Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 675 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 6

Chapter 675 [Gu Mo] If you are willing to come, I will not leave 6
Gu Cheng himself knew that he was in the wrong, so he nodded and said, "The manager taught me the lesson, I will remember it."

Gu Cheng is also a member of their personnel department, "Do you know, if the boss who is going to negotiate with our company boss today encounters such a bad side of you being late for work, do you know how much it will affect our company's image?! "

The manager continued to talk, but Gu Cheng was stunned. What he meant was, there will be bosses from other companies coming over today?Afraid that he was late and just happened to be met by the boss?
This is actually... To other interns, it may really be a heavyweight bomb, but to him, Gu Cheng, it is not a big deal at all.

But seeing that the manager was so angry, it was necessary to give him some face, so he nodded and bowed again and said, "Sorry manager, I will pay attention next time, and I won't be late again."

Gu Cheng said a lot of good things, and his attitude was very good, so the manager let him go and started his day's work.

The human resources department has a heavy workload in one day, but Gu Cheng can still live on hold, knowing that it is almost noon, at this time, people in their office heard people from other departments say that the boss is here.

And for a very handsome man, many girls in the office went to watch, as a crowd, but none of the men in the office went to watch.

Some boys A who stayed in the office to print out the materials started to say, "Tch, these women's eyes are straight when they see handsome guys."

Boy B, "What's the use of watching? Could it be that the president of that company still has a crush on one of them?"

Boy C, "That's right, women nowadays are fickle, and they are not specific."

And they talked so much, Gu Cheng didn't interrupt a word, he just took it as it went in one ear and out the other.

In the end, because the door of the office is transparent, their personnel department is the main road for transportation, and the boss always goes to the meeting room to discuss business, and he has to take a special elevator on their side.

But when the boss came over, there was a group of bodyguards in the dark, and a group of nympho female employees. He didn't see the man at all.

And he didn't care about his business, so Gu Cheng didn't pay much attention to it, he just went about his own business, and a few girls from their HR department went to see the boss on the grounds of business, and they started to be nympho as soon as they came in.

Sitting on the seat, his face was flushed, and his face was shy, "So handsome, so handsome." It was really a very proud smile...

A group of girls started chatting about whether that person is handsome or not. At this time, Gu Cheng had finished all the work.

It was already time to get off work, and when Gu Cheng was about to go to the staff restaurant for dinner, the nympho girl hadn't done what he was supposed to do.

Then he looked at Gu Cheng with a pitiful face, "Help me to the meeting room and give me the materials for the meeting. Today, the president is holding a separate meeting with a group boss who rarely comes in person, and I have already made the contract. , but there is still no one, the higher-ups are urgent, so can you help me give this share to our boss who is in a meeting?"

"I'm really busy here, please help me get it."

This is still an old employee of the company, because Gu Cheng has been working here for too long, and it is difficult for Gu Cheng to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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