super giant clone

Chapter 310 God Slave

Chapter 310 God Slave
God slave?Hearing this, Li Yunfei couldn't help being a little stunned, not knowing what was going on.

He had never heard of the saying that there were god slaves in the temple.

Seeing Li Yunfei's confused look, Fred immediately stepped forward and whispered a few words in Li Yunfei's ear.

It turns out that the temple has always had a tradition of secretly keeping god slaves.The so-called god slaves are actually people who completely dedicate themselves to God the Father and the temple, abandon themselves, and become tools of the temple.

Some of these people were sent to the temple by their parents since they were young, and they severed their relationship. Some were trained by the temple through various methods such as war prisoners and orphan adoptions.

It can be said that they do not regard themselves as human beings at all, but as a tool to serve the temple, and regard all happiness, pain, etc. as the gift of God the Father, and their whole life is used to forgive sins.

In the entire temple, only people at the level of the bishop are eligible to raise slaves, and the higher the level, the higher the quality of the slaves they raise.These slaves raised by the Lionheart Pope himself are usually rewarded with one or two only after the cardinals have made great contributions.

"These male slaves are loyal and have joint combat skills. Don't look at them as ordinary bronze swordsmen. After the joint attack, they have silver-level combat power. As for these female slaves..." Fred's face was still solemn His expression became more frivolous, but his voice became much more frivolous. "They are all stunning beauties. They have been trained by temple technicians to serve the nobles. They also know how to perform magical arts. Being served by them is like being treated like a god."

As he spoke, Fred winked at Li Yunfei with a look that you understand.

Li Yunfei instantly understood that the men of these so-called god slaves are loyal dogs who fear no death, while the women can be said to be high-ranking disciples of the temple's high-level!

In the temple, there is such a dark side!Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the majestic and towering temple behind him, and instantly felt that there were shadows everywhere in this building, like a pitch-black cage.

Father God and the entire temple, there is also an unknown side...

Then he frowned, and said to the god slaves kneeling on the ground: "I am used to leisure, and I don't need others to serve me, please go back and tell His Majesty the Pope, and say that Sol is grateful for His Majesty's kindness, but I really don't dare Receive such a precious reward."

Hearing this, all the sixteen god slaves kneeling on the ground trembled, and then the female slave in the front immediately said in a fearful voice: "Please forgive me, Lord Saint, please forgive me, Lord Saint!"

As soon as her words came out, the rest of the dozen or so god slaves all kept saying, "Please forgive me, Lord Saint, please forgive me..."

Seeing this scene, Li Yunfei couldn't help being puzzled, and Fred whispered in his ear again: "If you return the god slaves given by His Majesty, it means that these god slaves cannot please you, and there is no need for them to exist. Even if they are not directly killed, the men will be sent to the frontier army, and the women will be driven out of the temple to fend for themselves. These god slaves will lose the value of survival when they leave the temple, and many of them will commit suicide directly..."

Li Yunfei frowned, he didn't expect these god slaves to be so miserable!The most pitiful thing is that they don't know it themselves, but think that everything is justified.

Looking up at the big figures in the temple, these people still look well-dressed on the surface, but Li Yunfei instantly saw through the hypocrisy and corruption inside them.

Thinking of this, he said, "Everyone get up, since you follow me around, then follow my orders."

"Yes! Thank you, Lord Saint!"

"Thank you, Lord Saint!"

A group of god slaves immediately stood up with happy faces and stood beside Li Yunfei.

Li Yunfei asked the leading female slave, "What's your name?"

The slave girl saluted gracefully immediately, and said, "My lord, my slave name is Crescent Moon."

"Okay, Yueya, you will be in charge of the eight of you from now on." Then Li Yunfei asked one of the eight bronze swordsmen, "What's your name?"

"Go back to Lord Saint, my name is Shan Shi!" The swordsman named Shan Shi said excitedly.

"From now on, the eight of you will follow Shanshi's command." Li Yunfei nodded and said.These sixteen god slaves seemed to be here to serve him on the surface, so they might not have the intention of monitoring.

Pope Milorin is known as the person who is closest to the Father God. The depth of the city is unimaginable, so we must guard against it.

However, since Li Yunfei dared to accept these sixteen god slaves, he dared to see their tricks. He even suppressed the divine thoughts of the Father God, so he was naturally not afraid of the Pope's methods.

"Yes, master!" Several god slaves all looked excited, happy to be accepted by Li Yunfei.

Eight female slaves and eight guards lined up behind him. The eight guards pressed their long swords around their waists, their cyan fighting spirit flickered, and the eight female slaves performed a small magical technique, shining dots of starlight around Li Yunfei.

At the same time, a temple attendant drove a splendid carriage drawn by eight white horses, and stopped in front of Li Yunfei.This carriage is obviously also arranged by the Pope. Not only is the surface inlaid with various precious gems and gold leaf, etc., but the interior of the carriage is also extremely large, enough to accommodate more than a dozen people without being crowded. It is completely a mobile room.

Just this small action immediately changed Li Yunfei's aura, giving him the power and leadership that only great people can have.

Li Yunfei looked at the dots of light flickering around him, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.These people in the temple really know how to make a scene... He didn't have much contact with the temple before, and it seems that in-depth contact will be indispensable in the future...

Of course, it was before Father God found out that the divine sense was sealed...

Seeing Li Yunfei's majesty, the high-level officials of the surrounding temples congratulated him one after another, full of praise.

Li Yunfei thanked everyone and said goodbye, boarded the carriage, and said, "Go to the Royal Academy of Alchemy."

As soon as the words fell, the carriage started slowly, and eight of the sixteen god slaves headed towards the Royal Academy of Alchemy, eight behind.

After Li Yunfei's carriage had gone away, the cardinals in front of the temple and other dignitaries of the temple began to whisper and discuss what happened today.

Originally, they were already surprised when they knew that the other party had the permanent holy seal and was canonized as a saint by the Pope, but they didn't expect that today's spiritual thought would come to the world, and that saint was obviously valued by the Pope even more.

Everyone lamented that this lord saint will definitely have a bright future in the future.

At the same time, in the prayer room of the temple, the Lion-Hearted Pope Miloran looked expressionlessly at Li Yunfei who was walking away on the street through the crystal window, lost in thought.

Watching Li Yunfei's carriage disappear into the street, Miloran said in a low voice: "Sha Du, keep an eye on him, and report to me immediately if there is any situation. On the side of the referee, another thousand heretics will be burned this month to sacrifice to God the Father." .”

"Yes, Your Majesty." In a dark corner behind him, a figure that merged into the shadows said, and then disappeared in place in an instant, as if it never existed at all.

Miloran raised his head to look in the direction of the Lionheart Emperor's palace, and said to himself, "Charlie, this time, it looks like you lost..."

Although the speed of the carriage was not fast, people who encountered this carriage along the way gave way one after another, and many people directly worshiped on the side of the road, so when the road was smooth, a group of scattered buildings soon appeared in front of Li Yunfei .

These buildings are all black cylinders, which look somewhat similar to the shape of the magic energy column.The location of the building complex forms a triangle with the imperial palace and the temple, guarding the center of the entire Lionheart Emperor City.

Looking around, there are no other buildings within [-] meters around this building complex, and there are not even walls, showing a low-key domineering.

Not only that, there are dozens of pillars similar to the magic energy pillars outside. The energy nozzles on them are like sharp spears, and a soldier in a strong coat is guarding each entrance with a fierce look on his face.

Here is the Royal Academy of Alchemy in Lionheart Emperor City!
(End of this chapter)

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