super giant clone

Chapter 342 Giant Ascension

Chapter 342 Giant Ascension
"Bronze men, tear down the walls of this small city!" Iron Eye shouted, his voice was as piercing as iron scraping against each other, and all the soldiers on the walls felt uncomfortable.

"As for my black iron brothers, let's have a good taste of these delicious humans! Roar—" Iron Eye roared, and rushed towards Luoxue City first!
Behind him, the group of aristocratic giants either roared or laughed strangely, dispersed in an instant, and strode towards Luoxue City.

It's just that, unlike the charging bronze giants before, these new aristocratic giants didn't rush to attack, but drove the lower giants forward quickly.

The hierarchy among giants is extremely strict, especially noble giants can be said to have supreme majesty in the face of low-level giants.

Driven by them, the originally chaotic crowd of low-level giants began to become much more orderly. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen dense shock formations formed, with hundreds of rock giants at the front, and sand giants and mud giants behind. The giant is coming towards Snowfall City.

"Attack! Attack! Don't let the giant approach within 20 meters of the city wall!" Monto stood in a loudspeaker circle and shouted loudly. At the same time, he waved the staff in his hand and roared: "The Hammer of Fire!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of giant hammer-shaped flame groups with a diameter of about one meter emerged in midair, and fell towards the giant crowd below.

Hearing a roar, this move directly smashed the heads of dozens of mud giants and sand giants into pieces, turning them into piles of sand and falling to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, an open space appeared in the wilderness in front of the city wall of Luoxue City.

Originally, so many noble giants appeared at the same time, even the fighters in Luoxuecheng who had experienced many battles became nervous, and Monto's mighty blow immediately boosted their morale again.All the warriors roared in unison, and attacked the giants again.

Monto supported the city wall with one hand and the staff with the other, looking at the wilderness in front of him and panting violently.The move just now almost reached his limit, and he had to do it just to boost morale.

The hundred noble giants in front of him are completely powerless against the current Luoxuecheng, but the master has already handed over the command of Luoxuecheng to him, so he can only do his best.

In the blink of an eye, the gathered group of more than a dozen giants had arrived 50 meters in front of Luoxue City. Even though water cannons, crossbow guns and even flame bombs were constantly bombarding them, there were too many giants, so they were still hard-pressed by them. come over.Moreover, the rock giants at the front had strong skin and thick flesh, which prevented many attacks.

"Let's start eating." At this moment, a smile like a puppet appeared on Tie Yan's face, and he opened his mouth and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bronze giants who were following behind the crowd of giants jumped up, and unexpectedly jumped directly onto the shoulders of the lower giants in front of them, and then rushed towards Snowfall City as if they were stepping on steps.

The bronze giants are more than 20 meters tall, while the mud giants and rock giants are only about ten meters tall. Many mud giants were directly trampled to death, but those bronze giants did not stop for mercy, and continued to rush towards Snowfall City. Look at them It looks like it wants to hit the city wall of Luoxue City directly!

And more than 20 black iron giants showed cruel smiles, grabbed the mud giants in front of them, lifted them directly above their heads, and threw them towards the city wall of Luoxue City.

Although the slime giant is the shortest giant among the giants, only five to ten meters tall, it is still extremely huge for humans. Seeing the slime giants flying in the air, the hearts of all the city defenders tense up instantly.

"Shooting in the air! Three-stage!" Monto yelled again, and saw thousands of fire bombs burst out from the magic gold soldiers defending the city in an instant, blasting towards the slime giant in midair.

There was a roar, and the mud giants that hadn't landed in midair were blasted into a mass of mud, but the biggest of these mud was as big as a millstone, and they fell towards the top of the city without losing momentum.

"Earth Wall Technique!"

"Fire spider technique!"

"A web of thorns!"

Dozens of magicians defending the city released defensive magic at the same time to block the falling mud.

It's just that the slime giants that were thrown over appeared again in mid-air, which can be described as an endless stream.Those black iron giants grabbed the mud giants in front of them casually and threw them immediately, and then grabbed the next end again. In the blink of an eye, a rain of mud giants almost formed in the air in front of Snow City.

Faced with this kind of attack, even the intensive attack of the magic gold soldiers could not completely defend against it. Finally, a few mud giants landed on the city wall, and their heavy bodies immediately smashed several city defenders into a pulp. The human side came first. There were casualties.

At the same time, the more than 100 bronze giants who rushed over had also arrived less than 50 meters in front of the city wall, and they were about to launch an attack in a blink of an eye.

"Magic cannon, release!"

The ten magic cannons on the city wall had already passed the cooling down period, and the ten thick energy pillars flickered again, blasting towards the bronze giant.

It's just that this time the bronze giants who were targeted fell down at the same time, most of them escaped the bombardment of the magic cannon, curled up into a ball, and slammed towards the city wall of Luoxue City.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and these bronze giants were like siege cones magnified ten times, slamming into the city wall of Luoxue City.

"Boom—" There was a muffled sound like a drum beating inside the city wall, and it swayed back almost half a meter before bouncing back again.

This is due to the layered structure of Luoxue City's city wall and the iron poured inside. If it is an ordinary city wall, it is likely that a gap has been knocked out.

Although the city wall was not knocked down, the heavy force of the impact caused the city wall to shake for a while. The defenders on the city wall were shaken and staggered, and even a few magic cannons deviated from their original positions.

Monto narrowed his eyes, stood firmly on the spot, suddenly waved his hand, and shouted: "Magic gold chariot!"

Originally, the several towers on the city wall were all tightly built, and nothing inside could be seen at all. At this time, the covering cloth on the top was suddenly pulled off, and more than a dozen magic gold chariots shining with black light appeared. Come!

The turrets of these magic gold chariots can be adjusted up and down, and they have already aimed at the bronze giants below, and immediately sprayed out the anger of hatred.

"Boom boom boom—" the rumbling cannon rang, and fifteen fiery energy pillars instantly fell into the crowd of giants, tearing a dozen bronze giants and the lower giants around them into pieces, and the aftermath of the energy pillars went deep into the ground. , Blowing out deep pits one by one.

In an instant, smoke and dust billowed, covering the wilderness in front of Luoxuecheng, and the giant's offensive was slowed down for a while.

It's just that Monto didn't have the slightest happy expression on his face. Instead, he frowned and his face was solemn.

Although the magic cannon and the magic gold chariot killed many bronze giants, but facing more than 100 bronze giants, those losses were not worth mentioning at all.

"Magic gold warriors, cluster attack! Target the bronze giant!" Monto ordered again.At this time, there are tens of thousands of magic gold warriors on the city wall, and if they attack at the same time, the power is astonishing.

But at this moment, those black iron giants were still throwing slime giants non-stop. Dozens of slime giants had already appeared on the city wall, and there was finally a loophole in Snowfall City's defense network. There were more than a dozen rock giants and even a few bronze giants. The giant climbed up and a melee began.The formation of the magic gold soldiers was disrupted, and they were unable to carry out cluster attacks for a while.

At the same time, Iron Eye yelled, and threw the mud giant in his hand towards the city wall again, and then his arms mutated into two sharp long swords, he jumped, pierced into the city wall, and jumped up with his strength. Then a sword pierced through a few soldiers defending the city, stuffed it into their mouths like eating meat skewers, and chewed it. The expressionless face was like a meat grinder, which was extremely terrifying.

And behind him, those black iron giants also roared and charged forward.

Seeing this scene, Monto took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "The commanders of each defense zone are free to command, we must block them!"

Then he turned his head and glanced at the huge factories that were still smoking in the east of the city, and said in his heart: "Master, I will definitely try my best to hold them back!" Although he didn't know what Li Yunfei was doing, he knew that he must It is an extremely important thing, not to let these giants disturb their masters.

"Li, stop these black iron giants together!" Monto clenched his staff tightly and shouted to the side.

"Okay, I can't let them disturb the master!" On the battlements in the distance, Li with disheveled hair was fighting with two black iron giants, shouting loudly.

At this time, the entire city wall was already in chaos, and the only five black iron-level fighters in Snowfall City were all fighting with the black iron giants at this time, but there were more than 20 black iron giants, and they were still climbing up one after another. City Wall, the situation is rapidly deteriorating.

I can't control that much anymore, I didn't fight to the death!Monto's eyes were fixed, and he shouted: "Wings of Flame!" A pair of wings of flames appeared from behind, and he held a staff to meet Iron Eye who was on a rampant killing spree!

(End of this chapter)

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