super giant clone

Chapter 307 The Sea of ​​Consciousness

Chapter 307 The Sea of ​​Consciousness
"Father God!" Even if Li Yunfei didn't have a cold for Father God, he knew that he had to pretend at this time, and immediately knelt down on one knee, crossed his hands over his heart, and looked devout.

"Old Fen, is this genuine product!?" Li Yunfei bowed his head in prayer, while communicating with Lao Fen quickly in his heart.

"It's genuine! There is no other person with this kind of hypocrisy except Father God, that old bastard!" Lao Fen's angry voice sounded in Li Yunfei's mind, "I suddenly remembered something, Father God The old bastard is nothing, you must be careful of his tricks... With such pure divine power, I really want to swallow his spiritual thoughts!"

"Understood, don't be impulsive." Li Yunfei nodded and said to Lao Fen secretly.In any case, the other party is the divine mind of a powerful god. This father god can already be said to be the main god of human gods, so how can he act rashly.

"The next question." After being possessed by the Father God's divine sense, the Lionheart Pope looked like a real god, with golden light all over his body, and two golden eye signs flashing in his eyes, solemn Solemnly, with endless majesty, he looked at Li Yunfei.

"Why are you lying?" The deep voice came out of his mouth, but it was as deafening as Hong Zhong Dalu.

"What? Father God, I don't understand what you mean..." Li Yunfei was startled, secretly vigilant in his heart, but he could feel that just after the Pope who was possessed by divine thoughts uttered the first word, he His body became like a sculpture, completely frozen by an invisible force field, unable to move at all!

This is the power of the gods?It's just a ray of divine thought!

Li Yunfei struggled desperately, wanting to mobilize the Fentian Douyan in his body, and even want to transform into a giant, but it was useless, as if he had become a puppet without any breath of life, and could only kneel blankly over there!

Possessed by divine thoughts, the pope walked forward slowly, and in the blink of an eye he had already come in front of Li Yunfei. With a cold smile, he said, "How many secrets have you hidden? But it doesn't matter anymore. I once gave You have passed your chance, but you used it to deceive your heavenly father, now let me see for myself how that damned continent collapsed."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it towards Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei desperately wanted to struggle, but he couldn't use any strength at all. He couldn't even make a sound, and couldn't move his eyes. He could only watch helplessly as the opponent put his hand on top of his head.

The moment the other party's hand was placed on top of his head, the golden light in the Pope's eyes instantly dimmed a lot, and a golden light flowed into Li Yunfei's head from his arm.

Li Yunfei only felt that his eyes went dark, and then he found himself in a void surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness.

A stone the size of a human head, a flame the size of a fist, and a black metal block the size of a pigeon egg were suspended in the void. Other than that, there was nothing, and it was unknown what was going on.

What is this place?Wasn't I in the temple just now?What happened?

Li Yunfei looked at his hands, looking around vigilantly.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the void, and a huge golden eye broke through the fog and came in front of him!

The huge eyes were as tall as two people, and there was a gap on the surface, which kept opening and closing, and rushed towards Li Yunfei with an evil smile like a mouth.

"Come on, dear child, quickly return to the embrace of God the Father."

At this moment, Li Yunfei instantly understood what this place was.

This is the sea of ​​his consciousness, and the golden eyes that suddenly appeared are the Divine Sense of the Father God, and now he wants to swallow Li Yunfei's consciousness!

Although he didn't know why he saw such a scene, Li Yunfei knew that he must not be swallowed by the other party!
Without any hesitation, he turned around and ran away.

It's just that although this is the sea of ​​his consciousness, his consciousness can't run far at all, and the speed can't even compare with the opponent, and he is about to be overtaken in a blink of an eye.

Although it was only a conscious body, he could feel the warmth of the other party's breathing, as well as the touch of the wind.

"Hahaha, run, let's see where you can go! You don't know what is good or bad, it is your infinite glory to return to the glory of God the Father!" The huge golden eyes shouted and said jokingly.

"Fuck you! What godfather, you're just a bastard. If you want to eat me, you're dreaming!" At the critical moment, Li Yunfei directly yelled out his true thoughts and cursed.

Most of the human beings on the Giant God Continent believe in the Father God, but to him, this God of Humanity is just an ordinary spiritual idol, and now the other party wants to swallow his consciousness, which is enough to show that the Father God has no The slightest love for human beings is completely an evil god.

"You dare to insult the noble Father God, you must be purified!" The ray of divine sense immediately showed a ferocious expression, and accelerated again. In a blink of an eye, it was less than one meter away from Li Yunfei, and opened the huge mouth on the eyes to bite past.

In desperation, Li Yunfei's conscious body jumped forward, jumped a few meters away, avoided the opponent's gnawing, then turned suddenly, ran to the front of the flame in the void, grabbed the flame, and used it as a fire bomb He also threw it towards the divine sense.

That Divine Sense didn't expect to have this trick, and was hit by the flame instantly, and let out a painful exclamation, but opened his mouth suddenly in the next second, and swallowed the flame!

Shen Nian stretched out a scarlet tongue, licked his lips and said: "Tsk tsk, this flame spirit is pure and delicious. I didn't expect you to have the talent of fire magic."

Li Yunfei roared, grabbed the stone and the metal ball, and threw them towards the other side as well.

This time his shot was extremely fast, and under concentrated energy, the metal ball just hit the white of the giant eye of divine sense.

"Ah! It hurts me to death!" The giant eyes of the divine mind cried out in pain, and the eyes shot out the light of hatred, and roared: "Boy, you have repeatedly violated the majesty of God the Father. This is a betrayal of mankind. I absolutely Will not forgive you!"

Then he showed a ferocious smile, his tongue stretched out instantly, he swallowed the stone and metal ball into his mouth, and said to himself: "I didn't expect fire magic, you still have earth magic and gold magic!" With the talent of magic, I want to eat you even more."

As soon as the words fell, it turned into a golden afterimage and rushed towards Li Yunfei's conscious body.

Li Yunfei's conscious body clenched his fists tightly, his eyes widened, and he was ready to fight the opponent desperately!What the other party said just now made him understand that the flames, stones and metal balls were all his magical talents, or the source of magic in his body.Although I don't know why I have fire and gold magic talents, but in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, that thing is the only thing that can be used to defend against the enemy. Now these things are gone, and I can only rely on the conscious body to fight hard.

It's just that he understands that he can't fight against the opponent no matter what, and he will probably be swallowed up just like that!
Just when Li Yunfei was ready to perish together, when the giant eyes of divine sense rushed several meters in front of him, a slender golden light suddenly shot out from the white mist in the sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly came in front of the giant eyes of divine sense.

"How dare you bully my eldest nephew! I'll fight you, old man!" Like a giant python, Lao Fen yelled frantically and rushed towards the giant eye of divine sense, and slammed into it heavily.

The giant eyes of the divine mind smiled contemptuously, and suddenly opened its mouth to inhale, sucking Lao Fen in like eating noodles!

(End of this chapter)

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