Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 588 Making You Wait So Long 3

Chapter 588 Making You Wait So Long 3
Di Qian went to the kindergarten to pick up Lee, and then asked Lee to say goodbye to his classmates and teachers. Lee did all of these politely, just like a normal child.

Then Di Qian drove and went back to Di's house first.

Everything is so orderly, until at night, when Di Qian wants to open the text message on the phone again, and when he wants to send a text message to Luo Shu...

She turned on the phone, but she didn't know what to say, she wanted to say too much...

After hesitating for a while, she felt a little lost and still typed out her most common thoughts
【I miss you. 】

Then he kept staring at the phone, wondering if it was blurred, and Di Qian felt that all his text messages had been read, not cold unread words.

Di Qian slid her fingers on the screen randomly... There was no mark of reading, and she had sent too many messages in the past three years, and there was never a day when she did not send a text message to tell Luo Shu about her ordinary daily life.

Even adopting Lee, what name was given to Lee, and the reason, she wrote it out and sent it one by one...

Di Qian was about to take a shower, and then looked at it casually. When he was about to turn it off, he was stunned for a moment, and then raised his head to look at the sent text messages, some of which showed the status is read status.

Diqian's eyes became moist instantly, she had read...it was read... She opened her eyes hard to see if it was her own hallucination, but she still believed in her own vision...

Her eyes were red...until Di Beichen noticed her strangeness, Di Qian's eyes were wide open, and the tears in his eyes splashed on the screen of the phone...


Dibeichen took her mobile phone, she didn't feel anything at all, until finally, after Dibeichen saw the clues of the text messages on the mobile phone...

Frowning, she already had the answer in her heart, the same answer as Li Mengmeng.

Protect his beloved sister.

"Qianqian, what happened?" Di Beichen deliberately pretended to be very indifferent.

"Brother, is he still alive, is he..." Di Qian suddenly asked.

Di Beichen was surprised: "He? You just mean Luo Shu?"

Di Qian tried her best to calm herself, her eyes seemed to be still on the read text messages on the screen, she did not leave, she stared firmly at the surprise in Di Bei Chen's eyes, almost wanting to be in his eyes Find any flaws, "Look at the phone, look at the text messages on the phone, one of the text messages I sent in the past is in the read status, really, I am not dazzled, brother, is he still alive?! Isn't he!! !"

Di Qian's tone became a bit sharp, and he stared closely at the mobile phone in Di Bei Chen's hand...

At this moment, Di Beichen pretended to understand what she meant, and then looked at the phone, there was indeed a read status on it, and it was hard for him to do small tricks now, his sister was very clever.

"I see." Di Beichen said lightly.

Immediately, Di Qian tightly clenched her hand, then took her mobile phone from Di Bei Chen's hand, and turned her head to look at the screen abruptly.

Among the recent sent text messages, a few of them showed that they had been read. Although only one had been read, it still caused huge waves in Di Qian's almost dead heart.

"Qianqian, what's the matter?" Dibeichen realized that Diqian's eyes were a little red, but she was trying her best to restrain some emotions, which made him a little worried.

(End of this chapter)

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