyes will not be able to bear it, and looking at it for too long will greatly damage the eyes, but Di Qian opened his eyes wide and stared blankly, and finally became heart-piercing, "Luo Shu, I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!!!…”

The heartbeat, at this moment, seemed to have stopped beating.

The car windows were not open, but the explosions continued behind them, and the thick smoke billowing quickly made it difficult for her to breathe.But she seems to have forgotten to breathe now.

The huge column of smoke continued to rise upwards, it seemed that people would worship him after showing off his might.

The bursts of scorching air made the lungs uncomfortable.

And Di Qian didn't care about these anymore, she just stared red-eyed, and then looked straight there...the place where Luo Shu was.

"Miss Di, sit down. We will rush out now."

Because the explosion behind was still attacking Di Qian crazily at a very fast speed, but because Di Qian was almost numb in his heart now, he didn't feel anything.

The heat and thick smoke here are like Di Qian rushing towards his face.

But Di Qian felt numb from the pain in her heart, she no longer knew what she was supposed to be doing...

Even though she may be in danger of being killed by the explosion, she is still not afraid, and even a little happy to let the explosion spread to her face sooner, then she can be with Luo Shu forever...

I'm not parting anymore...

Di Qian still looked at the direction behind the car without moving, and looked at the place where the explosion first exploded through the strong golden light. This place was destroyed...

Luo Shu was also destroyed...

Her heart is also dead...

The sound of explosions came one after another, rumbling, rumbling, rumbling in Di Qian's mind now, she couldn't say a word, or even a word.

And Lingo couldn't let her stare at the light all the time, "Miss Di, you can't keep looking at it, it hurts your eyes very much."

But now, how can Di Qian hear these things...

Now her heart is full of...Luo Shu...the man who is still at the explosion site.

In the flames and thick smoke, Di Qian's heart was torn into pieces with the sound of explosions, and he couldn't put it together again.

Her heart hurts now, and she can't put it together anymore.

There is only Luo Shu's voice in her ear, only his voice, whispering in her ear, as if someone is talking to her in her ear, whispering to her: "Qianqian, did you have a very good day today?" good."

"I only say this once, I love you."

The tears seemed to have dried up long ago, and I couldn't cry anymore. Like a dumb person, I could only howl dryly, but no more tears flowed...

Lingo's driving skills are very good, so he took Luo Shu to his mission, and rushed the car out of the dangerous zone with the attitude of a winner in the flash.

(End of this chapter)

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