God-level card system

Chapter 437 Can't jump for a few days?

Chapter 437 Can't jump for a few days?

After finishing the matter of the Red Tiger State, Yun Yi urged the Yunjing Hall to go to the northwest direction, intending to take a space boat to Jiulongyuan. According to Yun Qingyuan's footsteps, it should be almost to Jiulongyuan by this time. If you rush over, maybe you can meet someone in advance without going to the Jiulong Mountains.

Nine Dragons is at the foot of the Nine Dragons Mountains, basically the center of the southern continent. Nine Dragons is about the size of a state, but it is the only area in the entire northern border that is not controlled by the governor.

Of course, it's not that there are no emperor-level powerhouses here, but on the contrary, there are too many emperor-level powerhouses. In the entire southern continent, this area has the most emperor-level powerhouses.

The proud and strong in the imperial realm refuse to submit to anyone, and fight all year round, fighting for profit, but no one can really completely suppress everyone and unify the entire Nine Dragons Plain.

One of the reasons why Jiulongyuan is so chaotic is because of Zhantianlou, to be precise, it is the space of Zhantianlou.

The reason why the Lord Killing Heaven is believed and respected by the entire Northern Realm is not only because of the strength of the Lord Killing Heaven, but also because of his contribution to the entire Northern Realm.

The northern boundary is so large that it takes nearly a month to cross a range state, and there are thousands of range states in the entire northern boundary. At the speed of Yunyi driving the Yunjing Temple, it will take at least 20 years to go from the Red Tiger State to the Jiulong Mountains. In 20 years, not to mention the Lantian stone jade, even the Jiulong mountain range may have changed hands several times.

Walking on such a large continent in the northern boundary, the most indispensable thing is to sail in the space of Zhantianlou.

Killing God is not only a god, but also a high-level card master. As early as 10,000+ years ago, he set up five nodes in the north and south respectively, and they landed in the four corners and the center of the north and south respectively, and then passed through them. The refined space sailing boat - a seventh-order spirit card, which can carry warriors back and forth for transportation.

It is an extremely fast spirit card itself, and with the superimposed five-layer acceleration card pattern, the speed of the space boat has reached an extremely terrifying level, even the gods are beyond the reach. half a month.

Due to the fast speed of space sailing, it has become the best way of travel for warriors in the northern realm once it was born, and the range state where the node is set has a large flow of people, countless spirit treasures and elixir in circulation, and there is a huge flow of people. The majestic power of faith that came, these are all for the emperor.

The locations of the four corners of the north and south are good, especially the center. The Jiulongyuan in the south and the Yuebei wilderness in the north are in chaos, and there are fights every day.

If it weren't for the governors of the prefectures around Jiulongyuan who are all well-known powerhouses, I don't know what the trouble will be like.

What Yun Yi likes the most is this kind of chaotic place. Whether it is killing people to seize treasures or competing for experience, it is a very good place. However, his own improvement has not been much, so he made up his mind to go to Jiulongyuan to find opportunities to practice.

After flying to the northeast of Honghu State for more than half a month, Yun Yi arrived at the node of space sailing, Cangying State, Luoxia City.

This is the southern node of the southern continent, where warriors from nearby states who need to travel gather.

Luoxia City is the city where space sailing nodes are set up, and at the beginning of the month when Zhantianlou rankings are updated, it is crowded with people and traders come and go in an endless stream.

The Zhantianlou Branch in Luoxia City was buzzing with people at this time, and it was a bustling scene. As far as the eye could see, it was full of warriors holding this month's leaderboard and summoning spirit cards to talk about it.

This kind of communication spirit card that only records text is very cheap, but after it is uploaded on the Zhantianlou leaderboard, its value has increased by hundreds of times. But there is an endless stream.

Just from the number of people queuing up in the lobby of Zhantian Tower to buy the leaderboard, it can be seen that the North Realm respects powerful warriors.

"God, this is too scary!" A group of explorers gathered a group of more than a dozen people, and suddenly there was a scream.

The brothers around immediately began to yell, "What's so scary? You said it!"

These people all have less spiritual essence, and more than a dozen people gathered a copy of the communication crystal, and everyone watched it together.

"Talk about it! A warrior named Yun Yi killed Li Yang, a warrior in the Emperor Realm! He is only three stars in the Saint Emperor Realm!"

"This is too unbelievable! Li Yang is the son of a famous god, and he is known as the strongest young master!"

"More than that, in the battle to kill Li Yang, Yun Yi also killed all the warriors of the Saint Emperor Realm in Honghu State, as well as the Governor of Honghu!"

The people around were already very surprised when they heard that Yun Yi beheaded Li Yang, but now they heard this, they couldn't help but gasp.

"My God! Is he still human! The fighting power of spirit beasts is not so strong!"

Someone couldn't help but compare Yun Yi with the shocking battles in the north two years ago, "Back then, Shuangmu Shenjun beheaded two great gods, seventeen emperors, and became famous in one battle. This Yun Yi is even more monster than Shuangmu Shenjun! "

The people around couldn't help but nodded, "Although the battle of the Shuangmu Shenjun was shocking, it was after all beheading warriors of the same realm and low realm warriors, and Yun Yi's challenge was all about crossing stars and crossing borders!"

Just as everyone was discussing in horror, suddenly, there was a very disdainful snort from behind them.

"Hmph, what do you know, you're talking nonsense here!"

The group of people who were discussing turned their heads and found that the person who was speaking was actually a noble young man in gorgeous clothes, and he was accompanied by several powerful guardian warriors.

Seeing everyone looking at him, the noble young master held his head up even more, "Hmph, I tell you that Yun Yi was only able to kill the emperor with an attack spirit card, and his own strength is only lower than that of the holy emperor." Xing, it won't take long to be arrogant at all."

Soon someone in the crowd recognized this noble son, and whispered, "Isn't this Feng Dong, the young master of Governor Goshawk? He is a strong man at the peak of the Holy Emperor."

"Really, what is he doing here? Also take a spaceship to go to Jiulongyuan? Participate in the Lantian stone jade competition?"

"It must be. The unearthed stone jade in Lantian is a major event that occurs once in thousands of years. Even if you don't fight for it, you still have to watch it."

Just when everyone turned to talk about Feng Dong, a faint cold snort came from a distance, "Even with the attack spirit card, Your Excellency Yun Yi has killed a strong man at the peak of the Emperor Realm. This young master is probably as powerful as a strong man of his level." You haven't killed him before, where did you come to curse His Excellency Yun Yi so loudly?"

Hearing these words, everyone couldn't help being stunned. This is Goshawk State, who is so bold as to take the face of the young governor of Goshawk State?
Relying on his status as the young governor, Feng Dong has been arrogant in Cangying State for decades, and now someone came to tear him down as soon as he finished speaking, how could he bear this tone.

Feng Dong looked in the direction of the speaker with cold eyes, intending to teach him a lesson, but when he saw the speaker, his gloomy look disappeared, and the warriors around who saw the speaker also showed amazement, a little greedy Look at the woman.

It was a very beautiful shape-changing spirit beast, with gentle and elegant blue eyes, a pair of jasper dragon horns on its forehead, and long blue curly hair reaching its waist. Standing there lightly, it was unbearable to be insulted.

Transformation spirit beasts are very beautiful, but it is rare to see such a beautiful spirit beast. When Feng Dong saw this spirit beast, he immediately acted like a gentleman.

"Your Excellency, you may be an admirer of Yun Yi, so you have overlooked some facts. You must know that Yun Yi killed the beloved son of the Lone Wolf God, His Excellency Li Yang. Now the Lone Wolf God is offering a reward for this Yun Yi." , the bounty is [-] million grams of spiritual marrow, do you think he can escape?"

Hearing [-] million grams of spiritual marrow, everyone couldn't help but gasp. The total annual income of a state is only a few million grams, and the lone wolf god is [-] million grams when he makes a move!Many powerhouses who heard the news were ready to move.

Seeing the thoughtful look on the woman's face, Feng Dong couldn't help continuing to say proudly: "This beautiful lady, you must not know that this Yun Yi also has the strongest attack card in his hand, the Killing Feather Arrow! He is Killed the two emperors with the Shapoyu Arrow.

Although Zhantianlou did not disclose the specific situation of the battle in Red Tiger State, the spies from several states around us have reported back, and the other states have already spread the news. It won't be long before this Yunyi will Faced with a more terrifying pursuit than the reward offered by the gods. "

All of a sudden, a thousand layers of waves were stirred up, and when they heard the words Sha Po Yu Jian, the crowd was like hot oil splashed with cold water, and the crowd was full of voices in an instant.

"My God! The strongest attack spirit card!"

"Even the legendary Killing Feather Arrow appeared!"

"It's over, it's over, this Yunyi will definitely attract the gods to hunt down and kill him!"

Satisfied with the reactions of the people around him, Feng Dong was very proud. Although he had other purposes in coming here, the most important thing was to spread the news of killing the feather arrow and offering a reward. , they in Goshawk State were the first to receive the order to spread the news, so they naturally wanted to do things beautifully.

"So no matter how strong this Yun Yi is, he can't escape the endless pursuit. He is a grasshopper after autumn, and he won't be able to jump for a few days."

After saying this, Feng Dong walked a few steps towards the woman, and said in a rather domineering tone: "This beautiful lady, why do you have to worship that kind of precarious weakling? , then Yunyi and me, isn't it different from cloud and mud?"

The blue-haired woman glanced at Feng Dong, and nodded in agreement, "You have said so much, and you finally said something right. You and him are indeed very different. Your Excellency Yun Yi, relying on your own strength You have killed countless strong men, and you were able to get away safely, but you have made no achievements other than showing off your identity here, isn't it the difference between cloud and mud?"

"Didn't you just say that Zhantianlou didn't disclose the specific situation of the Red Tiger State battle? The reward offered by the Lone Wolf God is just a piece of paper. Does he have a portrait of His Excellency Yun Yi? Does he know the whereabouts of His Excellency Yun Yi? Where are you going to hunt them down?"

(End of this chapter)

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