super giant clone

Chapter 324 City Destroyed

Chapter 324 City Destroyed
The human in front of him is definitely not an ordinary human!

Compared with those humans who were once eaten by him, this young man in front of him is very different!

The black iron giant general looked at Li Yunfei cautiously, not daring to step forward for a moment.He could feel that although the young man in front of him seemed careless, the murderous intent in his eyes made him tremble with fear!

"How many nobles have you... killed?" The giant black iron general asked after pondering for a moment.

"Noble?" Li Yunfei was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled and said, "You mean the metal giant? I can't remember myself."

Although most other human warriors have a good habit of keeping track of the number of giants they hunt, but Li Yunfei has killed too many giants, so he doesn't have the habit of this.

Hearing this, the black iron giant general subconsciously took a step back.But then he realized his disappointing reaction, immediately gritted his teeth, and took another step forward.

Should we attack or not?This human boy felt like he was facing a ferocious beast!It stands to reason that human beings are all snacks in front of giants, he shouldn't feel this way at all...

For a while, the black iron giant general hesitated, not knowing whether he should surrender and beg for mercy, or step forward to fight.

From time to time, there were deafening sounds of slashing and killing in the surrounding cages, but Li Yunfei and the black iron giant general didn't seem to hear it at all.

From the eyes of the surrounding audience, it was Li Yunfei standing there lazily, while the giant black iron general stopped there like a sculpture, and did not step forward at all.

Where did this come from?Why didn't the black iron giant attack that Saul Lee?
"No...that black iron giant...he's scared!"

"Look at his eyes! Look at his eyes! He's scared!"

"I'm really scared! Hahaha, the giant has today! He's scared!"

"Long live! Long live! The giants are afraid! They are afraid of humans!"

I don't know who discovered this, and immediately started yelling loudly. Immediately, all the human beings in the entire battle field discovered this, and became boiling again.

Those damn giants who treat humans like bugs and snacks are now terrified of a human!When this scene was presented naked in front of everyone, everyone felt an unprecedented joy!
"Hmph, that giant is not stupid. If that kid really killed more than 1 giants, he must already have enough killing intent." In the box, Mojik said with a sneer.

No one else said anything, but they clearly took his statement seriously.

"Hey, are you up or not?" Li Yunfei frowned and said to the black iron giant general.He was getting impatient with the wait.

The black iron giant general in front of him obviously also heard the cries of the surrounding humans, and a feeling of humiliation surged into his heart instantly, mixed with his cowardice and anger at the human in front of him.

He gasped, his arms instantly transformed into two huge steel sabers, and he was about to step forward.

At this moment, Li Yunfei suddenly thought of something, and opened his mouth to ask: "By the way, do you recognize Iron Eye?" Looking at the black iron giant in front of him, he suddenly thought that the man he had met named "Iron Eye" "The black iron giant is extremely difficult to deal with.Thinking about it now, that iron eye is simply a cunning poisonous snake, who does not know when it will threaten Iron-Blooded Roland City.

"Iron Eye? Have you met that guy who broke down?" Unexpectedly, the black iron giant in front of him was stunned and said such a sentence.

"Fault?" Li Yunfei narrowed his eyes, it was the first time he heard the giant describe his own kind like this, "Where is he?"

"Hahaha, how do I know where he is? He is a damn rotten clockwork, but now I suddenly start to like him, he will definitely be able to kill you damn humans!" After the black iron giant finished speaking, With a leap, he jumped more than ten meters high, reaching the limit of the height of the bucket cage. Holding the knives in both hands in a cross shape, he slashed towards Li Yunfei, "Go to hell!"

"Bad clockwork? Is this what the giant scolded? Tsk tsk, I learned a little more." Li Yunfei smiled and said to himself.

At this time, everyone also saw the thunderous blow of the black iron giant, and many people couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

After all, the black iron giant was so huge, it jumped up like a hill and pressed towards Li Yunfei!
At this moment, a red light flashed in the hand of the young man standing in the cage, and a huge red sword appeared in his hand.

He swung his right hand back abruptly, and then instantly swung the giant knife out. Everyone saw a flash of red light, and the young man had already appeared behind the black iron giant.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the black iron giant fell to the ground at this moment, and the two war knives with its arms alienated cut the hard ground into two deep trenches.

not dead?What the hell happened just now?
Everyone was full of doubts.

"You..." At this moment, the black iron giant spat out two words, and then there was a buzzing sound of "clack bang boom" all over his body, and a deep knife mark appeared on his body instantly. , the knife mark started from his shoulder, ran through his black iron heart, and reached his waist, completely splitting his body in half!
"Bang bang bang..." A series of muffled sounds came, and the black iron giant's body instantly turned into pieces of metal components, fell to the ground, and died!

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and he walked slowly to the black iron giant's wreckage with the huge saber in his hand, grabbed his black iron heart, weighed it, and put it into the space ring.

The saber was like a smear of neon, making the young man's face red, coupled with a slightly sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, instantly captured the hearts of the audience.

"Sol! Sol! Sol! Sol..."

Cheers sounded again, this time still repeating Li Yunfei's name.It's just that compared with the cheers just now, this voice is more sincere.After all, the 10,000+ people present, as well as most of the people in Lionheart Emperor City, all witnessed this young man hunting the giant with their own eyes.

With just one blow, a black iron giant was split in half!One knife!

Moreover, that broadsword looked so heavy that it was as easy as a straw on the boy's shoulders.

"Hmph, this kid is a bit brute..." In the private room, Ella snorted coldly and said, "But no matter how strong you are, what's the use of it? If you don't understand the skills, you will always be a coolie."

"No, his performance is enough. I will report to the elders...and start contacting him." Baofeng said expressionlessly, like a puppet.

"Haha, even if he can enter there, he will be torn to pieces by Bass. I really look forward to seeing him meet Bass." Ella said with narrowed eyes.

Where is it hidden...Come out, I can't wait...In the cage, Li Yunfei glanced at the box again, thinking to himself.

Originally, he had achieved the purpose of this trip, got ghost crystals and other rare materials, and could go back directly.The reason why I participated in this King of Brave Contest, and exaggerated it to the fullest, was to attract people from "that place".

According to his own observations during this period of time, combined with the information he has obtained, the so-called "that place" should be an existence above the three golden imperial cities!
Originally, when he learned of the existence of the three major golden imperial cities, he still had some doubts about how these three powerful empires could maintain a balance. Now that he learned of the existence of "that place", he immediately resolved this doubt.

At this time, among the other three fighting cages around, Raphael had already gained the upper hand, and he could soon deal with the hostile giants.Bell Redwood also has a chance of winning.Only Randy and the black iron giant were left in an inextricable fight, unable to tell the winner for a while.

boring.Li Yunfei curled his lips, put the Baipi knife into the space ring, sat down on the wreckage of the black iron giant, and began to doze off.

After taking care of these giants, the following is the melee of the four lion heart warriors.It's just that seeing now, everyone has understood that there is no suspense at all about the final ownership of the title of King of the Brave.

It's been a long time since I turned into a giant, and I feel my bones are a little itchy... Li Yunfei lay there without any scruples and looked at the sky, thinking silently.

Suddenly, three blood-colored rays of light appeared in the distant sky, flying towards the Lion Heart Emperor City!
Li Yunfei jumped up and looked towards the sky.At the same time, Emperor Lionheart and others had already discovered the abnormality in the sky and looked over.

And when they saw the three blood-colored rays of light, the Lion-Hearted Emperor and the Lion-Hearted Pope stood up abruptly at the same time, with solemn expressions on their faces.

The three blood-colored rays of light were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye they had already reached the top of the Lion Heart Battlefield, fell down instantly, and landed in a row on the open space in front of the Lion Heart Emperor, forming three long rainbows like banners. All have a few words written on them.

Tuqiu City, destroyed!
Green Leaf City, destroy!
Gun City, destroy!
(End of this chapter)

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