Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 589 Making You Wait So Long 4

Chapter 589 Making You Wait So Long 4
He still can't let Di Qian know that, in fact, three years ago, Di Beichen already knew about Luo Shu's condition, and his body was extremely weak... He might die at any time.

And he was in a vegetable state, so...he didn't tell Di Qian the real situation, he just said that he died...

Even Qin Yu and Di Kuo knew about this, but... tacitly assumed that Luo Shu was dead.

It is the greatest protection for Di Qian.

Di Qian stared at the screen and said with a smile, "He's still alive...brother...he's still alive."

Then he seemed to be extremely happy, "No, I'll call Lingo right away, right away."

Di Qian has also forgotten, not only Lingo's phone can't get through, even C's phone can't get through a few days after the accident...

"Qianqian, calm down first." Di Beichen turned around and walked towards Di Qian, reaching out to hold down her hand that was holding the mobile phone and about to call them immediately, "Listen to me, it's just a read text message, and Can’t prove anything, it’s because you’ve been thinking that he’s still alive, still alive… It’s just an illusion for you, Qianqian, you’re still calling, don’t you forget? The phone call between Lingo and C, a few days after his accident, All are disconnected..."

Di Qian held on to the phone tightly, now he couldn't listen to anything, and insisted on calling them, Di Beichen frowned, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the phone from her hand and put it in his own.

Di Qian was startled, puzzled by Di Bei Chen's actions, she looked at him blankly: "Brother..."

"Give me the phone...Give it to me!!!"

"Qianqian, be more rational!"

"You also know that modern science and technology are so advanced that even your father can implant a chip in the back of your neck! And maybe his mobile phone number has long been used by another person, and Luo Shu is also an important person, maybe Someone wants to steal her information, so Qianqian, you can't just assume that he is still alive, be rational, I'm afraid you will be disappointed again!"

"And, if he's alive, if he wants you to know, if he wants to see you, he'll reply to you, or come to China to find you, but it's just a text message! You're so excited? What are you doing? clam down!"

Di Qian is a little confused now.

But there is still a rush in my mind.

He didn't tell Di Qian.

He wants to hide the news.

It's all for Di Qian's good.

Di Qian looked at him stiffly, and gradually calmed down, but said with a dry voice: "Brother, he is still alive, you say yes!"

Di Qian's expression was a little painful, she really couldn't take it anymore...

Di Beichen looked at her distressedly, but didn't explain much, just turned around and hugged Di Qian in his arms, seeing her standing there with a lonely expression, he suddenly began to hate himself Heartless now.

But the time has not come yet. Now is not the time for Di Qian to know about Luo Shu's physical condition. If Di Qian knows, she will definitely fly to the United States right now. Unstable, may die at any time now...

Therefore, she cannot be allowed to go, let alone know, otherwise Luo Shu will not be able to save her when the time comes, and her sister will do something out of the ordinary.

he knows...

When the situation is unpredictable, he cannot make this decision.

She finally calmed down, once she knew Luo Shu's current situation, she might really go crazy, and went to him like crazy.

 Well, today's update is over, and tomorrow's update should be late in the early morning, so there is no need to wait for the cute little one who is waiting for the early morning update.go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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