Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 674 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 5

Chapter 674 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 5
This time, Gu Cheng dreamed of the same scene again... He was sent in and abandoned... When he accepted the man wholeheartedly, the man chose to push him away.


Gu Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, then straightened his body reflexively, then sat up from the bed, kneading his temples, why... dreamed of that man again...

Really a nightmare...

Gu Cheng touched the remote control beside the bed, and then pressed the button towards the curtains, the curtains opened slowly and automatically, and the morning sun instantly poured down on Gu Cheng's bedroom.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is a great sun.

He looked out the window, raised his hand and rubbed his aching brain, he drank a little too much last night... so now his brain hurts a little bit.

He didn't think much about the dream, so he got up, cheered up, and then washed up. This was his first day reporting to the company, and he had to tidy himself up, because he was going to be an intern in a company tomorrow. Today was the first day of work, and he couldn't be late. He put on his suit and tie, then picked up his briefcase, and ate a hasty breakfast.

Eating with Li Mengmeng, and Li Mengmeng was earlier than him, the two of them are relatively good friends now, Gu Cheng sat down, then put the briefcase aside, and then ate breakfast, "Why did you wake up so early?"

Li Mengmeng's dark circles are very heavy, and she eats very little. Before, she vomited a lot and ate a lot, but now she doesn't vomit anymore...

I didn't want to eat it at first...

"It also requires me to sleep." Li Mengmeng sipped the rice porridge, and after taking a sip, she didn't really want to drink it anymore, she lost her appetite.

"I'll call the doctor right away." Gu Cheng took out his mobile phone, then called Dr. Li, and checked the calendar by the way, "Also, your prenatal check-up is coming soon, and I will still call the doctor home when the time comes Come."

Because Li Mengmeng is a popular star, if she is photographed in the hospital for a prenatal checkup, it will be fine. Many fans will probably be pissed off, and Li Mengmeng will be personally attacked and scolded to death.

None of this matters, and the most important thing is...

At that time, Luo Yan will not be able to hide it...

"Thank you." Li Mengmeng said softly. After all, she is still a burden, just a trouble to others.

"It's okay, we're all friends."


A breakfast ended like this, and Gu Cheng should have the company report it. When he just left the house, the driver had already driven out...

When it was Gu Cheng, he didn't want to be so ostentatious. A low-level employee, but with such luxury, and also wore a driver to work, he originally wanted to drive a low-key car by himself.

But there was no low-key car in the garage, so he finally decided to take the bus by himself, and in the end, without figuring out the route, in the end——

On the first day of work, he was scolded by the director of their personnel department.

In the office, I heard the director of their personnel department scolding Gu Cheng who was standing aside.

"Late for work on the first day?" The director of the personnel department still held a blank piece of paper in his hand, curled it up and pointed at Gu Cheng in front of him, cursing, "Do you still want this job? It's like this on the first day." My son, your attitude is extremely improper, don’t be inflated just because you are from a higher education institution! I can still fire you right now!”

Germany is a very strict country, nothing that is not serious is allowed to appear.

(End of this chapter)

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