super giant clone

Chapter 311 Fargo

Chapter 311 Fargo
The Royal Academy of Alchemy can be said to have a detached position in the entire Lionheart Emperor City.

These powerful alchemists may not be very powerful in combat, but they all have a lot of friends, or in other words, there are many people who beg for them.Almost every alchemist has a favor owed by others.

Therefore, the power they gather cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, most of these alchemists are obsessed with research and are not very interested in politics and other things, so the temple and the imperial palace also respect them very much.

The two major forces wanted to win over the Alchemy Research Institute, but they were unwilling and unable to use force, which resulted in the Alchemy Research Institute's detached attitude.

And most of these alchemists also have their eyes high above the top, and on weekdays, all forces make them three points, so the alchemists in the entire alchemy research institute are all extremely arrogant.

In addition, the domineering reputation of the Alchemy Research Institute is also rumored outside.

Even the two emperors, the Pope and the Lionheart, had to be notified before they could enter.

And some "ordinary" nobles such as dukes and marquises sometimes have to wait outside for a few days or even a month before they can meet the high-level figures of the Alchemy Research Institute.

In the carriage, Yueya stood beside Li Yunfei and explained to Li Yunfei in detail what she knew about the Royal Academy of Alchemy.

Although she didn't know what the new master was doing at the Alchemy Research Institute, since His Majesty the Pope gave way to these alchemists, she hoped that her master would not do anything inappropriate to cause embarrassment.

In her opinion, although this Lord Saint is her new master and is worthy of her sacrifice, he is still too young after all.

It's just that she didn't know that this was for other people, but for Li Yunfei, it was completely the opposite.

After listening to Yueya's narration, Li Yunfei nodded and said, "You guys wait here."

The carriage stopped 50 meters away from the Alchemy Research Institute. Li Yunfei got off the carriage and walked towards the Alchemy Research Institute in front of him.

The entire Alchemy Research Institute is located on a towering hillside. Although there is no wall here, there are dozens of steps leading to the buildings above.

In front of the steps, apart from the guards at ten steps and one post at five steps, there were some people standing there, waiting quietly, obviously they wanted to enter the alchemy research institute for something.

Li Yunfei came to the steps and said to a guard: "Please inform me that Sol Lee wants to see Grandmaster Xue Li and Grandmaster Bohr, and they invited me to come."

Hearing this, the guard couldn't help but looked up at Li Yunfei, his eyes filled with suspicion.

You must know that Grandmaster Xue Li is already a well-known alchemy master, and Grandmaster Bohr is the dean of the entire Alchemy Research Institute.This handsome young man, who seemed to be only in his teens, not only said that he wanted to meet these two big men, but also that the other party invited him, which is simply impossible!

"Oh, by the way, there is also Grandmaster Dirac." Li Yunfei suddenly thought of Dirac, and added a sentence lightly.

Hearing this, the guard was completely shocked, there was even Grandmaster Dirac!

Then he looked up and down the young man in front of him, but for a moment he didn't know what to do.

This young man looks pretty, not like a lunatic... Thinking of this, the guard gritted his teeth, turned and walked towards the alchemy research institute.

It's better to report it first. If it is fake, at most he will be scolded by the captain. If it is true, he, a little guard, can't afford to delay it.

Seeing the guard leave, Li Yunfei began to look at the layout of the entire Alchemy Research Institute.

From the outside, the buildings of the Alchemy Research Institute looked sparse and messy, but Li Yunfei looked at it for a while and immediately found that all the buildings in the entire Alchemy Research Institute fit a certain alchemy circle.

It can be said that every house is a link on a huge alchemy circle!
The entire Alchemy Research Institute is an alchemy circle!If this alchemy circle is fully activated, it will be unimaginable how powerful it will be.

This is indeed the entire city of the Lionheart Emperor, and may even be the place with the highest level of alchemy in the entire human territory...

"Sol Lee!" At this moment, a voice full of resentment and resentment suddenly came from the side.

The voice sounded familiar, and Li Yunfei turned his head to look, only to find that among the people waiting outside the Alchemy Research Institute, there was an acquaintance of his who was looking at him with resentment.

The younger brother of Lingyun King Crude, Grand Duke Ken of Lingyun King City!

Li Yunfei raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, so it's Grand Duke Ken. It's been a long time, and he's still so rude."

Even Lingyun King Crude was beaten so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen like a pig's head. He would naturally not be polite to Grand Duke Ken.

"There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in... Saul Lee, your good days are over, consider yourself unlucky!" Grand Duke Ken said viciously, with pleasure in his eyes, he turned to A man in a silver robe beside him said, "Your Excellency Fargo, this man is the damn Saul Lee! My nephew, your student, the lovely Arthur, was killed by him!"

Only then did Li Yunfei notice that there was a man standing beside Grand Duke Ken. This man was slender, his thin body was like two hemp sticks, his cheeks were deeply sunken, his complexion was gloomy, he was about 50 to [-] years old, and he still had two Skim the beard.

Although this person looked very thin, he gave off a dangerous aura, and there was no trace of wind in his actions, as if he didn't exist at all.

Moreover, his silver robe can already explain many things!

Silver Swordsman!

"Grand Duke Ken, you are wrong to say that. In the arena, the sword has no eyes. Arthur wants to kill me too. It is understandable that I accidentally smashed him into meat paste at this moment." Li Yunfei Xiexie He smiled and said.

"You killed Arthur?" Fargo didn't seem to hear Li Yunfei's words at all. He took a step forward and held the long sword in his waist with one hand. Cut off the head!
Li Yunfei's face was serious, and he didn't bother to talk nonsense with the other party, so he raised his head and said, "It's me."

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of silver lightning bolts shot out from Fargo's hand in an instant, and struck towards Li Yunfei.

And Li Yunfei raised his right hand, a ball of flame ignited in his palm, and swiped dozens of times in an instant, blocking all the opponent's attacks, and the afterimage left behind even formed a wall-like thing, blocking in front of him!
In the blink of an eye, the two had passed dozens of tricks!

"Shameless boy, go to hell!" Seeing that he couldn't break through Li Yunfei's defense, Fargo roared, and suddenly a huge sword several meters long and made of silver fighting spirit appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Li Yunfei with a thunderous momentum. come over.

Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes, a red light flashed in his hand, and Baipi Dao appeared in his hand, and he swung it towards the battle qi giant sword.

"Bah!" There was a loud noise, like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made the ears of the surrounding people numb. Li Yunfei's Baipi Saber was like a dam, blocking Fargo's fighting spirit giant sword firmly, and remained motionless.

At the same time, on the carriage not far away, sixteen god slaves had already discovered that something was wrong, and immediately rushed over desperately.

This kid has so much strength!Fargo stared, and was about to make another move.

"Stop!" A thunderous shout came, shaking everyone around them dizzy, and even Fargo and Li Yunfei frowned.

In the Alchemy Research Institute, a gray-haired old man rushed out. Behind him, a guard in a silver shirt helped him carry a huge horn, which was the "sound cannon".

"It's Grandmaster Xue Li!" Ken shouted with joy on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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