super giant clone

Chapter 343 War Colossus

Chapter 343 War Colossus
"Humans, it's delicious." Iron Eye saw Monto rushing over, the corner of his mouth was split, and he said in an emotionless voice, and the arms that had alienated into two swords swung and fell suddenly.

"Fire giant!" Monto was still in the air, waving his staff, and a seven or eight-meter-tall flame giant appeared in front of him. His whole body was made of fire elements, and the flames were blazing. He raised his hands suddenly, blocking Iron Eye's attack.

The figure of the flame giant was originally considered extremely tall, but it looked like a baby in front of the iron eye, the black iron giant.

A trace of contempt appeared on Iron Eye's face, he raised his long sword, and was about to slash it down again, only to find that the flame giant had firmly grasped his alienated twin swords and soared into the air.

And the high temperature of the flame giant also caused damage to Iron Eye's alienated swords at this time, and even melted the blades of Iron Eye's swords.

"Damn it!" Iron Eye yelled angrily, and with a mistake of both swords, he directly cut off both arms of the flame giant. At the same time, he saw his arms suddenly waved in mid-air to form a ball of black light and shadow. Mars burst out from his body, and he was directly cut into a ball of the most primitive fire element!

"Boom..." The huge group of fire elements burned suddenly in mid-air, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Tie Yan snorted coldly, showing a haughty expression.

"Fire dragon and fire snake rope!" At this moment, there was a low shout, and Monto had come to a place less than ten meters in front of Tie Yan. With a wave of his staff, dozens of arms-thin flames appeared in the air instantly. The chain locked the iron eye firmly and nailed it to the city wall!

The reason why he released the flame giant was waiting for this moment!
This "fire dragon and fire snake rope" can be said to be one of his best fire spells. Even after he advanced to the bronze peak, he has been practicing diligently. Know how many times.

"Magic gold chariot, quickly aim and attack!" Seeing that Iron Eye's limbs and body were bound, Monto shouted immediately.

But as soon as his words fell, Tie Yan snorted again, his legs were slightly bent, and a row of sharp iron blades protruded from his back. With a leap, he instantly tore the fire dragon and fire snake ropes on his body!
"Weak, stupid." Tie Yan jumped tens of meters, said without any emotion, at the same time his arms transformed into the form of sword blades, and with the momentum of thunder, he slashed towards Monto!

He was huge in stature, but his movements were as fast as lightning. Before the Magic Gold Chariot not far away had time to turn the turret, Iron Eye had already fallen!
The huge body and lightning speed brought howling wind pressure. For a moment, Monto stood on the city wall with a staff in his hand, almost being pressed against the city wall by the strong wind pressure.

At this time, the magic power in his body is running out, as long as the iron eye falls, he will definitely die!
"Monto!" Not far away, Li He Martin and the others roared loudly, and all the magic gold soldiers were heartbroken, but it was too late.

Is he going to die like this! ?I can not be reconciled!I haven't blocked them yet, can't let them disturb the master!Moreover, I have not followed the master to conquer this world!
Monto tried his best to raise his staff, and roared loudly: "Lie Yan... Lie Yan Hell Gate!"

As soon as the words fell, a huge arch with a height of 30 meters appeared between him and Tie Yan in an instant. This arch was completely composed of pure fire elements, burning like a door to purgatory.

Black iron level spell, flame hell gate!
"Boom!" With a loud noise, Tie Yan's twin swords slashed fiercely on the gate of the flaming hell, bursting into clusters of flames, reaching a height of tens of meters.The violent impact caused spider web-like cracks to appear on the gate of Raging Flame Hell, but it was not breached.

On the other side of the Flaming Hell Gate, Monto exhausted all his magic power at the last moment and used the black iron-level spell Flaming Hell Gate. At this moment, he felt that his body had collapsed instantly, but at the same time he He felt that the surrounding magical elements were slowly gathering towards his body.

Just now, after using the flame hell gate, he finally broke through the shackles of the bronze mage and successfully advanced to the black iron mage!Although he is out of strength now, as long as he is given enough time, he can stabilize the level of the black iron mage and transform into a stronger one.

It stands to reason that this huge breakthrough in combat power should make him happy, but at this time Monto is not happy at all, instead his heart is full of despair.

With Iron Eye right in front of him, he had no time to consolidate his strength, and it was very likely that he would be eaten by Iron Eye in the next second.

"Wow... bang!" Iron Eye roared, and the two swords slashed fiercely on the fiery gate of hell, which was full of cracks, finally smashed the giant gate, and then raised the two swords expressionlessly and slashed at Monto. fall.

Master, it's a pity that I can't fight this world with you... A trace of regret flashed in Monto's heart, and he slowly closed his eyes.

It's just that the sharp blade he imagined didn't happen. There was a crisp sound of "Zheng", and a shadow enveloped him. Monto opened his eyes suddenly, and immediately saw a huge figure with a height of 30 meters standing behind him. In front of him, he held a ten-meter-long giant knife, blocking Monto's double swords.

The huge figure in front of him was gray and black all over. It looked somewhat similar to the color of the black iron giant, but it was a little gray.In his hand, on the blade of the giant knife was a sharp blade inlaid with fire magic crystals.

Is it the master?How could he expose his giant body in public!How can this be good!Monto was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately became anxious in his heart.In his opinion, his own safety is not important. If Li Yunfei exposed his giant body in public, that would be the most serious thing, it can be said to be extremely dangerous!

At this moment, a voice came from the body of the huge gray-black metal giant: "Monto, the dean ordered us to join the war, get out of here quickly."

"You are... Luke!?" The voice turned out to be Luke's voice!Monto just felt that his brain was not enough. Luke also has a giant body?

It's just that before he could figure it out, he heard heavy footsteps coming from Luoxue City. He turned his head and saw a gray-black metal giant walking out of the factory buildings in the east of the city. , all holding giant knives inlaid with fire magic crystal blades, walking towards the city wall step by step.

The chests of these metal giants are all engraved with a hexagram logo, inside is a ouroboros, and in the middle of the ouroboros, there is a hammer logo.

Why are there so many giants in Snowfall City?Moreover, what level are these giants so gray?Monto felt a chill in his heart.

"No... this is not a giant... this is... an alchemy partner!?" Monto was shocked, because he saw the faint fire magic crystals in the bodies of these newly-appeared metal giants. The red light and the light of the alchemy circuit flickered!

Could it be that the master has been developing an alchemy partner all this time?But what's up with Luke's voice?

Just when Monto couldn't figure it out, Iron Eye suddenly withdrew his arms and leaped forward, slashing fiercely on the arm of "Luke" in front of him like a master swordsman.

"Zheng——" a piercing voice came, and two deep grooves appeared on "Luke"'s arm, and then Luke's voice came from the metal giant: "Listen to my order, jump back!" Kick forward!"

"Design!" Several people replied in unison within the metal giant.

The metal giant jumped up suddenly, and then kicked his feet forward fiercely, kicking Tie Yan's chest with a "bang", kicking him staggeringly.

Immediately afterwards, the metal giant raised his hand, and an iron pipe above his right arm suddenly lit up, instantly shooting out a flame bomb with a diameter of about one meter, which exploded on Iron Eye's chest!

Iron Eye was blown to the ground, a small hole appeared in his chest, and he roared angrily: "Despicable human beings, what are you?"

"Hahaha, this is the painstaking work of my lord, the Colossus of War!" Luke replied loudly with joy in his voice.

(End of this chapter)

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