super giant clone

Chapter 351 Resources

Chapter 351 Resources
After the second wave of giants was repelled, Snowfall City ushered in a longer period of peaceful days.

Grasping this rare calm, the factories in Snowfall City stepped up their work. The dwarves of the Fire Hammer clan and the alchemy apprentices forgot to sleep and eat, and kept making all kinds of war equipment.

Now, the total of [-] magic gold warriors has a magic gold battle gun, instead of being unsatisfied as before.At the same time, more magic gold chariots drove out of the factory building, and more war statues also stood on the walls of Snowfall City.

Whenever they looked up and saw those tall figures standing on the city wall, the soldiers of Snowfall City felt a sense of peace of mind.

Who would have thought that one day they would be protected by such giant war equipment!
"Boom, boom, boom, boom..." In the factory building in the East District, a war colossus that had just been assembled came out of it with a newly issued sword under the control of six magic gold soldiers.

On the back of this war colossus, there is a huge number "300" printed impressively.

This is already the [-]th war colossus!
After walking out of the workshop, several magic gold warriors immediately skillfully manipulated the war colossus to the open space beside it.

The place is already full of towering war statues, like a group of silent soldiers lined up neatly.

In the workshop, Li Yunfei walked out slowly, looking at the war colossus that had just left with a smile.

This Luoxue City is really a good place, and it is precisely because of this unique city that he has the time and space to make these things.

But then he frowned slightly, feeling a little worried.

There is no other reason, not enough materials!

During this period of time, after the completion of Snowfall City, they began to manufacture magic gold war guns, chariots, and war colossi. The manufacture of these war equipment all required a large amount of rare metals such as mithril and fire copper.

Especially Mithril, which is indispensable for every kind of war equipment.Even though Li Yunfei had accumulated a lot of Mithril for a long time, he couldn't stand this kind of consumption at all.

You know, the amount of mithril in his hand is already comparable to the accumulation of many royal cities for hundreds of years, but it is still almost used up.

At the same time, for Li Yunfei's other plan, the amount of rare metals he needs now is less than one-tenth.

"It seems that we have to find another way..." Li Yunfei said to himself.Fighting a war is completely burning money, he must get more resources as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Yunfei took out a blank piece of letter paper, casually picked up a charred wooden stick from the side, and began to write on it.After finishing writing, he glanced at it, suddenly crumpled the letter, then threw it on the ground and stepped on it a few times, picked it up again, opened it and smoothed it out, only then did he show a satisfied expression.

"Monto!" Li Yunfei shouted loudly.

"Master!" With a flash of red light, Monto waved his staff and flashed in front of him, saluting respectfully and bowing his head.At this time, Monto has completely consolidated his black iron mage's strength, which is much stronger than before. This "speed movement" is also a new spell he has mastered.

"You go to Lionheart Emperor City and hand this letter to the emperor, saying that Luoxue City is in critical condition and needs the emperor's support, especially in terms of supplies. It is said that we are casting magic cannons ourselves, and we need a lot of rare ones. Metals, especially mithril." Speaking of this, Li Yunfei raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile: "For the glory of mankind and the emperor, I have 20 warriors in Snow City, vowing to live and die with the city."

"By the way, remember to get a little dirty on your body and look a little miserable, so that people will believe you." Li Yunfei added another sentence.

"Yes, master!" Monto responded with a salute, and then showed the same smile as Li Yunfei.

"Why are you laughing, be serious!" Li Yunfei said angrily, "Also, go find the Lionheart Pope again and tell me that I need his support, rare metals and magic crystals, go."

Monto saluted again, put on his hood, and turned to leave.

Seeing the figure of Monto going away, Li Yunfei fell into deep thought again.

It stands to reason that it would be better to let those god slaves ask for help, but Li Yunfei still can't trust them now, and it's better to let the Emperor City know about the war colossus later.

But even if Monto succeeds in asking for help, according to the best situation, Lionheart Emperor City has provided a large amount of supplies, which is still far from being able to quench the near thirst for Snowfall City.The lack of war resources cannot be alleviated in the short term.

Need to think of other ways... Li Yunfei rubbed his chin and thought.

"Master God Envoy, Lord God Envoy!" At this moment, an urgent voice sounded, as if someone was shouting in his ear, and a strong young dwarf came to Li Yunfei holding a giant hammer , it is the son of old Pole, Lulong.

Lu Long looked out of breath, and said loudly: "My lord, it's not good! Huoyan Township... Huoyan Township..."

"What's wrong?" Li Yunfei frowned and asked.Could it be that the volcanic activity is ahead of schedule?In that case, the entire Huoyan Township will be in danger, and the people mining inside will also be buried in the flames.

"The magic crystals in Huoyan Township are gone..." Lu Long said anxiously, "Just now, when I went down with a hammer, no new magic crystals appeared behind that vein..."

Hearing this, Li Yunfei couldn't help squinting his eyes. In other words, the magic crystals in this mine vein in Huoyan Township have been completely mined...

During this period of time, he directly took thousands of people to go to Huoyan Township to mine magic crystals. Through the transmission system of the underground river, boats of fire magic crystals were transported non-stop, and they were stored in Li Yunfei's space ring and storage bag Pile up.

However, no matter how big the mine is, there will always be a day when it will be completely mined, not to mention that Huoyan Township itself is just a small mine.I just didn't expect it to be completely mined so soon.

It seems that the resource of magic crystals is also on the agenda... What's more, for his later plans, the current magic crystals are far from enough.

"Let's go, I'll go take a look." Thinking of this, Li Yunfei waved his hand and said.

Under the leadership of Lu Long, the two quickly entered the semi-submersible sling transport ship in the underground river, and then activated the propeller at one end, and began to go upstream toward the flame town.

At this time, this set of transportation equipment has been perfected, and in about half a day, the transport ship floated up and arrived in the flame town.

After opening the hatch and going ashore, Li Yunfei raised his eyes and saw that Huoyan Township was still as empty as before, and it was even bigger because of the mining.The only difference is that the light here is much dimmer.

The fire magic crystals originally inlaid on the inner wall have all been mined, so they can only be illuminated by magma pools and fluorescent plants.

There are not many miners in Huoyan Township, and most of them have returned to Snowfall City.

Seeing Li Yunfei's appearance, the remaining hundreds of people immediately saluted excitedly, and shouted in unison: "I have seen Mr. Dean!"

Li Yunfei waved his hand to signal everyone to be free, and then asked Lu Long, "Where is the end of the vein?"

Lu Long immediately led the way and brought Li Yunfei to a cave with a diameter of more than 20 meters.In this cave is the main trunk of the Fire Demon Crystal vein. They dug all the way down for hundreds of meters, and then they couldn't dig anything at all.

Before Lu Long could speak, Li Yunfei's figure flashed, and he had already entered it.

On the walls of this mine, there are dots of moss-like fluorescent plants, which make the inside very bright.

Li Yunfei was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the bottom of the cave hundreds of meters deep, and came to a rock wall.

On the rock wall in front of him, there was only a large pit that was deeply dug in, and there was no common magic crystal slag in it. Obviously, this place has reached the end of the mine vein.

Sure enough, the mining was over... Li Yunfei raised his hand and wiped the cave wall, then curled his lips and said.

But just when his hand touched the cave wall, his whole body was shaken suddenly, as if struck by lightning.

A faint wave of magic is coming from here!
Moreover, it is not an ordinary magic wave, but a wave similar to space!This kind of feeling seems to only be experienced in the demiplane of Azeroth!

(End of this chapter)

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