Chapter 603 He Finally Came Back 2
But for Di Qian...

Luo Shu walked step by step, as if it was a gift from heaven, Di Qian's eyes were already blurred, she grinned and wanted to smile, but the smile still couldn't come out when the smile reached her mouth, and she came back from the dead.

She's supposed to be laughing, isn't she?

But why she couldn't stop the tears from streaming down?Why can't she smile happily.

The person I love the most, he is back...

Not a hallucination, not in a dream... just the real present, he is real...

But she still cried when that person got closer and closer to her...


"Luo Shu?!" Li Mengmeng looked at the black figure in surprise, and the figure that was getting closer, was so surprised that even her breathing stopped.

When that person walked in front of Di Qian, the world seemed to be still, and then he didn't speak, just looked at Di Qian.

But in the end, "Shallow..."

This voice, like a love spanning thousands of years, finally came...

Di Qian raised her head quickly when she heard the voice, and seeing his face at a close distance, she cried and wanted to stand up, but she seemed to be in a panic and couldn't stand up at all.

Even when Li Mengmeng was pulling her up, she had no strength left, it was as if her strength had been emptied.

She sucked her nose and looked at the man in front of her with red eyes...

Until Luo Shu stretched out her right hand, she hurriedly raised her hand and put it in his hand, as if she was afraid that he would disappear again, but just as she put her hand into his palm, Di Qian's hand instantly became cold...

His hands were no longer warm, and his hands were a little cold, as if frozen in the temperature of an ice cave.

Luo Shu put the hand warmer he brought out into Di Qian's hand, "Is it cold?"

Di Qian's eyes were moist, and he was so choked up that he couldn't speak. Three years ago, he also said the same sentence, Qian Qian, is it cold?

It's just that the black windbreaker was put on her.

Luo Shu raised his strength slightly, and Di Qian followed his strength and stood up. The moment she got up, she didn't care about the pain, and threw herself into his arms fiercely.

This time it was a heart-piercing cry, but both hands hugged tightly as if they were hugging the most precious and fragile baby in the world, for fear that he would disappear in the next moment, for fear that he would suddenly be hugging A cloud of air, I'm afraid it's an illusion, and I'm afraid it's just a dream.

"I know...I know you won't die..." Di Qian choked up in his arms, holding him tightly with both hands, "Why did you just come back... how are you willing to make me sad for three years..."

"Why...why didn't you tell me you were alive..."

In the past three years, she has suffered a lot both physically and mentally.

Can't sleep every night...

Luo Shu didn't speak, but felt the coolness on her body, and before he could open his mouth, C had already given Luo Shu the thin blanket in the car, and C just handed the blanket to Luo Shu, and C's appearance made Luo Shu She is even more convinced that this is Luoshu... This is her Luoshu.

not others...

Luo Shu took the thin blanket and covered Di Qian. Di Qian didn't care whether it was cold or not, but she wanted to get into his arms and into his body. She didn't want to be with Luo Shu anymore. Separated, not willing at all.

She buried her head firmly in Luo Shu's chest, which was not hot at all, and the smell in her nose still belonged to him...although there was a serious smell of medicine...

(End of this chapter)

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