Chapter 306

"It's really my good boy..." The Pope said kindly, still looking compassionate.And those cardinals and attendants all showed a look of gratitude at this time, and Li Yunfei also remained calm and moved.

Pope Miloran obviously thought that his magic had worked, and smiled slightly, and said to Li Yunfei: "Sol, my child, come, let me introduce you, this is Cardinal Kobe, from the Black Tower King City, this This one is Cardinal Freys, from Lingyun King City, you have seen it before, this one is..."

The Pope kept talking and introduced the four cardinals behind him to Li Yunfei.Following the Pope's introduction, Li Yunfei stepped forward to salute one by one, and these cardinals hurriedly returned the salute, with modest and friendly expressions, even the cardinal Freys of the Lingyun King City, at this time, seemed to let go of his suspicions appearance.

Obviously, these people have fully accepted Li Yunfei, a young saint, and regarded him as one of their own.

Li Yunfei felt in his heart the power of the Pope's magic, and at the same time he was secretly vigilant, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Compared to Charlie the Lion-Hearted Emperor who is self-willed but straightforward, this Lion-Hearted Pope Miloran is more like an old fox, and he has already laid down his murderous hands without making a fuss!

Seeing that Li Yunfei had finished exchanging greetings with all the cardinals, the Pope smiled and said, "My children, you step back for now, I have an oracle to convey to Sol."

Hearing this, several cardinals and attendants in the prayer room all took a deep breath, and looked at Li Yunfei with horror on their faces.

sky!oracle!There was an oracle conveyed to Saint Saul!
You must know that the oracle is the direct will of God the Father, and no one can accept the oracle except the Pope.It can be said that this direct grace from God the Father is the Pope's most powerful reliance.Therefore, His Majesty the Pope of the three golden imperial cities is also known as the person who is closest to the Father God, and is the most trusted spokesperson of the Father God in the world.

And now, this teenage saint actually got the oracle directly!
This shows what?This shows that the aloof Father God also knows the existence of Saint Sol, which is simply the highest honor.

Almost instantly, the eyes of these cardinals looking at Li Yunfei became different, apart from the kindness just now, there was even a hint of awe.

And those attendants trembled all over, wishing they could kneel down and kiss Li Yunfei's boots immediately.

Then the cardinals and attendants retreated slowly with awe-inspiring eyes, and tightly closed the door of the prayer room, leaving only Li Yunfei and the Pope behind.

Li Yunfei was respectful on the surface, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart. Not only did he activate Burning Heaven Douyan, but he also began to feel the power of the stars.

After entering the temple, he had already bathed and changed clothes under the leadership of those servants. At this time, he was wearing a large robe, but he looked very thin.

The Pope still had a kind smile on his face, and said to him: "Sol, the oracle of the Father God, is very interested in your experience in the demiplane of Azeroth, and there are some things that I must ask you a few more times."

Hearing this, Li Yunfei couldn't help but suddenly realized that it was a matter of the demiplane of Azeras, no wonder he wanted to push back other people.Now he also fully understands how important the Devourer of the Plane he saw in the half-plane of Azeroth is. Not only did the Lionheart Emperor and the Lionheart Pope attach so much importance, it even attracted the attention of the Father God!

At the moment, Li Yunfei thought for a while, and roughly described his experience in the half-plane of Azeroth. Of course, the relevant content was exactly the same as what he told Lionheart Great Emperor.

When he finished speaking, the pope showed a serious expression on his face, and said: "As expected... I didn't believe it at first when I received your letter last time. I didn't expect that God the Father entrusted me with a dream that night and told me these things. Everything is true, and even made me ask a few questions immediately after I met you. Speaking of which, your title as a saint is still due to the glory of God the Father. God the Father is above!"

"Father God!" Li Yunfei immediately saluted in the same manner, showing his piety.

"Father God asked me to ask you, how many heads does that Devourer of Faces have?" the Pope said slowly, as if he felt uncomfortable with what he said.

"Three!" Li Yunfei replied immediately without any hesitation.Those three monsters left such a deep impression on him that he couldn't forget them at all.

"Very good." The Pope nodded, indicating that he understood, and then asked: "Are there any abnormal things around the Devouring Beast, which are very different from the properties of my Giant God Continent?"

Hearing this, Li Yunfei immediately thought of the things floating in the void around Devouring Beast, dilapidated high-rise buildings, spaceships of unknown technology, and even... the brand of Maochang glasses!

"Yes!" Li Yunfei nodded and replied: "There are some things that are very different from the creations of the Giant God Continent, but they are obviously intelligent creations."

Having said that, in order to express it accurately, he described in detail the appearance of the broken spaceship he saw.There is nothing to hide about these circumstances, and it is obvious that God the Father probably knows the truth behind it.

After listening to Li Yunfei's description, the Pope immediately narrowed his eyes.According to this kid's description, that thing is absolutely impossible to be naturally generated, it must be some kind of intelligent creature creation, there is no doubt about it.Although it was the question raised by Father God, he also wanted to know what it was.

Immediately afterwards, the pope continued to ask: "After the half-plane of Azeroth collapsed, what does the edge look like?"

"After the half-plane of Azeroth completely collapsed, all the edges turned into void, and there were cracks everywhere, as if they would be torn apart at any time." Li Yunfei continued.

"Very good..." The Pope nodded, apparently satisfied with Li Yunfei's answer, and was about to say something.

At this moment, in the sky outside the temple, a dark cloud facing the temple suddenly dispersed, and a bright golden beam of light suddenly shot down from the sky far away, with a width of several meters, piercing like a sharp sword. The sky fell straight to the temple of the Lion Heart Emperor City!
The rays of light in this beam of light flowed, forming eye-like patterns, solemn and solemn, as if gazing at everything in the world.At the same time, a faint singing sound came from outside the sky, filling the sky and the earth, sounding solemn and solemn.

Outside the temple, from the cardinal to the ordinary believers, when everyone saw the golden beam of light with eye patterns, they all showed disbelief at first, then ecstasy, and instantly knelt down in the dust with their hands raised high. Pay homage to that pillar of light.

"It's Shensi coming to the world! Shensi coming to the world!"

"Father God above, this is actually the presence of Father God. Although it is only a ray of divine sense, it can understand everything."

"God, I didn't expect that I could still live to see Shensi come into the world in this life, even if I die now, it's worth it."

"Who did this spiritual thought fall on?"

"You don't need to ask, it must be His Majesty the Lionheart Pope!"


In the prayer room of the temple, a golden beam of light enveloped the lion-hearted Pope Miloran in an instant. The smiling old man suddenly closed his eyes and lowered his head.

A few seconds later, a trembling majesty rose from the Pope's body, even making Li Yunfei's heart tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the Pope suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light shone. If he was the person closest to God the Father just now, he is now a god!
The Pope looked at Li Yunfei without the slightest emotion, and said, "The next question..."

(End of this chapter)

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