super giant clone

Chapter 344 The Demon of Mosaya

Chapter 344 The Demon of Mosaya
War Colossus?Hearing this name, Monto was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood that this must be the latest war equipment researched by his master.

Before, he had been guessing what the owner was doing in those factories in the east of the city, and he had also guessed that it should be some kind of war equipment, but he didn't expect it to be such a huge monster!

I saw steel giants with a height of 30 meters coming out of the huge factory buildings in the east of the city. The shape and size of these steel giants were exactly the same, as if they were carved out of the same mold. Monto immediately discovered that on their chests was the imprint of a six-pointed star ouroboros hammer, and on their backs were symbols.

These symbols are exactly the counting symbols promoted by the owner in the Zhanzheng Academy, called Arabic numerals.

Behind the war colossus where Luke is, is a big "1"!
After the appearance of these war giants, they strode towards the battle zone of the city wall immediately. Although the movements seemed a little stiff at the beginning, they quickly became proficient. Obviously, the soldiers operating inside were quickly adapting.

The aristocratic giants who were wreaking havoc were immediately stopped by the newly-appeared war giants, and then fought together.

Although these war colossi do not have the silver-level strength of the alchemy war partner, they have reached the black iron-level combat power, and there is no problem at all in the face of those bronze giants.And in the face of the black iron giant, it is also possible to fight inextricably.

Moreover, in the factory at this time, there are still war colossi appearing continuously, and fifty war colossi have appeared in the blink of an eye!

Fifty war colossi, each with the strength of a black iron giant, the addition of these powerful battle forces immediately turned the entire battle situation around again.

At this moment, a huge figure nearly 30 meters high strode out from the factory building. This was the last "war colossus" to appear.

It's just a little different from other war colossi. The whole body of this war colossus is covered with a pair of metal armor, which wraps it firmly inside.Behind it, there is a striking "0".

Seeing this "Colossus of War" leap forward, jump tens of meters, and stand directly on the top of the huge blast furnace in the center of Luoxue City, a voice that everyone is very familiar with: "Iron Guards and City Defense Army, Intermittent intensive attacks, blocking the low-level giants, the magic gold soldiers looking for cover on the spot, three-three attacks, blocking the bronze giants, war colossi, two-on-one, kill these damn iron bumps for me!"

This voice is exactly Li Yunfei!
It's Mr. Dean!It's Lord Marquis!
The morale of the soldiers was already low. At this time, they suddenly saw their own war statue and heard Li Yunfei's voice. It was as if they had been given a booster in an instant, sweeping away the low morale before.

After a pause, Li Yunfei said again: "After killing all the giants, all the captains and above officers of the Magic Gold Soldiers will be punished by the military law. Each person will be punished with ten sticks! How many times have I said that cluster attacks and cluster attacks must be coordinated and coordinated?" , you are going to be so mad at me that I am going to die!"

"Decree!" More than 20 fighters in Luoxue City replied in unison, with excitement in their voices.Although the officers of the Magic Gold Soldiers faced punishment, they were as happy as if they were rewarded.

What are the ten army sticks afraid of?As long as the dean is around, even a hundred sticks can be considered a tickle!

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, he jumped again, and roared loudly in midair: "Follow me..."

"...Kill the enemy!" The moment he said the last word, he had already landed in front of a bronze giant, and the Baipi knife in his hand slashed down heavily, splitting the bronze giant from it like a broken bamboo!

"Dingling, dingling..." The huge bronze components fell to the ground like raindrops, making a crisp and pleasant sound, like a piece of music.

A group of noble giants couldn't help being overwhelmed by this powerful force, and their movements were a little slow for a while, while the human warriors were full of enthusiasm. Looking at Li Yunfei's tall figure, they felt that they would swear to follow him to the death.

"Iron Eye!" Slashing the bronze giant in front of him with a knife, Li Yunfei raised the Baipi knife in his hand, pointed at the iron eye on the city wall, and shouted loudly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

When he first encountered the black iron giant attacking the city, he had seen this iron eye on the wall of Roland's giant city.At that time, Iron Eye's ruthlessness and wisdom left a deep impression on him, and he has never forgotten it. Later, he even inquired about the existence of Iron Eye, but he never expected to meet him again in Snowfall City.

"Human, you are..." Tie Yan didn't expect that the guy in front of him would recognize him. Just as he opened his mouth, he suddenly twitched his nose, looked into Li Yunfei's eyes, and suddenly shouted: "No, you are a giant! Are you a giant?" Rebellious heretic!"

Li Yunfei was stunned, Baipi Dao slashed, and shouted: "What giant, this is the alchemy equipment made by your grandfather and me, called the Colossus of War! From now on, it will be the end of the age of giants!"

The black iron giant named Iron Eye could see through his giant identity?Li Yunfei became extremely vigilant at this moment.

Originally, after he created the War Colossus, he also built a full-body iron armor for his giant clone. The purpose of this armor was not to defend, but to hide his giant clone.In this way, his giant clone can appear aboveboard in the name of the Colossus of War.

It's just that he didn't expect that the iron eye in front of him would tell the truth in one go!

"Hee hee hee, no, you're not a giant either, or should I call you the way those rusty old guys are... the giant freewalker? Or the demon of Mosaya? Hee hee hee, interesting, interesting, The devil of Mosaya has appeared!" Iron Eye made a harsh sound like scraping iron, muttering to himself while standing on the city wall.

What demons of Mosaya?He even knows the name of the giant godwalker!

"Arrogant giant, dare to disrespect adults, go to hell!" At this moment, a roar came from the No. 1 war colossus manipulated by Luke, and the sword in his hand slashed straight at Iron Eye's chest. go.

A trace of contempt appeared on Tie Yan's face, he snorted coldly, and suddenly lowered his body, showing a different flexibility from before, his arms once again alienated into two giant swords, crossed together and instantly slashed forward.

"Boom!" There was a loud sound of gold and iron intersecting, and the No. 1 war colossus was chopped off by this powerful blow, and fell straight down from the city wall tens of meters high.

At this time, a large opening of two or three meters long was torn open on the lower abdomen of the war colossus, exposing the hollow inner abdomen.It looked like a small operation room, with alchemy circuits and inlaid fire magic crystals everywhere, a pale magic gold soldier was sitting inside, manipulating the alchemy circuit array in front of him.

Li Yunfei frowned, jumped forward, stepped forward to support the back of the No. 1 War Colossus, and placed it firmly on the ground, and then the space ring in his hand flashed, and a modified magic cannon appeared in his left hand In the middle, he stepped on the shoulder of the No. 1 war colossus, and rushed towards the iron eye on the city wall.

Still in mid-air, the magic cannon in his hand was already flickering, and a fiery energy column rushed out, hitting Iron Eye directly.

No matter how weird this black iron giant is, as long as he is subdued and asked clearly!
Seeing the light of the magic cannon, Tie Yan's originally expressionless face showed a trace of nervousness at this time, and suddenly grabbed a bronze giant beside him, blocked him, and at the same time quickly backed away.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, before the bronze giant could react, it had been blasted into a pile of parts by the beam of the magic cannon, and Iron Eye also took advantage of this block to jump back a few meters, dodging Attacked by the magic cannon.

Afterwards, a puppet-like smile appeared on his face, he suddenly jumped into the wilderness in front of Luoxue City, and ran backwards towards the wilderness in a strange posture.

He escaped!

(End of this chapter)

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