super giant clone

Chapter 341 Nobility

Chapter 341 A Hundred Nobles
The energy pillars emitted by the ten magic cannons were like ten rays of death, piercing through the thick fog instantly, piercing through all the giants they passed by!

The dozens of giants that had already rushed to the front turned into a pile of rubble and sand when they met each other.

It's just that the giants didn't stop at all, they still roared wildly and rushed towards Luoxue City.

"Damn food, dare to hurt the great giant!"

"Eat them all, eat them all!"

A few bronze giants appeared in the thick fog, shouting orders.

Hundreds of low-level giants came out of the thick fog like ghosts and pounced towards Luoxue City.

Many of these giants have seen the Black Iron General City of humans before, so in their eyes, the little Snowfall City in front of them is just a toy-like thing, and there is no threat at all.

Sure enough, those damned magical cannons did not attack again, but entered a cooling-off period, and the walls of the small city in front of them never attacked again.

In the blink of an eye, the giant in the front had arrived less than ten meters away from the city wall of Luoxue City!

"Let go!" Monto shouted again with a blank expression on his face.

Immediately, thousands of magic gold warriors who had been waiting on the city wall for a long time launched an attack at the same time.

Thousands of flame bombs rushed towards the lowly giants roaring and exploded.

At the same time, the soldiers from the Roland City Defense Army began to use water cannons and bed crossbows to launch attacks. Water jets and crossbow guns shot out from the city wall continuously, shooting towards the densely packed giants.

Under this powerful and intensive attack, the giant in the front was quickly knocked down, either had its arms and legs broken, or was directly smashed through the giant's heart and turned into rubble.

"Swamp Art!"

"Waterfall Art!"

"Fire Rain Meteor!"


Dozens of magicians on the city wall are also constantly releasing auxiliary magic at this time to help their comrades around them stop the giant.

In the dense fog, there are still giants constantly appearing, almost one after another, rushing up continuously.It can be said that these giants are not afraid of death, and they simply risked their lives to fill the abyss-like place like Syracuse.

Monto stood on the city wall with a staff in his hand, looking coldly at the giants in the wilderness in front of him, without any expression.

Beside him, the warriors of Snowfall City also looked solemn, facing the giant's attack with a calm attitude.As elites who have experienced many battles, these fighters have long been able to treat giants as usual, and there is no negative emotion of fear or panic at all.

To them with sharp hunting weapons, giants are just taller monsters!

It seems that these giants can be wiped out without waiting for the master to come out...Monto raised his mouth and thought, and his heart was full of pride.Although he does not follow Li Yunfei from time to time, Monto has been working hard to practice magic and wants to contribute his strength to Li Yunfei.Now that he has reached the peak of the Bronze Mage, he will soon be promoted to the Black Iron Mage, and he has always been very proud of this.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and the heat of the sun in the sky had risen to a certain level. The fog in the wilderness began to dissipate quickly, revealing the overall situation of the giant colony.

As the fog dissipated, Monto, who had seen the situation in the wilderness clearly, couldn't help but widen his eyes, open his mouth slightly, and forget the thoughts just now.

Many...too many!
In the wilderness in front of Luoxue City, there were so many giants that it looked like it was making one's scalp tingle.

At a glance, it is boundless, and even on the horizon farthest from the line of sight, there are dense figures of giants, just like facing a sea of ​​giants.

In the wilderness in front of you, there are at least one hundred thousand giants!

Even for a giant city like Roland City with a population of tens of millions and millions of troops, facing the attack of 20 giants is definitely a life-and-death battle to destroy the city, and the current Luoxue City has not even been fully built, and there are only [-] giants in it. Thousands of soldiers!
Originally, Monto thought that there were at most a few thousand giants in the wilderness in front of him, but he didn't expect the real situation to send chills down the spine.

"Roar—give it to me, eat them all!" At this moment, a bronze giant let out a roar, and together with a dozen other bronze giants began to speed up and run towards Luoxue City.

"My lord, what should I do!?" The artilleryman next to him immediately asked Monto anxiously.Should we use magic cannons to attack noble giants?
"No, it's not needed yet!" Monto's eyes flashed a hint of sternness, and he roared: "The third and fourth teams of the magic gold warriors, focus fire attack, the target, the bronze giant!"

Immediately, thousands of magic gold warriors turned their guns at the same time, aiming at the bronze giants who were rushing towards them.

It's just that without Monto's order, no one dared to shoot first.

"Go to hell, humble food!" The bronze giant in the front had rushed to less than 20 meters in front of Luoxuecheng, roared, bent its body, jumped up high, and rushed towards the city wall.

The remaining dozen or so bronze giants also jumped up at the same time, like bronze beasts pounced on humans.

"Fire!" Monto yelled, and saw thousands of golden warriors firing at the bronze giant in mid-air at the same time, almost every hundred golden warriors aimed at one bronze giant.

These magic gold warriors have been trained for a long time, and they are all at the level of sharpshooters. The attack range of all magic gold war guns is limited to the mouth of the bronze giant, and the error will not exceed one meter.

Immediately there were bursts of roaring sounds, and the bronze giants in the midair were not in a hurry to dodge. They were all hit by the magic gold war gun, and they fell down from the midair heavily with billowing smoke and large sparks in an instant.

"Boom...boom..." There was a muffled sound, and these bronze giants directly smashed several lower giants on the ground into sand.

Seeing that the bronze giant who was originally alive and well was beaten to death seven of them!Their giant hearts were all shattered by the concentrated fire attack of the magic gold soldiers.

Although the remaining few were not shattered by the giant heart, they were also seriously injured and unable to fight anymore.

This scene instantly boosted the morale of the entire Snowfall City. Everyone cheered and shouted at the same time. A proud sneer appeared on Monto's face. He was about to say something when he suddenly saw hundreds of tall shadows in the wilderness in front of him. His expression instantly became shocked.

Just behind those low-level giants who rushed towards them, about 2000 meters away from Luoxuecheng, dozens of tall figures were heading towards Luoxuecheng.

Many of these figures are green, a group of bronze giants.

Besides these bronze giants, there are more than 20 tall black figures, including dozens of black iron giants!

More than 100 noble giants and more than 20 black iron giants are heading towards Snowfall City at the same time!

The eyes of the black iron giant in the front are like two huge holes, accounting for one-third of the face.

"Hahahahahaha——" The black iron giant suddenly let out a piercing laugh, pointed at Luoxuecheng and said, "Humans, what a ridiculous creature, let me eat you all with iron eyes!"

(End of this chapter)

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