Chapter 323
Ever since he entered the Lionheart Battlefield, he had the feeling that he was being watched all the time.

This kind of peeping is different from the eyes of 10,000+ people around, and it is also different from the gaze of high-level dignitaries such as Lionheart Emperor and Lionheart Pope, but a feeling of being stared at secretly.

So he has been scanning around intentionally or unintentionally, wanting to see where that feeling comes from.

And just now, amidst the cheers of the crowd, the feeling of being spied on became more intense, and Li Yunfei also discovered the mysterious boxes on the stands.

Those gazes came from one of the boxes!

Even the Lion-Hearted Emperor and the Lion-Hearted Pope sat on the open-air stands aboveboard, who the hell would hide there?

His gaze was like a sword, shooting towards the box in the middle.

In the box, several young soldiers were all a little surprised, but they didn't expect that Saul Lee to look towards them!Is this a coincidence or what?
"Interesting..." Ella raised her mouth, "I didn't expect him to look towards the box by chance. If he knew the existence of us, he would definitely pee his pants in fright?"

"It's not a coincidence..." At this moment, Baofeng, who had been sitting there without speaking, suddenly said.

"Isn't it a coincidence? Baofeng, do you mean that this kid has sensed our presence, so he looks this way? How is this possible, we have hidden our breath..." Mojik was taken aback, and said eagerly .

Ella smiled contemptuously, and continued, "That's right, how is this possible? Even if it were me, I wouldn't be able to do this at all. Obviously it's just a coincidence."

"Okay, let's watch the game with peace of mind. I hope there will be something interesting in the future." Vinny said with a smile on the side.

Everyone stopped talking at the moment, but continued to look in the direction of the ring.At this moment, Li Yunfei also turned his head away, not looking at them anymore.

Although Bao Feng said that it was not a coincidence, he couldn't believe that an ordinary soldier from a low-level city-state could find them, so this matter immediately passed through his mind.

In the field of the battle field, the next project has already started.

The originally flat ground suddenly began to sink slowly, and four large circular pits were formed in an instant.

Each of these large pits is 50 meters deep, the edges and ground are extremely flat, and each area is as large as half a football field.

At the same time, the tops of these four pits are all equipped with dense metal chains as thick as a human waist, like a death cage.

"Next, our four lion-heart warriors will each challenge the Black Iron Giant, show off their heroism, and commemorate those compatriots who were killed by the giant!" Ling Ren's voice came again, this time very excited, obviously he Very good at mobilizing other people's emotions.

At the bottom of the four huge pits, huge holes appeared next to them.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, dark figures slowly appeared one by one, and four black iron giants came out of the passage and entered the four huge pits!
The Lionheart Emperor City actually imprisoned the Black Iron Giant and used it as a sacrifice on the battlefield!

Seeing this scene, all the human beings present were excited!
Really giant!
And it's a black iron giant, a noble giant!
Who would have thought that those damned giants would one day become human's playthings!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill them all!"

"These damned giants!"

"Let them taste the power of humans!"


For these audiences, the battle between the four lion-heart warriors is definitely not as interesting as the battle with the giants, especially the black iron giants!

You must know that even among the noble giants, the black iron giant is considered the mainstay and is extremely famous.

Strong combat power, intelligence similar to human beings, cruel and cunning.For ordinary people, encountering giants in the wilderness is simply synonymous with death.

At the same time, there are often rumors that a black iron giant wiped out a wilderness tribe, which is deeply memorable.

"Human! Delicious human!"

"Despicable bug, let go of the noble black iron!"

"I want you to taste the price of insulting Black Iron!"

At this time, the four giants who had just been released into the giant pit all looked up and saw the surrounding humans, and immediately started roaring.

Only one of the black iron giants, who appeared to be taller and stronger, stood there at this moment, motionless like a sculpture, only turning his head like a machine, looking at the surrounding environment.

Hearing the curses of the three black iron giants, the black iron giant showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his razor-sharp face, and said in a voice as low as a horn: "Don't make noise, just kill these humans."

"Yes, General!" The other three black iron giants around responded immediately.Although there is a hard and thick wall between them, they are as uniform as if they are right in front of your eyes.

Hearing this, the audience immediately went into an uproar again.

There is actually a giant general inside! ?

Wouldn't that be more interesting!
However, being able to become the general of a black iron giant shows that this black iron giant is extremely powerful and should have other talents.

At this time, everyone discovered that the pothole where the black iron giant general was located corresponded to where Li Yunfei was.

Seeing this scene, Randy once again had a schadenfreude smile on his face.So what if you killed more than 1 giants?It's just some low-level giants.Facing such a powerful black iron giant general, it is simply not something that ordinary swordsmen can compete with, so you just wait to die!
"Om--" With a buzzing sound, the war bell rang, and the four lion-heart warriors stepped forward at the same time, jumped into the four huge deep pits!
"It's human! Damn human!"

"I'm going to eat you! Little bug!"

"Come on, let me crush you!"

The moment they saw the enemy appearing in the cage, the black iron giants screamed and rushed towards the human warrior in front of them.

"Wolf poison fighting spirit!" A huge fighting spirit wolf head appeared around Randy's body, biting towards the black iron giant in front of him.

And Nabel Honglin is still wearing a mask, avoiding the attack of the black iron giant like a ghost, sometimes appearing behind the enemy, sometimes appearing on the edge of the giant pit, making the black iron giant unable to touch for a while To himself, he looked like a typical assassin.

"Fire and meteor!" Raphael fought with the black iron giant in front of him with a cane and a long sword in one hand, with magical flames and grudges.

For a moment, among the three huge pits, the Lionheart Warrior and the black iron giant in front of him fought together, dazzling the audience, especially the ordinary people.After all, it is difficult for them in Lionheart Emperor City to see this kind of black iron level battle.

The light curtain outside the Lionheart Battlefield has been divided into four parts at this time, and each part is a scene in a fighting cage.

It's just that many people were immediately attracted by the light curtain in the fourth part after watching the wonderful battle for a while.

What is shown here is exactly the battle cage where Li Yunfei is, however, it is somewhat different from the other cages...

"Hey, are you okay? Come on, I still have to take a nap." Li Yunfei sat cross-legged on the ground, yawning, looking bored.

Not far in front of his eyes, stood a black iron giant tens of meters tall.It was the black iron giant general just now.

It's just different from the arrogance at the beginning, this giant black iron general looked cautious at this time, and stood there motionless like a sculpture the first time Li Yunfei appeared.

In his eyes, there was faint...fear!
(End of this chapter)

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