Chapter 436
Others may have only heard of the legend of Shapo Yujian, but his father showed him the attacking video of Shapo Yujian. Although it was only once, the shock brought by that kind of lethality has not dissipated until now.

He squinted his eyes carefully and felt extremely startled. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately recognized the thing in Yun Yi's hand, "Slay Po Yujian!"

Seeing that the Killing Feather Arrow had gathered energy, Yun Yi shot at Li Yang without hesitation, and two kinds of light, copper patina and blood red, shot up into the sky, faster than a meteor.

"Yunyi! You wait for me! My father won't let you go...!" Li Yang's crazily resentful voice hadn't finished yet when there was a terrifying explosion that pierced the sky, and an energy boost that was comparable to the full attack of a god. The fire element, even the earth trembled when it exploded.

Even the moonlight was swallowed up at the place where the Killing Feather Arrow exploded. Under this impact, Li Yang's blood and bones were all blown up into a cloud of smoke and dust.

Seeing that the other party could never survive, Yun Yi received the Shapoyu arrow. In fact, he couldn't shoot the second arrow, because this arrow not only gathered a lot of spiritual power from heaven and earth, but also sucked his spiritual power. It was completely clean, so that his star pattern appeared automatically. Fortunately, the power of the source immediately started to work, so that he wouldn't even be able to open the space ring.

While Yun Yi received the arrow, the people watching the battle outside were also shocked. The star pattern under Yun Yi's feet just now was very eye-catching, and many people could see it clearly.

"God, am I right? Saint Emperor Realm Three Stars?"

"Three stars in the Holy Emperor Realm kill the strong Emperor Realm? Is the Emperor Realm or Li Yang who used the inherited skills?"

Everyone went crazy, they all looked at Yun Yi in amazement, and couldn't stop admiring and discussing.

They are all warriors in the Saint Realm. It stands to reason that they should not be so restless, but this kind of thing is too scary. In the entire Northern Territory, with a history of tens of thousands of years, it has never been heard that any three-star Saint Emperor Realm can kill an Emperor Realm Strong!

Listening to the discussion from the crowd, Yun Yi almost confirmed his guess, "It turns out that he is really the son of the lone wolf god, that Li Hai's brother Li Yang."

Speaking of Yun Yi, he gritted his teeth again, "After collecting the things at that time, we should kill him, otherwise why would we cause such a big trouble!"

Thinking that Li Yang is the most beloved son of the Lone Wolf God Lord, Yun Yi's head was as big as a bucket, and he killed the Lone Wolf God Lord's son, and exposed the Shapoyu Arrow. His next trip to the Northern Realm may be full of thrills and stimulated.

Just thinking about these consequences, Yun Yi had a headache, but after a while Yun Yi put aside the headache, anyway, people were killed, and now regretting is meaningless, he slapped governor Red Tiger to death The corpse was collected and ran away.

It's strange to say that the name of the governor of the Red Tiger, the Red Tiger, is known to the entire state. Now after the fall, the real body is a red-winged Sirius. This is exactly what Yun Yi wanted. Those who followed him from the Lingka Continent Spirit beasts, such as Xiao Zi and Xiao Guang, need to improve their bloodline now.

After collecting Governor Honghu's body and a group of inner alchemy, Yun Yi planned to leave this place of right and wrong, but just as he was about to leave, he unexpectedly found an ash under the place where Li Yang was blasted into flying ash just now. The palm is big and round, wrapped in white beads.

"What is it?" Yun Yi flew over curiously, raised his hand and grabbed the bead, who knew that it took only a moment for him to catch it, and a wave of extreme coldness hit his arm, flying upwards, with a destructive momentum all the way , In a gloomy and icy place, his soul power melted completely like ice in boiling water, and disappeared in an instant!
"God!" Without even thinking about it, Yun Yi quickly mobilized the source power and all the existing spiritual power in his dantian, and a burst of spiritual power shot out, hitting the white bead far away.

After the white ball was released from his hand, Yun Yi's entire arm remained stiff, and it took a while before he regained his strength. Looking at the white ball in horror, Yun Yi wondered, "What the hell is this!"

The moment of contact, the orb actually began to melt and devour his soul power. If he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have turned into a fool without soul power within half a minute.

Unavoidable side effects, Yun Yi tentatively wrapped it with spiritual power, and found that it was really effective, this bead seemed to be only effective for soul power.

Discovering this, Yun Yi hurriedly brought it into the Cloud Thorn Hall, placed it in a remote and safe corner, and got in himself, activated the invisibility effect of the Cloud Thorn Hall, and left quickly.

The onlookers who were discussing endlessly only felt that Yun Yi's figure flashed past, and then he disappeared completely, which aroused even crazier discussions among the crowd.

After leaving the Red Tiger State, Yun Yi urged the Yunjing Temple to fly towards the Nine Dragon Mountains at a steady and fast speed.

Only a trace of soul power was left to move the Yunjing Palace, and Yun Yi began to sort out the harvest of the Red Tiger Palace this time. The Red Tiger State was completely ruled by spirit beasts, and when dozens of spirit beasts fell, he got dozens of inner pills. This is the inner alchemy of the holy emperor realm spirit beast!After a battle, the training resources of the contracted beast are also available, and he also has the materials for refining the spirit card.

And in the space rings of dozens of holy emperors and two great emperors, there are even a lot of spiritual marrow and spiritual treasures, especially the governor of the state of Red Tiger, who controls the entire state, and all the income is in her hands. There are millions of grams!
Li Yang, the noble son of a god, has more spirit marrow, but in Li Yang's space ring, in addition to a large number of spirit marrow, there are also many third- and fourth-tier spirit cards, which can be snatched by others To Li Yang, spirit cards with broken heads didn't seem to be unusual, so they were just piled up in a random pile and placed in the corner.

Even Li Yang despises spirit cards, especially Yun Yi, a seventh-level card master. However, there is still one thing in Li Yang's interspatial ring that caught his attention. It was a flower as thick as an adult's arm. The whole body is purple gold, with seven petals folded, like a summer lotus.

There are even a little gold spots on the petals and stems, although they are only the size of a small fingernail, but they are not covered by the purple of the flowers at all, instead they complement each other, which is very beautiful.

"Zijinlian!" Yun Yi exclaimed, "The son of a god is good, and you can get a spirit treasure of this level."

Zijinlian is more precious than Jade Muscle Fruit. It is an elixir of the same level as elemental essence. Zijinlian can greatly and permanently improve the strength of spirit beasts. If it can be used together with flame ginseng, it can even improve spirit The cultivation base of a beast.

Seeing Zijinlian, Yun Yi couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "It's said that the golden belt of killing people and setting fires, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me, with just a few hours of effort, it's a complete overnight fortune. When the time comes to find Yanshen, the two The elixir was swallowed by Xiao Jiu, maybe his cultivation base has risen higher than mine."

After sorting out the various spiritual treasures he had obtained, Yun Yi began to refine the original blood of governor Honghu. The original blood of the warriors in the emperor realm has a much more complete memory than the original blood of the holy emperor. After refining Governor Honghu's memory, Yun Yi got Lei Li's whereabouts.

Seeing this, even Yun Yi couldn't help being horrified, "God, do you want to play with me like this?"

He just said, Governor Honghu is a warrior at the emperor level after all, his "prey" was robbed, it's fine if he didn't offer a reward, and he didn't even dare to make a statement. This in itself is not in line with her personality. Lei Li turned out to be such a great person.

Governor Honghu only has a very short message in his memory, Zhantianlou, Killing the sky.

In the northern realm, even a person like Yun Yi, who had really walked for less than a month, knew about Killing Heaven.

The Northern Territory Continent has never been a peaceful continent. Strong people gather, fight and fight, and it is common for emperors to fall. Warriors with weak combat power are trampled down, and warriors with strong combat power are believed by everyone.

As long as the mainland is a battle in the emperor's realm, as long as it is a talented person, no matter where they are, even if it is a remote mainland border like Greenstone Town, Zhantianlou will include the battle records.

Of course, the reason why Zhantianlou is famous in the mainland is not only because of the three rankings, it is not only an intelligence agency, but also a powerful force agency.

Zhantianlou is like a fusion of the five major alliances of the Spirit Card Continent. Warriors, card masters, beast trainers, killers, mercenaries, etc., all capable people can get their due treatment in Zhantianlou.

And all of this is not the most terrifying thing, the most terrifying thing is that the person behind Zhantian Tower is the strongest warrior in the northern realm, Killing Heaven!

People in the northern realm, no one knows how old Lu Tian is, let alone how long he has been in the northern realm. It seems that he has lived as long as the history of the northern realm, and his own strength is even more unfathomable.

The Killing Heaven Realm, where the Lord Killing Heaven is located, is at the northernmost tip of the northern boundary. For hundreds of thousands of years, no matter how stormy and stormy the outside world is, or how powerful the strong are, the Killing Heaven Realm has never invaded any Divine Lord Realm, but those who tried to invade the Killing Heaven Realm tragically fell God, you can't count on two hands.

Even a strong fighter like Emperor Mu bluntly said that he was no match for the Lord of the Heaven Killing God. Of the Eight Great Lords of God, the God of Killing the Sky deserved to be the number one, and also the No. 1 in the entire Northern Territory Continent.

"Ah." Having had a headache for a long while, Yun Yi couldn't help but sighed, in the hands of the God Slaughtering God, even if he had two arrows to kill the feathers, he couldn't do it.

Although he had a headache, he probably won't see Lei Li for a long time in the future, but Yun Yi didn't worry too much, "Boy Li is very lucky."

A person at the level of Lord Killing God would naturally not have any plans for Lei Li, a martial artist at the Saint level. The most likely thing is to see that Lei Li has good bones and high talents, and wants to take him as a disciple to teach him.

Knowing that Lei Li is safe, a big stone in Yun Yi's heart also fell to the ground. From Governor Honghu's original blood, he also got the relationship between Lone Wolf God Lord and his father.

After discovering that the Lone Wolf God Lord and the two Great God Lords were chasing and killing Yun Qingyuan, Yun Yi's anxiety about beheading Li Yang disappeared immediately, "Hmph, if you dare to chase and kill my father, I will dare to cut off your bloodline!"

At this time, Yun Yi wished to cut off a few more direct descendants of the Lone Wolf Domain, and vent his anger on the father he hadn't met yet.

(End of this chapter)

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