super giant clone

Chapter 346 Overhaul

Chapter 346 Overhaul

"Not yet..." Monto and the others lowered their heads and said with shame on their faces.

A schadenfreude smile appeared on Luke's face. He had been following Li Yunfei's side to debug the war colossus just now, so the army stick could be avoided.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunfei snorted coldly and said, "Luke, are you embarrassed to laugh? As the commander of the Magic Gold Warrior Legion, how do you practice the tactics I mentioned on weekdays? Twenty army sticks!"

"Yes..." Luke said with a sad face, causing everyone around to snicker.

After everyone laughed, Li Yunfei turned serious and said: "Masters, although we defeated the giant today, this is just the first wave of the giant tide, and it is not time to relax. In the future I don’t know how many battles there are. It’s even possible that we, including me, will die in the next battle, so we must not slack off. Although our soldiers from Snow City come from all over the world, I hope that in future battles, we can fight Become a rope, gather together, everyone can entrust their lives to each other, although it is an extravagant wish, but I still hope that everyone, every soldier, will survive! Survive!"

At the end, Li Yunfei's face was solemn, his eyes were like lightning, he scanned the group of generals in front of him, and looked at everyone.

Everyone felt the blood in their hearts boiling again, as if they had been injected with a huge amount of energy. At the same time, they felt the heavy responsibility on their shoulders, and their bodies trembled for a while.

Speaking of this, Li Yunfei smiled lightly again, and continued: "I heard people say that there is a high wall at the end of the giant's territory, and no one has ever seen what is on the other side of the wall. You can kill all the giants with me, see Have a look at the world beyond the wall?"

"I swear to follow my lord (master) to the death!" All the senior generals replied in unison, feeling that the blood was about to flow from their hearts.

"Hahaha, good, good, from now on, your names will be spread all over the world with Snowfall City, and become legends praised by everyone!" Li Yunfei said firmly, as if he was just stating a fact.

Then he changed the subject and said flatly, "Let's lead the baton."

"Yes!" At this time, everyone was convinced by Li Yunfei's words, and they felt their butts itch if they were not punished. All the officers immediately lined up to go to the military court to be punished.

At this time, all the middle and bottom officers of the Magic Gold Warriors saw that their regiment commanders had come to the Military Law Office obediently, and immediately began to line up obediently.

Suddenly, an extremely strange scene occurred in the barracks in Luoxue City.The sound of "slapping" being spanked with a wooden stick continued to be heard, and the officers of the Magic Gold Soldiers lined up to be beaten honestly, and they all seemed to be sincerely convinced, and they were very unhappy when they were beaten lightly.

Many ordinary people felt a little funny at first, and then a sense of pride surged in their hearts.

This kind of scene can only happen in Luoxuecheng, under the hands of the dean!
After building the city and the first battle, there was another small episode, and the more than 20 soldiers in Luoxuecheng felt a strong sense of identification with this acropolis.In their hearts, they were no longer from other places, but from Luoxue City.

After the lecture, Li Yunfei turned his head and waved to Kayo who had been waiting for a long time, and walked into a tall factory building together.

Inside, the No. 1 War Colossus that Luke and his team drove was standing there quietly.

At this time, the war colossus has exhausted its energy and turned into a pure steel sculpture.The appearance of this war colossus is not the same as that of the black iron giant, but more like a set of giant armor, with two huge steel horns on the head, which looks majestic.

Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth, showing a hint of satisfaction.When he designed the Colossus of War, he didn't waste his brains.

Speaking of it, the most important thing is to benefit from the alchemy puppets left by Karis.At the beginning, Karius' purpose was to create a doll that could resurrect his wife, so the main goal was to design miniaturization or even miniaturization.

For the alchemy of this world, these designs are still too advanced, and after Li Yunfei was inspired, he directly did the opposite.

Combined with some knowledge of circuit control, the enlarged manufacturing of alchemy dolls was carried out.With reference to the manufacturing methods of those ancient alchemy war puppets, the prototypes of these war colossi were finally made.

Speaking of it, it is the easiest step to create a prototype that can splice the movement. The next step is to let the internal operators control the movement of the entire War Colossus through the alchemy circuit, and at the same time ensure that these operators will not be affected by the external forces of the War Colossus. Damage caused by violent collisions, in short, is to create a stabilization system.

And the link of the manipulator's mental power is also extremely important, fortunately, there is already a reference to the magic gold chariot.

In short, when he fled with Ming in the wilderness and was chased by Evans to the ancient ruins, Li Yunfei already had the prototype of the war colossus in his mind when he saw the alchemy battle partner, but when he really started designing and To create the war colossus in front of me, it has gone through countless redesigns and consumed a lot of brain power.

Fortunately, in the end, he still made the war colossus before this war.

Because of his own understanding of giants, Li Yunfei was deeply vigilant and even fearful of the appearance of giant frenzy, but with this war colossus, he was completely relieved at this time.No matter what, now Luoxue City has truly possessed the power to protect itself!

Of course, these basic war colossi still have huge disadvantages, such as excessive power consumption, short combat time, and prone to drive shaft failures.

However, these problems can be solved slowly in future battles, and it is not very imminent.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei turned his head and said to Kayo, "Kao, now we are starting to overhaul the equipment."

"Yes! Master Dean!" Kao said excitedly, he couldn't wait.As a madman who has become obsessed with research, apart from his weak mental strength, his own level of knowledge and skills are already completely a master of alchemy.

While talking, the two got into the No. 1 War Colossus in front of them together, holding two luminous gems the size of pigeon eggs as lighting, and began to overhaul.

"The third energy circuit of the left leg was redundantly burned... The edge of the drive shaft of the left knee was severely worn... The fire magic crystal in the waist was consumed too quickly, and the inner wall was melted..." The voices of Li Yunfei and Kayo came from the No. 1 war colossus came alternately.And outside the war colossus, there were dozens of Zhanzheng College students who were being trained with emphasis, holding a notebook in their hands, with eager expressions on their faces, and quickly memorizing the words of Li Yunfei and Kayo.

They all understand that the dean once said that as long as they work hard enough, one day, the powerful alchemy equipment in front of them can also come from their hands!

And this is the future of mankind!

(End of this chapter)

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