super giant clone

Chapter 322 Luther Rollin

Chapter 322 Luther Rollin
"Om..." The sacred artifact "Godfather's Eye" hummed, the light on it was completely extinguished, and it turned into an inconspicuous silver plate standing there again.

In the entire Lion Heart Battlefield and the entire Lion Heart Emperor City, there was a deathly silence at this moment, except for the sound of the wind, there was no sound at all.

Everyone looked at Li Yunfei in a daze, with an unbelievable expression, as if they saw a ghost.

Even His Majesty the Lion Hearted Emperor and the Lion Hearted Pope also squinted their eyes, as if they were thinking about something.

And Li Yunfei himself was also slightly taken aback.

Before he knew it, he had hunted and killed more than 1 giants.

But thinking about it, since he entered the Giant God Continent, he has spent almost half of his time wandering in the wilderness. Every time he hunts and kills hundreds of giants, after so many times, it is not surprising to have this number .

It's a pity that with the burden of Lao Fen, there is only a little energy left in the Giant's Heart that he absorbs every time, otherwise he would have become a black iron peak giant long ago.

At this time, Lao Fen seemed to have realized what Li Yunfei was thinking, and immediately argued for himself in Li Yunfei's mind: "Don't worry, big nephew, when the uncle has accumulated enough strength, I will definitely make you invincible in the world. How about all kinds of waves?" ?”

Li Yunfei curled his lips, not bothering to talk to him at all.

At this time, most of the audience in the entire Lionheart Battlefield reacted, and immediately it was as if a bomb had been dropped on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of people shouted wildly.

"Thousands of people beheaded! Ten thousand people beheaded!"

"Father God, it's really beheaded by thousands of people!"

"He actually beheaded more than 1 giants!"

"Hero, hero!"

"Just now I actually doubted him, it was simply..."

No one doubted the authenticity of the numbers. It must be known that since the holy artifact "Eye of the Father God" has such a title, it shows that it is powerful and unquestionable.

Finally, all the shouts merged into one sentence: "Sol! Sol! Sol!  …"

Almost everyone was chanting Li Yunfei's name frantically, even in the square outside the Lion Heart Battlefield. Everyone in Lion Heart Emperor City knew this handsome young man at this moment.

At this time, everyone felt that Li Yunfei's boredom and those seemingly rude behaviors just now could be explained.

Without him, it's just because he is too powerful and his experience is too brilliant, so he doesn't bother to pay attention to other people.And he does have the qualifications.

As a master, you should have a bit of a temper.

In an instant, everyone was looking for excuses for Li Yunfei's behavior just now.At this time, he has instantly become a character similar to an idol, especially many girls, the worship of him can no longer be described as crazy.

At this moment in that black box, the seven young people who were still lazy all opened their eyes at this moment, looking at Li Yunfei standing in the center of the field, showing interested expressions.

"Interesting, I actually hunted and killed more than 1 giants. Even I have accumulated more than 5000 battle achievements so far..." Aila, who had been mocking Li Yunfei, continued, "But a bumpkin is a bumpkin. No matter how many low-level giants he killed, it would be useless to kill hundreds of thousands of mud giants, it would be nothing more than a drop in the bucket for the giants as a whole. I guess he never killed a single black iron giant."

The storm on the side said lightly: "How do you know that he killed all low-level giants?"

"Is there any doubt about this? As a boy from the Black Iron General City, how can he come into contact with noble giants, and even if there is such a battle, it is at most just to repel those black iron giants. There is nothing novel about it at all." place." Ella said angrily, then she glared suddenly, turned her head to look at Baofeng in surprise, and said, "You don't want to recommend him to that place, do you? Just because there are so many giants killed. Just being able to get into that place? Ridiculous! And Buzz would have killed him first."

Bao Feng remained expressionless, and said slowly: "Although the elder gave me this qualification, but if I want to enter that place, I need to observe him for a while longer."

Hearing this, the expression on Ella's face softened a little, and she said, "Then just observe slowly."

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, and be quiet for a while." Mojik on the side said to smooth things over.

Everyone looked towards the Lionheart Battlefield again, but none of them noticed that a soldier standing in the corner was covering his face with one hand, looking at the arena with a cold smile Li Yunfei before.This is a silver-haired young man in his twenties. He is extremely handsome, but there is a palm-sized crimson birthmark on his left face, which completely covers his left eye, like a blindfold, but it adds a chilling air .

"Sol Lee... hunted more than 1 giants, right? Interesting... What does this have to do with your identity as a giant? Are you a spy of a giant, or something else..." At this moment, This young soldier in his 20s suddenly had several blue veins on his forehead, and the flesh and blood on half of his face began to squirm and change rapidly. The originally slender eyes instantly turned into triangular eyes!

The red birthmark on his left face seemed to wriggle and become more obvious, and half a new face formed in a blink of an eye, which was completely different from the original him.

If Li Yunfei was here, he would be able to recognize at a glance who this half of his face belonged to.

This half of the face actually looks exactly like Luther who has been missing for a long time!
"Hmph..." The young man let out a painful hum, and then he seemed to be circulating his battle energy, and saw that half of his face wriggling quickly again, returning to its original appearance.

"Vinny, what's the matter?" a person next to him asked.

"It's okay, don't worry." Vinny replied with a normal expression, while secretly hating in his heart.

Luther Rollins, although I have completely devoured your brain and gained your knowledge, is your soul still not giving up... Don't worry, I will help you kill that giant boy, and let your soul rest in peace ...

At this moment, four Lionheart Warriors had already stepped up to the stands of the Lionheart Battlefield, and the more than [-] spectators in the Battlefield all gave out crazy cheers.

After the initial gimmicks, it finally came to the final battle. I don't know who among these four warriors will be able to become the ultimate lion-heart brave king, and become the pride and idol of the human territory.

"Kill, kill, kill!" "Kill him!" "Raphael, kill the others!" "Sol, I love you, beat them all!" "Randy, come on!" "..."

Standing in one of the four corners of the ring, Randy had a look of frantic excitement on his face.He is already a lion heart warrior, even if he loses this time, he is still a lion heart warrior.After coming to Lion Heart Emperor City, he realized that this is life.Standing on the ring, there are cheers and shouts of admiration everywhere. This feeling of being cheered and adored by others is really cool!

Raphael, on the other hand, tried his best to suppress his expression. Nabel Honglin was covering his face at this time, and he couldn't see his appearance clearly.

Li Yunfei's face was gloomy from beginning to end, and at this moment, water was almost dripping out.

Different from the other three, looking around the stands and hearing the excited shouts, he immediately felt that what kind of lion heart warriors were just being treated as playthings of the imperial city dignitaries!

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head suddenly and looked towards the black box on the stand behind.

(End of this chapter)

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