350 Assembly
"Left horizontal knife!" Luke roared, controlling the war colossus to swing a knife.

The bronze giant in front of him hurriedly dodged to the side, but the sword of the No. 1 war colossus suddenly turned, and it came back from below obliquely, instantly removing a leg of the bronze giant in front of it.

War Colossus No. 1 jumped up high, holding a knife in both hands, and stabbed down fiercely.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the bronze giant below was directly pierced through the giant's heart, and there was no sound at all.

Luke manipulated the war colossus to draw out his sword, turned around and looked at the battlefield in front of him, looking for the next enemy.

At this time, in the wilderness in front of Luoxue City, there are already mud piles and sand dunes everywhere, and there are also scattered huge stones.The black iron giants had already been besieged and killed, and the green figures of the bronze giants were completely submerged in the war giants.

Under the city wall of Luoxue City, dozens of magic gold chariots lined up, forming a square formation with tens of thousands of magic gold soldiers, continuously spraying death flames, even turning the sky red.

On the city wall, a platform crossbow and water bubbles were also constantly bombarding the incoming giant, even making it impossible for the opponent to approach within 100 meters of the city wall.

Although there are 10,000+ low-level giants in front of us, these low-level giants have completely lost their command. They were able to attack instinctively at the beginning, but later they became headless chickens.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the last bronze giant was cut into pieces by the war giant. The noble giants that appeared in the giant siege this time have been wiped out, and none of them survived!

With the death of the last bronze giant, the lesser giants in the wilderness also began to become chaotic.And although they don't have much intelligence, they only have animal instincts, but they are also afraid of death.

After almost 3 low-level giants turned into sand and gravels in the wilderness, the remaining low-level giants finally stopped charging forward, but began to retreat in all directions, turned around and ran towards the giant's territory.

These giants came and went quickly, and soon disappeared from human sight. Only sand giants and mud giants in twos and threes were still wandering, but they did not dare to approach Snowfall City at all.

"Hahaha, giant bastard, don't run away!"

"See if I don't kill you all!"

"With Master Dean here, even a giant is nothing!"

"Aside from our Luoxue City, which other city has such awe and prestige!"

"Master Dean is simply my idol in life. If I were a woman, I would definitely marry him!"

On the battle zone of the city wall, the soldiers of Luoxuecheng all smiled and celebrated the victory of the battle.

It was different from blocking the giant attack the first time, this time, Luo Xuecheng won too easily.Except for a few giants breaking through the defenses and rushing up the city wall, or the boulders thrown caused slight casualties, there was almost no damage to the entire Snowfall City.

The war giants standing in front of the city are like a long steel embankment, firmly blocking the giants within range.The magic gold warriors and the warriors on the city wall used long-range attacks and cluster attacks to the extreme.

This combination of close combat and long-distance attack gave the fighters in Snowfall City a taste of the sweetness.

They had never dreamed that one day they would talk about giants with such ease.

These terrifying giants used to be their nightmares, but now, I have become the nightmares of giants!

"Return to Snowfall City, clean up the battlefield, repair the city walls, and organize the equipment!" Li Yunfei stood on the top of the city and shouted loudly.After these few days of fighting, his giant avatar can perfectly pretend to be a war colossus after putting on armor.Even if some people see that his giant clone is not the same as the war colossus, at most they will think that this is the exclusive war colossus of the dean.He also thinks that other people's war colossus needs six people to operate, but the dean can control one war colossus by himself, and thinks this shows Li Yunfei's strength.

"Yes!" There was an orderly response from inside and outside the city wall.

Immediately, the soldiers of Snowfall City who were still in a fighting state began to quickly turn to the state of cleaning the battlefield. Teams of soldiers who had been serving as reserve teams drove their carriages into the wilderness and began to collect giant hearts.After the previous battles, they have already formed a complete collection system and are extremely proficient.

For the sand and gravel piles formed by mud giants, sand giants, and rock giants, they dug a hole directly, and then used iron hooks to hook out the giant heart inside and put it on the car.The giant hearts of those bronze giants and black iron giants were dug out by warriors and magicians who had reached the bronze level, put them in a storage bag, and gave them to Li Yunfei.

In the forging area in the east of Luoxuecheng City, in a huge factory building, Li Yunfei's giant clone stood in front of a war colossus that had just been forged, with raging fire in both hands, holding two pieces of mithril, and began to outline the alchemy circuit inside the war colossus .

The number 137 is engraved on the back of this Colossus of War, which is already the 130th Colossus of War produced during this period.

Speaking of which, the shell of the Colossus of War, that is, the thick layer of steel armor, does not require too high technical content.After learning Li Yunfei's blast furnace steelmaking method, the dwarf craftsmen of the Firehammer clan can forge these huge metal plates and some key parts of the metal parts.

It's just that after these things were built, the dwarves didn't have enough strength to assemble them because they were too huge, so Li Yunfei had to do the final assembly.

The final assembly process was a mystery to everyone but Li Yunfei.

In the eyes of many people, the reason why the dean did this may be to prevent the leakage of the manufacturing method of this powerful war equipment.Only he himself knows that this is to protect the secret of the giant clone.

The mithril melted by the high temperature turned into extremely thin threads, which flowed out from Li Yunfei's fingers and dripped inside the war equipment, forming loops one by one.

The main function of these circuits is to transmit the operator's instructions and the energy of the magic crystal to all places, so that the war colossus can be completely moved.Speaking of it, this thing is somewhat similar to the alchemy war partner in human history.

The only difference is that the activities of alchemy battle partners rely on the battle spirit as the core of control, and the battle spirit is something that can never be found, it is extremely rare.At the same time, the energy and material consumption of the alchemy battle partner is also an astronomical figure, and it was eventually abandoned by humans because the cost was too high.

And Li Yunfei's method is to directly replace the battle spirit with the pilot. Of course, this idea is also related to his experience before crossing, as well as Karius' experiment.At the same time, because of Karius' alchemy notes, after research, the war colossus he made is more flexible. Although it is much lighter, its combat effectiveness is much stronger, and its energy loss has also been reduced to an acceptable range.

Moreover, in order to balance the actions of the Colossus of War and allow ordinary Magic Gold Soldiers to drive, Li Yunfei directly set it up so that six drivers can drive at the same time after their mental power is connected.Because of the mental power communication device, driving with six people is equivalent to driving alone by the captain in the middle, while the others act as observation units and calculation units, which is more flexible.

"Hiss..." The last mithril thread was burned, and the alchemy circuit of the entire war colossus was completely completed.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunfei installed thirty fire magic crystals in the energy tank inside the war colossus, and inserted a burning soul crystal stick into the center point.

The mental power spread out, instantly activating the war colossus in front of him.

Hearing a soft "buzz", the war colossus in front of him trembled slightly, and the red light was emitted from the binoculars, indicating that it had been activated.

Next, as long as six fighters enter the driving position, they can fight.

Li Yunfei lifted up the huge breastplate on the side, and installed it on the war colossus in front of him, perfectly fitting.

Phew... Taking a long breath of relief, Li Yunfei turned his head and looked at the giant metal component conveyor belt beside him. At this time, new giant metal parts had already been sent in.


(End of this chapter)

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