super giant clone

Chapter 345 My Army Has Gundam

Chapter 345 My Army Has Gundam

"Hee hee hee, the demons of Mosaya have appeared, I want to go back and tell those rusty old guys, it's interesting, it's so interesting!" Tie Yan said while running backwards, staring at Li Yunfei with a pair of empty eyes .

Li Yunfei stood on the city wall with a solemn expression, and the bucket-thick energy column shot out from the magic cannon and shot towards Iron Eye.

It's just that this time Iron Eye had predicted the appearance of the flash in advance, and immediately dodged to the side to avoid the attack of the cannon.Wherever he went, those low-level giants all suffered disasters and were blasted into a pile of scum by Li Yunfei's magic cannon.

Seeing that Tie Yan had left the city wall a hundred meters away, Li Yunfei took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Despicable and cowardly giants, surrender, Tie Yan has already escaped!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black iron giants who were still fighting fiercely with the war colossus couldn't help but exclaimed, and turned their heads to see Iron Eye fleeing in the wilderness.

"Tieyan, how can you escape!"

"Hei Tie's dignity! You have insulted Hei Tie's dignity!"

"What should we do... ah—"

Originally Iron Eye was the leader of this attack, but seeing Iron Eye running away at this time, even these black iron giants were hard-hearted, they couldn't help being shocked, and immediately became flustered in the battle. In the blink of an eye, several black iron giants were killed The sword of the war colossus fell to the ground.

"You stupid and vulgar bastards, the demons of Mosaya have appeared, I'm going back to tell those rusty statues, this is much more important than eating the city, as for you, run if you want to, hee hee Hee hee..." Tie Yan said loudly with a smile when he was hundreds of meters away.

His words immediately drew scolding from the nobles and giants, but there was nothing they could do.More noble giants became apprehensive and panicky.

The departure of Iron Eye made all the giants start to become uneasy.

Few of these noble giants knew about the "Devil of Mosaya", but they looked at Li Yunfei nervously at this moment, as if they had seen something terrifying.

"The giants have already been defeated, kill them all!" Li Yunfei looked at Tie Yan, who had quickly turned into a small black spot, and said solemnly.Then he immediately raised his hand and fired a magic cannon, piercing through a black iron giant not far away.

The morale of the human warriors was boosted, they surrounded the noble giants and began to attack frantically.

The tens of thousands of magic gold warriors began to exert the power of cluster attacks. Hundreds or even thousands of magic gold war guns fired at a bronze giant at the same time, and eliminated these bronze giants one by one.

And those war giants relied on their numerical advantage to trap the black iron giant, and cooperated with the surrounding magic gold chariots to kill the opponent little by little.

Although some of the war colossi had malfunctioned and withdrew from the battle, most of the war colossi still perfectly completed the task of encircling the attack.

Li Yunfei held the Baipi Dao in one hand and the Magic Cannon in the other, walking around the battlefield like a ghost. Wherever he passed, the bronze giants would be knocked down with a single blow, and those black iron giants could block them even if they could parry a few times. They couldn't stop shooting openly and secretly, and the surrounding war giants rushed up and fell to the ground.

Soon, the number of noble giants above the city walls decreased sharply, and the lowly giants in the wilderness who were still attacking Snowfall City were completely thrown into chaos without the command of the noble giants.

"Leave! Get out of here!" Finally, there were less than five black iron giants left, and the surrounding war giants quickly surrounded them. Fleeing in the wilderness, roaring wildly while running, ordering those lower giants to leave as well.

At this time, there were not many noble giants left, and they immediately let out a few roars, trying to break through.

Except for two black iron giants and five bronze giants, the other noble giants couldn't get rid of the battle group at all. The remaining 20 noble giants were surrounded by war giants and magic gold chariots, and soon became a group of giants. Bunches of bronze and black iron components.

"Want to run? Where are you going!" Luke shouted excitedly from War Colossus No. 1, and then jumped into the wilderness, chasing after the fleeing noble giant.

At this time, after a period of battle like a massacre, the low-level giants in the wilderness also began to turn their heads and retreat towards the direction of the giant's territory.It's just that the original [-] giants, nearly half of them have been killed or injured at this time, and the hills formed by the corpses of the lower giants stand in the wilderness, like graves.

A war colossus jumped directly from the city wall and began to hunt down the fleeing giants. It was like a complete massacre.

"Don't chase anymore." Seeing that Luke had already chased hundreds of meters away, Li Yunfei said calmly while standing on the top of the wall with a Baipi knife.

Immediately, the War Colossus, which was beheading the giant with enthusiasm, turned around at the same time and returned to Luoxue City.

For these warriors manipulating the Colossus of War, no matter how strong their desire to go to battle is, it cannot be worth a word or even a look from the dean.

Just when Monto was a little puzzled as to why he didn't continue to pursue the victory, he saw the arms of a war colossus next to him drooping suddenly, the red light in its eyes dimmed instantly, and even its head hung down, as if it had become a steel tower. statue.

At the same time, many of the fifty war statues also lowered their heads and extinguished the light in their eyes.

The corner of Li Yunfei's mouth raised, and he ordered: "The war colossus replenishes energy, the city defense army cleans the battlefield, the orderlies rescue the wounded, and the magic team repairs the city wall!"

"Yes!" More than 20 fighters in Luoxue City responded in unison, with momentum like a rainbow.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of the mouth of Li Yunfei's giant avatar raised a smile, and said in a relieved tone: "Masters, we have won."

"Hooray! Hooray! We've won!"

"One hundred thousand giants! We beat back one hundred thousand giants!"

"There are hundreds of noble giants! We won!"

"Long live the dean!"

"Long live the Marquis!"

All of a sudden, the entire Snow Luo City was filled with mountains and tsunami. The tense nerves from the fierce battle just now relaxed instantly, and every soldier in Snow Luo City cheered heartily.

They won!

In the face of 20 giants, only [-] of them managed to keep Luoxue City, and wiped out so many noble giants and almost half of the low-level giants with minimal casualties!
This battle can definitely be recorded in the history of mankind!
That man, the man standing on the wall is really too powerful!He is our god of war!I don't know how many people had this thought in their minds, staring at Li Yunfei's back and trembling with excitement.

At the same time, fifty war colossi returned to the factory area in the east of the city in a neat line, and those war colossi that had completely exhausted their energy were carried over by their companions.

Li Yunfei also came here, and Monto and other high-level executives from Snow City followed closely.

"Kang Dang..." There was a soft sound from the head of the No. 1 War Colossus, and a small door opened on the back of its head, and Luke got out from inside.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, there was also a soft sound on the chest and limbs of the war colossus, opening small doors one after another, and a soldier came out respectively.

The same is true for other war colossi, one by one the small doors opened, and the magic gold soldiers who were operators came out.

Each war colossus requires six people to operate at the same time!

Through the small door that was concealed, everyone could vaguely see the structure inside, all of which were intertwined alchemy circles, which looked like a grove of trees.

Although they don't know how it was made, everyone understands that the appearance of this brand new war equipment is likely to rewrite the history of the war between humans and giants.

You must know that these six operators are all ordinary magic apprentices, and they can actually manipulate a war colossus to reach the black iron level of combat power!
"Luke, what the hell is this? You and the master are making this kind of war equipment during this period of time?" Monto asked eagerly from the side.

"How can I do this, the master made it himself, and even Kaa can only see it," Luke immediately said with a look of conviction, "the master finally said that this thing is called the Colossus of War, but At the beginning, I heard him vaguely say, what kind of gundam..."

At this moment, Li Yunfei lightly thumped his heart, and the giant's body quickly shrank into a human body in that set of sealed steel armor, and then instantly put the armor into the space ring and appeared on the spot.In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Li Yunfei was originally controlling a war colossus, and now he directly charged the war colossus.

In this way, naturally no one would see his giant avatar.

"My lord!" Seeing Li Yunfei's appearance, all the senior generals around were excited and stepped forward, wishing they could just bow down in front of him.

"What are you looking at! Did you get the army stick?" Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth and cursed with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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